Gross has to pull the plug on Shafer | Page 5 |

Gross has to pull the plug on Shafer

What's the other option? New coach, loss of recruits, 2-3 year rebuilding again?

You ride out next season and see what happens.

By giving Shafer another year you are only delaying that process by a year. Get a new OFFENSIVE head coach in here ASAP and start the process now...No reason to wait another year. Nothing I have seen from Shafer tells me he will be a good head coach. He was a terrible hire.
Remember when Gross was talking about beating ND and being 4-0 going into the Louisville game? Oh I don't have a point to make (?)...but do you remember that? ;)
i have to agree. I like Shafer. He seems to work hard and seems to care about the kids and the community. But, no progress has been made from last year to this year. Further, this staffs inability to change when things arent working is mind-boggling. Im over the be patient, were gonna play our game and get better at it attitude. If Shafer wants to salvage the season or his job, he needs to make a change somewhere. QB, playcalling, offensive coordinator. when Hacketts offense wasnt working, he made a change.

I like him, but this isn't working.
Ummm...He did make a change, how's that working out so far?
Wonder if Mike Norvell would be interested in running this program...
After the ISIS press conference it was just obvious Scott Shafer was not a head coach. We scrapped 7 wins last year and I am thankful but the guy is in over his head. If you give him another year your praying for 6-6 which isn't good.
Somebody start a kickstarter to pay for the buyout I will drop a donation. I wish Scott Shafer well but this team is beyond bad. Our coaching staff is not good and the recruiting class while it was a bunch of good players is not good enough to justify keeping him onboard.

Find a coach who can improve the offense and with the IPF recruiting should improve. I would call Marshall HC Doc Holliday who can recruit in FL.
It's gonna happen sooner or later. It's always easier just to rip the bandaid off.

Band-aid? More like a tourniquet, combined with hoping and praying the second year medical student has learned enough to save the limb.
Rather than pull the plug on Shafer, which he won't, if he does anything he needs to pull the plug on Lester. I understand he needed someone to replace McDonald during the year, but I think Lester has shown he doesn't have it either.
Even at 3-9/4-8 season, Shafer is safe. It's just not the SU way to can someone after 2 years. They'll point to his success last year and say this year was not the norm.

More likely last year was not the norm. Majority of players were Marrone coached and or recruited.
Rather than pull the plug on Shafer, which he won't, if he does anything he needs to pull the plug on Lester. I understand he needed someone to replace McDonald during the year, but I think Lester has shown he doesn't have it either.
doesn't have to pull the plug on Lester just put lester back as QB and recruiting coordinator. He didn't have to replace McDonald he could have just had Lester work with him like last year
Last year's 7-6 record was a great job by the staff as a whole

Hey Chris, does Scott have your family tied up in his basement or something? Why the irrational defense of the indefensible?
Hey Chris, does Scott have your family tied up in his basement or something? Why the irrational defense of the indefensible?
not defending everything he has done but if your going to blame him for this years 3-9 or 4-8 you have to give him credit for last years 7-6
Well we got lucky playing teams that were decimated with injuries.
partially true, especially in regards to the Maryland game last year,them being decimated by injuries like us made them game much easier to win.
Hey Chris, does Scott have your family tied up in his basement or something? Why the irrational defense of the indefensible?
Im no Shafer fan. We sould move on from him however, you can't dispute facts. He won a bowl last year. This year has been HORRENDOUS.

Next year will tell...

I am not confident...
partially true, especially in regards to the Maryland game last year,them being decimated by injuries like us made them game much easier to win.

ya i know that was a set up post. just making a point that injuries are part of the game. we beat a decimated Maryland, who started a LB at qb. Wake's best wr, that Campanello kid was killing us until he broke his collarbone. We got lucky with that one. And then in the final game we knocked out the Heisman finalist Andre Williams. You can argue if those teams were healthy Shafer could have had 3 wins last year.
We have played 20 games against P5 teams and only scored 30'points 1 time.
1 game in 20 games we have scored 30 points. Our offensive coaching staff is not good and go listen to the ISIS press conference its horrible.
Chris out of the 14 ACC head coaches where you rank SS?


Beamer(old but better)


the 3rd group I put all about the same but the other 2 id put over shafer
We have played 20 games against P5 teams and only scored 30'points 1 time.
1 game in 20 games we have scored 30 points. Our offensive coaching staff is not good and go listen to the ISIS press conference its horrible.
its not just a coaching problem talent is lower level p5

Beamer(old but better)


the 3rd group I put all about the same but the other 2 id put over shafer

Good list. I'd move Addazzio into the top tier, and move Clawson ahead of Shafer.
Good list. I'd move Addazzio into the top tier, and move Clawson ahead of Shafer.
I haven't seen enough of Clawson to put him above or behind Shafer. those 2 and Chryst are even to me. Addazio is close to top tier to me

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