Time for a change ASAP | Page 3 | Syracusefan.com

Time for a change ASAP

This really is sad. I've liked Shafer from the day he got here but this is looking unrecoverable.

I said when they were 3-1 this team was heading for a losing season and got attacked for it. Things like the "offense will be fine, book it". All the people who didn't want to hear it are turning on him hard.

The single biggest indictment is that they haven't improved as the season went on, they are actually regressing on both sides of the ball. I get they are young and small, but this has gotten worse every week.

The school has been kicking the spending can down the road. They need to decide what they want to do.

If this is going to be just a basketball school, then let people know and folks can adjust to being the Kansas of the ACC, and if that's the case no sense in dropping half a bill on a new facility then, spend it on something useful.

People have turned on him because of the decision making, not the offense. If we were sitting at 5-4 right now with this young of a team, without the decision making we've seen the past 4 games, you wouldn't be seeing the uprising you are seeing now.
Btw- you think you're frustrated now?
Wait till Coyle announces that HCSS is coming back for another year, which I FULLY expect him to do.
Today's game meant little to the "big picture", IMO- because the result was NOT unexpected. After we get our doors blown off by Clemson next week, the same posts will pop up talking about how bad HCSS is, and yet I still believe Coyle will bring him back.
That's me accepting that THAT'S the situation as it stands right now. It doesn't make me less of a fan to not come and participate in this amen chorus. It just means I'm resigned to where we are as a program right now. Call it apathy at this point.

There is no chance barring SU beating NC State and BC that Shafer is back. Attendance is already bad but will completely crater if hes back and the repeated embarrassments on National TV coupled with the Dungey injury are the nails in the coffin. He is done.
Attendance will get a bump with a new coach, but it will be temporary. After a few losses, it will be back to usual.
tep624 said:
People have turned on him because of the decision making, not the offense. If we were sitting at 5-4 right now with this young of a team, without the decision making we've seen the past 4 games, you wouldn't be seeing the uprising you are seeing now.

It's both. The offense is terrible.
Attendance will get a bump with a new coach, but it will be temporary. After a few losses, it will be back to usual.

Usual would be better then what we would get with Shafer back next year. Were talking under 20K and thats not an exaggeration.
People have turned on him because of the decision making, not the offense. If we were sitting at 5-4 right now with this young of a team, without the decision making we've seen the past 4 games, you wouldn't be seeing the uprising you are seeing now.
We aren't sitting at 5-4.
tep624 said:
I'm pretty confident that guys like Rocco aren't calling for change because the offense has tailed off some.


But they should be. ;)
I'm pretty confident that guys like Rocco aren't calling for change because the offense has tailed off some.

It's everything. Our defense is a legit laughingstock. That weak ass zone is truly horrendous. Those LVille receivers were absolutely wide open. Our defenders just sat in space waiting for the ball to be thrown right at them. For fock sake, cover someone if he's in your bubble. Does Bullough do anything to try and adjust for what the opposing offense is showing him? Nope, he just orders another thing of nachos and a Diet Coke.

The offense is highly predictable and has gotten wayyy too conservative. Lester does not change anything in-game. It is laughable.

That fake fg was hilarious. Petrino is sitting there thinking "well they're down 4 tds, I doubt they're actually kicking a fg". Sniffed out. My 3 year old called that out before it happened.

It's a shitstorm. I love Shaf and his assistants. They're all great guys, but this isn't working. The business of football is a bitch, but that's why they make the big bucks.
It's everything. Our defense is a legit laughingstock. That weak ass zone is truly horrendous. Those LVille receivers were absolutely wide open. Our defenders just sat in space waiting for the ball to be thrown right at them. For fock sake, cover someone if he's in your bubble. Does Bullough do anything to try and adjust for what the opposing offense is showing him? Nope, he just orders another thing of nachos and a Diet Coke.

The offense is highly predictable and has gotten wayyy too conservative. Lester does not change anything in-game. It is laughable.

That fake fg was hilarious. Petrino is sitting there thinking "well they're down 4 tds, I doubt they're actually kicking a fg". Sniffed out. My 3 year old called that out before it happened.

It's a shitstorm. I love Shaf and his assistants. They're all great guys, but this isn't working. The business of football is a bitch, but that's why they make the big bucks.
Exactly it's a business. You can't make a million dollars a year and be bad at your job.
Attendance will get a bump with a new coach, but it will be temporary. After a few losses, it will be back to usual.

