Orange Summer Uniform Kickoff at Turning Stone Thread... | Page 14 |

Orange Summer Uniform Kickoff at Turning Stone Thread...

Home Run on the uniforms. Totally home run overall. The helmets look amazing I think with the stripe back down the middle and the block S it's an overall great look.

I love the shade of Orange they are using. I also love the "modern" look of the uniforms. If people are still complaining about the uniforms they are stuck in the past. Again, we aren't Alabama, Penn St, USC. They are top flight elite programs with a football history SU will never have and who should probably never switch uniform looks. We aren't on that level and never will be. SU has never had a consistent uniform look ever, it changed from the Jim/Ernie days, to the Art Monk days, to the McPherson/McNabb days, and of course our look in recent years. SU needed to evolve the look and get with the times. You see schools like Oklahoma and Auburn who are national powers change their uniforms, so I have no beef with SU updating their look every 7-10 years or so.

NIKE and SU hit a home run with these. If you want to be a top football program ranked every year and such (where SU is now headed under Dino) you must look like a top football program. That's what SU looks like now. They have a modern look heading into 2020 and beyond and that's what they needed.

Tip of the cap to all involved who helped create these! Now let's go win some games!

This article is spot on. It's amazing how much your eyes get used to something after 5 years, and you convinced yourself that they old uni's "weren't that bad". Outsiders haven't had that training and aren't biased as fans, it's almost scary of how many people looked at our old jerseys and laughed their asses off. Especially when you compare them to these.
Wondering if the models for the new uniforms were a sneak preview of the captains for 2019. All are seniors except one.

Alton Robinson
Evan Adams
Chris Fredrick (not Frederick)
Moe Neal
Evan Foster

And the one non-senior,

Tommy DeVito
Want to get a 94 for my son. Hope they have them
So many things I want to say here, but I don't know if there's enough space. I'll start

#1) If you are still complaining. Just stop. You will never be happy, except if it's all orange all the time or the orange blue orange combo

#2) This is what a lot of complaining gets. Not a bad jersey, but nothing stellar. Right down the middle ...and so it WILL look like many other teams

#3) Orange goes with many colors, white, grey, black. No one team wears one color on gameday. It's okay to have various color schemes. Goodness sakes

#4) If you couldn't read the numbers on the last jerseys, get your eyeglass prescription changed

#5) These are good. I won't complain. I will only complain about those who constantly complain about this stuff

#6) All whites are sweet. There is nothing wrong with Syracuse utilizing white. See #3

#7) I think the white helmet with orange jersey and orange pants well as the all white look is VERY reminiscent of Miami, and Miami in their glory days ...and that's a good thing

#8) I had absolutely no problem with the last generation uniform combos. The only issue I had is that Nike gave those uniforms to Illinois, so we absolutely had to make a change.
I didn't think using critical thought and expressing constructive criticism is now considered complaining. I encourage everyone the freedom to express themselves. Complain away.
Mac only brought the helmet stripes from Cleveland
i know but thats overall whats reminding people of the browns.. i was with the skeptics at first and then they slowly grew on m. then i kept saying yea but the nassib eras were better, till i looked them up and i compared them and relized na these blow those out of the water. then i got to thinking yea but the shafer era lids were dope.. did the same thing and pulled up a picture and relized na these new set ups are wayyyyyy better. I think the color combinations shown are what are bumming people out. beside the 44 axe logo gone i think they absoloutley killed it just your mind is playing tricks on you because your nitpicking or there (safe) aka ughhhh TRADITIONAL AND NOT OREGON ESQUE .
Because they look like practice uniforms for a poor high school team? Sure they were great at the time but it’s a different time.

Penn State, Michigan, UCLA, USC and a host of others disagree.

Nike deserves some credit. Our men’s and women’s lacrosse and women’s basketball have nice uniforms. But they just can’t fix football and men’s basketball.
Penn State, Michigan, UCLA, USC and a host of others disagree.

Nike deserves some credit. Our men’s and women’s lacrosse and women’s basketball have nice uniforms. But they just can’t fix football and men’s basketball.
You haven't seen UCLA"s uniforms lately have you?

