Great exposure for the program... | Page 3 |

Great exposure for the program...

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It means nothing to the kids that are here. I'm talking about the kids that we are recruiting next year?
I'm not referring to the kids that are here, I'm talking about the ones who are in our current class. The kids in the 2016 class know there's hot seat talk. So what difference does it make?
It is because there is no improvement from the coaches. Week after week it is the same mistakes over and over again. We all understood this was HCSS first time being a head coach so there are some growing pains with that. But he is not learning from his mistakes week in and week out. Just because we were "suppose" to get blown by FSU in FSU doesn't excuse the fact HCSS continues to keep making rookie head coaching mistakes.
Agree with this. Plus, everyone says our recruiting is getting better, but yet, we still rank near the bottom of the ACC in recruiting ratings. So what's the big deal about making a coaching change? Full disclosure, I'm a SS supporter, but his calls are starting to wear on me.
I think you may get your wish. With all of the openings, there seem to be more this year, it might make sense to give him one last year. Plus, we wouldn't be eating two years of his contract. The problem is that what kind of recruiting are we going to get next year with a coach with one more year on his deal?

IF Coyle is as good as we think he is, we won't be starting from ground zero. He should already have a list (even if SS stays) and discrete contact via agents to gauge whether there would be mutual interest. I'd also like to believe that, if the stuff we are hearing about the Dome renovations is close to true, these guys are thinking BIG and long-term. Saving money on a HC does not fit that MO.
Agree with this. Plus, everyone says our recruiting is getting better, but yet, we still rank near the bottom of the ACC in recruiting ratings. So what's the big deal about making a coaching change? Full disclosure, I'm a SS supporter, but his calla are starting to wear on me.
This isn't meant to be a "wearing blinders" thing I promise, but I don't put much stock into the class rankings once you get past the top 5-6 schools. I wish someone would re-rank everything at the end of a year or two. I mean come on - is our class with Dungey/Fredericks/Clark/Sheppard/Strickland honestly worse than BC's or Wake's group of true freshmen? Not a chance.
IF Coyle is as good as we think he is, we won't be starting from ground zero. He should already have a list (even if SS stays) and discrete contact via agents to gauge whether there would be mutual interest. I'd also like to believe that, if the stuff we are hearing about the Dome renovations is close to true, these guys are thinking BIG and long-term. Saving money on a HC does not fit that MO.
Man I hope so. We got invited to the ACC for basketball and football and have fought sanctions in basketball and apathy in football since we joined.
This isn't meant to be a "wearing blinders" thing I promise, but I don't put much stock into the class rankings once you get past the top 5-6 schools. I wish someone would re-rank everything at the end of a year or two. I mean come on - is our class with Dungey/Fredericks/Clark/Sheppard/Strickland honestly worse than BC's or Wake's group of true freshmen? Not a chance.
Is that who we're comparing ourselves to? The two worst teams in the ACC? ...because, yea our guys are better than theirs but that's about it. Everyone else we're equal to or wayyyyy behind. Even teams like Virginia have a 5 star running back.
Man I hope so. We got invited to the ACC for basketball and football and have fought sanctions in basketball and apathy in football since we joined.
I don't think the ACC is disappointed with us. They got a record tv viewing with Duke at Syracuse just a few years ago. We started out 25 and 0. Football, they knew what we were when they picked us up at the bar.
This isn't meant to be a "wearing blinders" thing I promise, but I don't put much stock into the class rankings once you get past the top 5-6 schools. I wish someone would re-rank everything at the end of a year or two. I mean come on - is our class with Dungey/Fredericks/Clark/Sheppard/Strickland honestly worse than BC's or Wake's group of true freshmen? Not a chance.
Ooh. So we have a better class then BC and Wake! Please
I don't think the ACC is disappointed with us. They got a record tv viewing with Duke at Syracuse just a few years ago. We started out 25 and 0. Football, they knew what we were when they picked us up at the bar.
I don't think they are either. I'm more complaining about my own misery ha.
Ooh. So we have a better class then BC and Wake! Please
That's not at all my point. The overall point is that those classes were ranked ahead of ours if I'm not mistaken. I want 4 star players but my point is let's not act like the recruiting "gurus" are the be all, end all. Good lord.
That's not at all my point. The overall point is that those classes were ranked ahead of ours if I'm not mistaken. I want 4 star players but my point is let's not act like the recruiting "gurus" are the be all, end all. Good lord.
I'll agree with you on 3 stars. They could be future pros or absolute duds and it's really a crapshoot but there's a reason we don't pass the look test, amongst many other things, against teams with handfuls of 4 and 5 stars, which is most of the ACC.
Man I hope so. We got invited to the ACC for basketball and football and have fought sanctions in basketball and apathy in football since we joined.

It seems that Syverud's laser focus is to straighten out finances and maximize revenue in an attempt to return the university to a prominent, research based institution. This would include a medical school. Football/basketball attendance, tv exposure, ACC affiliation and luxury boxes are revenue producers. The Dome will be renovated to maximize that potential. You don't invest 100s of millions into that vision and then try to save money on the HC salary. At least, I hope that is the thought process.
That's not at all my point. The overall point is that those classes were ranked ahead of ours if I'm not mistaken. I want 4 star players but my point is let's not act like the recruiting "gurus" are the be all, end all. Good lord.
No they aren't. But other schools coaches are. And we aren't beating out p-5 for all of our recruits. A few to some, okay. But not the majority.
I am baffled by the game decisions today because the time out looked like a checkers move in a game of chess. The only way it makes sense is if he was saving time knowing he was going to onside kick. We were getting the ball on the second half kickoff so why the risk of an onside kick? Just play run off 10 or 15 seconds and then kick it deep.

