Blow this roster up | Page 3 |

Blow this roster up

Advanced stats claim we field a top 25 offense. That is downright remarkable considering we have but a single player in Hughes who can get in the lane. But I think we all agree defense is the biggest concern. Buddy and Joe on the top is certainly not good, as we all know. But I think Sidibe has given us an absolutely abysmal season in the middle of the zone, and I say that even after weighing the deficiencies on the top that affect the entirety of the defense.
Will be fun to look back at all these takes in a couple years when Joe, and Buddy are leading us on a run in the NCAA tourney. Kind of reminds me of how Triche was treated, and somewhat MCW. They were hammered on here, until they led us to the FF.
Will be fun to look back at all these takes in a couple years when Joe, and Buddy are leading us on a run in the NCAA tourney. Kind of reminds me of how Triche was treated, and somewhat MCW. They were hammered on here, until they led us to the FF.
All due respect, but these takes, especially concerning Buddy and JG’s ineptitude on defense, are more than justified, imo.
They are both young and we all want them to get better, and i for one have no doubt they will. But so far defensively, they are the worst PAIR of defenders at the top of the zone that I’ve seen in the JB era. And personally, my issue is more about them playing 40 minutes every game, come hell or high water, even though there appear to be other options available in Goodine especially. JMHO
Will be fun to look back at all these takes in a couple years when Joe, and Buddy are leading us on a run in the NCAA tourney. Kind of reminds me of how Triche was treated, and somewhat MCW. They were hammered on here, until they led us to the FF.
Yeah, but I’ve read on here that it’s in bad taste to bump old H0T Takes with wildly optimistic predictions after they don’t turn out, so I assume the opposite is true.
Will be fun to look back at all these takes in a couple years when Joe, and Buddy are leading us on a run in the NCAA tourney. Kind of reminds me of how Triche was treated, and somewhat MCW. They were hammered on here, until they led us to the FF.
Triche and MCW had so much more talent than Buddy and Joe. Its not even close.
Yeah, but I’ve read on here that it’s in bad taste to bump old H0T Takes with wildly optimistic predictions after they don’t turn out, so I assume the opposite is true.

That’s fine. I’m not one to say I told you so. Plus, I understand the concerns after yesterday, and that game is still fresh in everyone’s mind, so judgement can be clouded. You won’t see me bumping this if Joe, and Buddy end up taking us on a run in the next two seasons. I know those calling for their heads would like to be wrong, and love it, or hate it, they are going to be the guys we roll with at guard in their remaining time here. Barring something unexpected occurring along the way.
Will be fun to look back at all these takes in a couple years when Joe, and Buddy are leading us on a run in the NCAA tourney. Kind of reminds me of how Triche was treated, and somewhat MCW. They were hammered on here, until they led us to the FF.
I wasn’t on this board back then, but is that true that people trashed them in 2012-2013? MCW was widely considered one of the best guards in the country as a sophomore. He averaged like 9 assists per game and had incredible vision. ESPN talked him up on every broadcast, even when it wasn’t a Cuse game! We beat the #1 team in the country on their home floor in January (while we were a top 10 team ourselves) and went on to make the Big East championship game and the Final Four. Yes, we laid stinkers vs Gtown in the regular season, but wound up as a 4 seed going into the NCAA tourney. I have a hard time believing people were trashing MCW and Triche like that. I mean, Buddy and Joe are good offensive players but they can’t hold a candle to MCW and Triche, especially on defense, athletically, at driving the ball, and as distributors.
I wasn’t on this board back then, but is that true that people trashed them in 2012-2013? MCW was widely considered one of the best guards in the country as a sophomore. He averaged like 9 assists per game and had incredible vision. ESPN talked him up on every broadcast, even when it wasn’t a Cuse game! We beat the #1 team in the country on their home floor in January (while we were a top 10 team ourselves) and went on to make the Big East championship game and the Final Four. Yes, we laid stinkers vs Gtown in the regular season, but wound up as a 4 seed going into the NCAA tourney. I have a hard time believing people were trashing MCW and Triche like that. I mean, Buddy and Joe are good offensive players but they can’t hold a candle to MCW and Triche, especially on defense, athletically, at driving the ball, and as distributors.