If you hate SU FB and don't want it to be successful, why watch or post.
I see no reason Shafer continues unless Shafer extends him now. What's the point really? Let Lester show what he has, let the recruits know specifically what's up so they can decide to re open or stick around and for Coyle to hit the ground w courting a coach. I vote for Patricia but he's going to be tied up to February and I'm not sure we have The time to wait.
qdawgg said:
If you hate SU FB and don't want it to be successful, why watch or post.

I have season tickets, my friend, have been a fan for 5 decades and will be in my seat for the Clemson game.
Btw- you think you're frustrated now?
Wait till Coyle announces that HCSS is coming back for another year, which I FULLY expect him to do.
Today's game meant little to the "big picture", IMO- because the result was NOT unexpected. After we get our doors blown off by Clemson next week, the same posts will pop up talking about how bad HCSS is, and yet I still believe Coyle will bring him back.
That's me accepting that THAT'S the situation as it stands right now. It doesn't make me less of a fan to not come and participate in this amen chorus. It just means I'm resigned to where we are as a program right now. Call it apathy at this point.

If Coyle does this then he needs to be fired too.

Enough with this clown show. Almost getting our only hope for a future killed because you wanted to go for the comeback when the game has been over for a half? Get real. Coyle needs to let Shafer go tomorrow and start a thorough search.

Maybe Coyle will get the message when there is 25k in the stands for #1 Clemson with 10k of them being Clemson fans, and 15k for BC.
Btw- you think you're frustrated now?
Wait till Coyle announces that HCSS is coming back for another year, which I FULLY expect him to do.
Today's game meant little to the "big picture", IMO- because the result was NOT unexpected. After we get our doors blown off by Clemson next week, the same posts will pop up talking about how bad HCSS is, and yet I still believe Coyle will bring him back.
That's me accepting that THAT'S the situation as it stands right now. It doesn't make me less of a fan to not come and participate in this amen chorus. It just means I'm resigned to where we are as a program right now. Call it apathy at this point.

Then Coyle and the marketing staff really need to shut the about attendance.

We're at gerg levels. I think at this point we all expect to lose. I never went into games against peer teams expecting to lose under Doug. We're a joke again. Every positive thing Doug did is gone.
If Coyle does this then he needs to be fired too.

Enough with this clown show. Almost getting our only hope for a future killed because you wanted to go for the comeback when the game has been over for a half? Get real. Coyle needs to let Shafer go tomorrow and start a thorough search.

Maybe Coyle will get the message when there is 25k in the stands for #1 Clemson with 10k of them being Clemson fans, and 15k for BC.

What's with the anger?
I see no reason Shafer continues unless Shafer extends him now. What's the point really? Let Lester show what he has, let the recruits know specifically what's up so they can decide to re open or stick around and for Coyle to hit the ground w courting a coach. I vote for Patricia but he's going to be tied up to February and I'm not sure we have The time to wait.

If, and when, a change is made, absolutely 100% no coordinators are getting the job. Guys with proven HC experience only. Enough of the experimental crap.

We need a guy that can manage a game and react to the tough decisions correctly.
When we hired SS this my exact quote and I am not going to link it because I don't want to bump something from years ago. As I have been wrong as well. I believed the hire was a poor choice then and now it is obivous.

West Virginia booster Ken Kendrick gave a quote I never forgot he said "He is so overmatched it's not even funny," said Kendrick, managing partner of Major League Baseball's Arizona Diamondbacks. "He's a nice guy and a father figure. But they had a wonderful architect and they hired the painter to build the next house. I want Bill Stewart to win and I want our program to be successful. But I feel bad for our future. I'm very concerned."

I don't understand why Dr. Gross rushed the hire even if Scott Shafer was the man he decided on he should have atleast waited a week as it was a recruiting dead period and checked other candidates. Instead, he hired the short term fix, but our recruiting outside Zack Allen and Gus Edwards isn't anything special so I feel we rushed this hire. I am going to support Shafer 100% and will keep my 4 season tickets, but I am concerned.
If, and when, a change is made, absolutely 100% no coordinators are getting the job. Guys with proven HC experience only. Enough of the experimental crap.

We need a guy that can manage a game and react to the tough decisions correctly.

The current guy doesn't react to the EASY decisions correctly.
I'm amazed that anybody could be surprised by the result.

Away game.

Two TD underdog.

Key defensive players out.

Playing a physical defense.

This was entirely expected.

So the hue and cry is over the top.

As Bill Parcells has said before; this is a results driven business. I like Shafer & hoped he would succeed but he isn't.

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