Going into halftime down one score should have been good enough. Very discouraging. Wonder how it is going to change.
What is frustrating, besides the nightmare sequence at the end of the first half is the blowout. No Golson, no Cook and we still gave up more than 500 yards. If USF etc can play them relatively close then we sure as hell should have too, especially considering who was out. I doubt we can get Rhule, Fuentes, Campbell etc but if we can, Coyle needs to make the change. I can only imagine how much he was cringing at what he saw from the suite. His job is two fold: keep us out of NCAA trouble and fix football. I don't think he will want to put his a** on the line with a guy he didn't hire who will likely drop 8 in a row or maybe 9
It seems that Syverud's laser focus is to straighten out finances and maximize revenue in an attempt to return the university to a prominent, research based institution. This would include a medical school. Football/basketball attendance, tv exposure, ACC affiliation and luxury boxes are revenue producers. The Dome will be renovated to maximize that potential. You don't invest 100s of millions into that vision and then try to save money on the HC salary. At least, I hope that is the thought process.
That is exactly what I am hoping.
That's not at all my point. The overall point is that those classes were ranked ahead of ours if I'm not mistaken. I want 4 star players but my point is let's not act like the recruiting "gurus" are the be all, end all. Good lord.

But we are losing to teams that we think our recruiting classes are at least comparable too. So if we really believe our classes are better than they are ranked, than the coaching staff isn't getting it done. We can say the team is young but NCstate is at least as young as us or younger. I think they start more freshman than us.
Was willing to give Shafer one more year but after today a change is necessary. The Temple, Memphis and Houston coaches will be available if not gobbled up immediately after the season concludes.

And why would any of them come to Syracuse?
That's not at all my point. The overall point is that those classes were ranked ahead of ours if I'm not mistaken. I want 4 star players but my point is let's not act like the recruiting "gurus" are the be all, end all. Good lord.
Reading your posts it appears you have a relationship with a coach on the staff. Recruiting gurus be damned our classes aren't going to overcome bad coaching.
Gerg got talent but sucked at coaching. We have beaten 1 P5 team the last 2 years thus far.

Our classes aren't great. They below average ACC classes that we are relying on being better than expected. The youth on this roster could possibly be something another staff could maximize more out of. We are never going to have the talent to overcome bad coaching against peer schools.

Chris Speilman was awesome breaking down the schematic problems with our defensive techniques. An analyst from the booth showed the kids were getting awful coaching the techniques or these kids are really bad.
Reading your posts it appears you have a relationship with a coach on the staff. Recruiting gurus be damned our classes aren't going to overcome bad coaching.
Gerg got talent but sucked at coaching. We have beaten 1 P5 team the last 2 years thus far.

Our classes aren't great. They below average ACC classes that we are relying on being better than expected. The youth on this roster could possibly be something another staff could maximize more out of. We are never going to have the talent to overcome bad coaching against peer schools.

Chris Speilman was awesome breaking down the schematic problems with our defensive techniques. An analyst from the booth showed the kids were getting awful coaching the techniques or these kids are really bad.
I have zero relationships with any coaches on the staff.
One of my best friends is friends with Sean. He doesn't have connections with the people that count in this matter.
I haven't communicated with Sean in years but he has contacts within the SU AD office. I agree he isn't in a position to have relationships with Syverud and Coyle who are clearly the decision makers.

Sean defended Mac to the death. Hell his father was one of Coach Mac's few defenders during his time as NE Patriots coach.
McDonough asking whether Shafer is good enough to take us over the hump is the question that Coyle better be asking himself. How many unforced errors from the coaching staff...that have nothing to do with execution or just a better opponent...are we going to be forced to endure?

Wake, USF, BC and Miami all played FSU tough. A mediocre Georgia Tech beat them. Yet we make them look like the 2013 team.

Coyle wants attendance to go up? Let's see attendance next year when no changes are made.
If you constantly underperformed at work but were e a nice guy who tried hard then made a bad decision, maybe you'll be ok...for a while.

Make another bad decision and people take notice.

Make another bad decision and now you're walking on thin ice.

Make bad decisions every day!... Yea, now you should be fired.

I haven't liked Shafer from the get go but I'm answering for those who are finally turning on him. Eventually enough is enough.

Meanwhile, while our Salesman A sells 20 shares a day, Salesman B, C, D and E are selling 100 shares per day with the same leads.

Not sure how many more analogies are needed but Shafer has got to go.[/QUOT
Reading your posts it appears you have a relationship with a coach on the staff. Recruiting gurus be damned our classes aren't going to overcome bad coaching.
Gerg got talent but sucked at coaching. We have beaten 1 P5 team the last 2 years thus far.

Our classes aren't great. They below average ACC classes that we are relying on being better than expected. The youth on this roster could possibly be something another staff could maximize more out of. We are never going to have the talent to overcome bad coaching against peer schools.

Chris Speilman was awesome breaking down the schematic problems with our defensive techniques. An analyst from the booth showed the kids were getting awful coaching the techniques or these kids are really bad.
Our recruiting is only getting better relative to our own past recruiting. Relative to the rest of the ACC it's getting worse. When you couple that with mind-numbingly mediocre coaching you get the on-field results we've seen the last month.
But there were questionable decisions last week, too. I guess I just don't get why losing to FSU is the deal breaker for some people.
I guess it's just a "one more nail in the coffin" thing. I was holding out hope, but his game management today was Diii. I will give him that the kids like him and play for him. I give him that he was a good DC. But he also can't hire the right assistants, either. Some...yes. He has had time
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