With those two it was an agenda battle. So half the board trashed MCW while the other half went after Triche.
I love the OP. He had some HOF takes on the first few pages of the Kadaray thread.
My issue with both of them is their lack of hussle and intensity on defense. They act like if they put a hand up they are guarding someone. Joe shows a little toughness, but I haven’t seen any toughness out of Buddy all year. He goes out of his way to avoid any contact. It showed again yesterday when he had the layup that got blocked twice. He should be able to live at the foul line with how aggressive teams play him, but he has a disdain for any kind of contact. Loose balls have avoided him all year. Even Joe stood and watched that long rebound yesterday that was his if he made any effort to get it. As a coach, whenever I saw these kind of things the player sat down. No questions asked. JB has shown very little in holding these two accountable for their lack of effort and we aren‘t even talking about accountability for shot selection. You don’t get extra points for degree of difficulty. Joe was brain dead on his shot selections yesterday and throughout the past several games. JB can say whatever he wants, but I believe a big part of our atrocious three point shooting is based on tired legs. It’s one thing for juniors and seniors playing 40 minutes, it’s another thing for freshmen and sophomores. They just didn’t forget how to shoot.
perhaps buddy should have taken his game to princeton. he's definitely not a banger. more ivy style.

I wasn’t on this board back then, but is that true that people trashed them in 2012-2013? MCW was widely considered one of the best guards in the country as a sophomore. He averaged like 9 assists per game and had incredible vision. ESPN talked him up on every broadcast, even when it wasn’t a Cuse game! We beat the #1 team in the country on their home floor in January (while we were a top 10 team ourselves) and went on to make the Big East championship game and the Final Four. Yes, we laid stinkers vs Gtown in the regular season, but wound up as a 4 seed going into the NCAA tourney. I have a hard time believing people were trashing MCW and Triche like that. I mean, Buddy and Joe are good offensive players but they can’t hold a candle to MCW and Triche, especially on defense, athletically, at driving the ball, and as distributors.

The reaction after the Georgetown game at the end of the year wasn’t all that different from the board today. Though Triche took the brunt of it.
Trade them all for picks. Whaever we can get... even if it only fifth or six rounders.

Let's merge with Washington. Between the two of us we can come up with a decent roster.
I wasn’t on this board back then, but is that true that people trashed them in 2012-2013? MCW was widely considered one of the best guards in the country as a sophomore. He averaged like 9 assists per game and had incredible vision. ESPN talked him up on every broadcast, even when it wasn’t a Cuse game! We beat the #1 team in the country on their home floor in January (while we were a top 10 team ourselves) and went on to make the Big East championship game and the Final Four. Yes, we laid stinkers vs Gtown in the regular season, but wound up as a 4 seed going into the NCAA tourney. I have a hard time believing people were trashing MCW and Triche like that. I mean, Buddy and Joe are good offensive players but they can’t hold a candle to MCW and Triche, especially on defense, athletically, at driving the ball, and as distributors.

I don't recall much toward MCW if I'm being honest....I think there was some debate about whether he should get time as a Frosh??? I don't recall any substantial debate about him as a Sophomore. Perhaps I'm mistaken.

I think with Triche, at least that year, the issue was more about his shooting. Some people thought he was an amazing shooter, and insisted on this for four years - those same people generally fell into the crowd that had a very strong dislike of Scoop Jardine, and insisted he was an abysmal shooter that we could replace by giving more PT to Brandon Reese. :) The walk-on. I think those people wanted Triche as PG, maybe?

As a result, I think there was a lot of animosity flowing back and forth about Triche and how to define his skill set.

That argument also sometimes devolved into whether our redshirt super-shooter (by rep at the time) Trevor Cooney, should get some more minutes in case we needed some shooting at some point. I think overall, a lot of the Triche stuff was just carry-over from Scoop/Triche arguments though. It was all rather dramatic at the time.

That's my recollection.
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some of the unintended animus towards triche ( i believe) was not because he wasn't a solid player. he was. it stemmed from the fact that triche got every single start and then come crunch time he was on the bench. flip argument may be made for baye moussa keitta . never got the start. but finished when it really mattered.
From what I remember Triche was too passive which frustrated everyone. He was capable of being the best player on the floor in a top 10 Big East matchup but didn't really assert himself as much as he was capable.
From what I remember Triche was too passive which frustrated everyone. He was capable of being the best player on the floor in a top 10 Big East matchup but didn't really assert himself as much as he was capable.
I think this is true - there were games that he would take over on offense and people would wonder why it wasn't a more common occurrence. I think his problem - like this year's team actually - is that his outside shooting skill was more streaky than good.
some of the unintended animus towards triche ( i believe) was not because he wasn't a solid player. he was. it stemmed from the fact that triche got every single start and then come crunch time he was on the bench. flip argument may be made for baye moussa keitta . never got the start. but finished when it really mattered.

No he wasn't. This is another post where you are LYING. Go watch games in the past. Your posts are consistently factually wrong. Some games yes. He was not always on the bench. You sir are a liar.
some of the unintended animus towards triche ( i believe) was not because he wasn't a solid player. he was. it stemmed from the fact that triche got every single start and then come crunch time he was on the bench. flip argument may be made for baye moussa keitta . never got the start. but finished when it really mattered.
BMK started 11 games.

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