I like them. Definite tribute to the older style with some modern looks. LOVE the no blue helmet. LOVE the no platinum. LOVE the stripe back on the helmet. And the O-B-O combo is awesome.

This thread has become too cumbersome (and absurd) so I have been granted the authority by the site's Moderators and Administrator*** to impose some reasonable restrictions on who can post for now on:
  1. If you wear cargo shorts at any time you are not actively engaged in an outdoor recreational activity, at the beach, at work at a zoo, or leading a safari, you may not post;
  2. If you wear shoes with square toes, you may not post;
  3. If you wear golf shirts to work (made of some type of tech fabric as opposed to pique cotton, regular cotton if in good physical shape, or a blend), you may not post;
  4. If at any home games, you have selected Bon Jovi's "Livin on a Prayer" or Journey's "Don't Stop Believing," as the fourth quarter song, you may not most;
  5. If you live in Pennsylvania, you may not post;
  6. If you have completed Middle School and still wear jerseys, you may not post;
  7. If you think leaving the Big East was a mistake, you may not post; and
  8. If your handle is cuseguy, you may not post ;).
Caveat - If you are an active player, parent of an active player, a recruit (who is not considering Penn State, parent of an active recruit (who is not considering Penn State), an active coach, or someone who donates over $2k per year to the program (this does not include ticket, parking, and concession purchases, you may ignore the above and post, but you should identify the exception you fall under so that your status may appropriately weighed.

***This may not be true.
Do you think the recruits in town this weekend would have rather seen an event hosted by Matt Park or Taylor Rooks?

That's true. I hereby retract my previous post regarding Taylor/Matt Park. That was obviously a controversial one and I have seen the error of my ways. For the rest of today, everyone may refer to me as moron, idiot or whatever their favorite version of that is.
I think this guy nailed it.

As a vocal critic of the uniforms in recent years, I am very happy with the changes.

They got the orange and the blue colors right.
They banished duct type to the tool box.
The numbers are eminently readable.
They look expensive and classy.
They look like Syracuse uniforms, but with a fresh, modern feel.
As the reviewer says, they dumped all the idiot Nike crap, with the hyper ugly parallel stripes, the unreal ending numbers, etc. I too liked the battle ax instead of the block S at the center of the collar but from a branding perspective, we are clearly focusing on the block S and being consistent on that front is a good thing.


I wish the neck collar on the white jersey was orange. It is going to get lost in shadow or against darker skin tones. Agree that the collars are too oversized, but we are dealing with Nike and they have to do something to screw up everything they touch. As screwups go, this is really minor.
I wish they either put real stripes on the sleeves of the jerseys, or better yet, had no sleeves period.
I dislike the blue pants and white helmets. The blue pants are not a Syracuse thing. That is a Virginia thing. Let them have that special ugliness all for themselves. They should not be allowed to wear orange pants because they love those ugly blues so much.
I am not a fan of while helmets but if you are going with a while jersey and while pants, you need a white helmet to go with it, and go all storm trooper. I associate the storm trooper look with the deviants from that school in Pennsylvania and would prefer we not emulate them but at least our look has some orange features and isn’t all lily white. Those devils have to wear all white to try and cover their black souls. But I digress.
I know the players love the all whites and if they love wearing them, I can tolerate us wearing them. For one game a year. One the road. Period.

Really hope we never wear the blue pants.

I am okay with a game a year in all orange. Now that they have the right color orange, it will look good. Really hope we don’t wear the white helmet with them though. Too Miami-like.

Someday, I hope we get to a point where we wear a retro uniform one game a year that pays tribute to a specific classic Syracuse uniform of the past. Announce the retro uniform in the summer, with something like this. Time it so that the retro uniform goes on sale the day o the announcement (wish the new units were available today; that was the big miss of the announcement last night), and at that time, announce what game they will be worn at.

That will drive a ton of sales. The retros will become collector items. I already know what the first retro should be. The white jersey worn by the 1959 NC team. Make them replicas of what the 1959 team wore. Make them nice. People will pay $80 for them. In following years, hit units from the 1930s, the late 1960s, the Maloney years, early Coach Mac, etc.

C’mon Nike and SU, make it happen. This would be a huge success; no question in my mind.

Anyway, back to the event. Great job SUAD. It was a fun night, we had a blast and everyone left happy.

Almost 100% agree with this. I actually would prefer the orange helmet with the all white I think, but I do like that these whites have more noticeable orange in them at least. Agree about the blue pants. Do not like either of those two looks with the blue pants. They can toss those in Onondaga Lake as far as I'm concerned. Really like the all orange look except I agree without the white helmet.

My first preference would have been to go back to our classic 80s-90s look but I was realistic enough to know that probably wasn't going to happen and so tried to go into it open minded. I think they came up with a really good compromise that incorporates some modern features with the classic.

I'd prefer to do orange blue orange for all homes except one when we can do something different like the all orange. Same with the road - I'd prefer to go orange white orange except for one game with the all whites.
I think this guy nailed it.

As a vocal critic of the uniforms in recent years, I am very happy with the changes.

They got the orange and the blue colors right.
They banished duct type to the tool box.
The numbers are eminently readable.
They look expensive and classy.
They look like Syracuse uniforms, but with a fresh, modern feel.
As the reviewer says, they dumped all the idiot Nike crap, with the hyper ugly parallel stripes, the unreal ending numbers, etc. I too liked the battle ax instead of the block S at the center of the collar but from a branding perspective, we are clearly focusing on the block S and being consistent on that front is a good thing.


I wish the neck collar on the white jersey was orange. It is going to get lost in shadow or against darker skin tones. Agree that the collars are too oversized, but we are dealing with Nike and they have to do something to screw up everything they touch. As screwups go, this is really minor.
I wish they either put real stripes on the sleeves of the jerseys, or better yet, had no sleeves period.
I dislike the blue pants and white helmets. The blue pants are not a Syracuse thing. That is a Virginia thing. Let them have that special ugliness all for themselves. They should not be allowed to wear orange pants because they love those ugly blues so much.
I am not a fan of while helmets but if you are going with a while jersey and while pants, you need a white helmet to go with it, and go all storm trooper. I associate the storm trooper look with the deviants from that school in Pennsylvania and would prefer we not emulate them but at least our look has some orange features and isn’t all lily white. Those devils have to wear all white to try and cover their black souls. But I digress.
I know the players love the all whites and if they love wearing them, I can tolerate us wearing them. For one game a year. One the road. Period.

Really hope we never wear the blue pants.

I am okay with a game a year in all orange. Now that they have the right color orange, it will look good. Really hope we don’t wear the white helmet with them though. Too Miami-like.

Someday, I hope we get to a point where we wear a retro uniform one game a year that pays tribute to a specific classic Syracuse uniform of the past. Announce the retro uniform in the summer, with something like this. Time it so that the retro uniform goes on sale the day o the announcement (wish the new units were available today; that was the big miss of the announcement last night), and at that time, announce what game they will be worn at.

That will drive a ton of sales. The retros will become collector items. I already know what the first retro should be. The white jersey worn by the 1959 NC team. Make them replicas of what the 1959 team wore. Make them nice. People will pay $80 for them. In following years, hit units from the 1930s, the late 1960s, the Maloney years, early Coach Mac, etc.

C’mon Nike and SU, make it happen. This would be a huge success; no question in my mind.

Anyway, back to the event. Great job SUAD. It was a fun night, we had a blast and everyone left happy.
This is pretty spot on. Other than the word Orange, which I also don’t find necessary, I think my biggest nit pick is the contrast piping. I for one would like to see that thinner. For me it’s too thick/bulky and makes it look a little less refined and a little clumsy. I just feel our “brand” is sleek and classy, a better blend of NYC and Rust Belt. The thicker accent piping leans too rust belt for me. Just one man’s opinion.
I'd prefer to do orange blue orange for all homes except one when we can do something different like the all orange. Same with the road - I'd prefer to go orange white orange except for one game with the all whites.

That’s where I’m at exactly. Real happy about the uniforms “look”. Now we’ll see what combos they use. I hope nike wasn’t able to dictate the multiple combos.

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