1st annual Syracusefan.com Airing of Grievances | Page 17 | Syracusefan.com

1st annual Syracusefan.com Airing of Grievances

People who drive in the passing lane

People who don't use cruise control on the thruway. I don't want you to pass me after I pass you then pass you again What make up your mind. Put it on cruise control so I pass you once and never see your arse again.
We need a love button!
Whoops. I am the poster child for this and it drives my wife crazy.

In my defense I do get over when needed and dont stay in there like some morons do. I just them immediately get back over.

I also love passing cars on the right. Its a disease
......and what business are you in sir?;)
Any part of New York South of Syracuse.

Doris Burke.

690 alert

I don't like the shoddy structural properties of the Taco Bell Doritos Locos Tacos. They have to put them in cardboard sleeves so they don't fall apart between the time they make them and you take them out of the bag. No food should have a nuclear half life of less than 5 seconds. Also, that product has far too much words in a row that end in s.

I don't like the attitude towards Americans of the cocky Canadian tour guides at the Parliament buildings in Ottawa. That was a freak victory and I propose we go double or nothing.


White socks with sandals. Any color socks with sandals. Hell, sandals in general.

Scissors made for right handed people. You b@stards with your evil right handed ways.

The designated hitter. No glove? No love.

People who correct me when I call sousaphones tubas. Much respect for John Philip Sousa but sousaphone is a terrible name and I refuse to it, except to complain about it. Why wasn't it just called a sousa?
Leftie's and their persecution complex.
Might that guy in 211 be the guy I dressed down when he dressed down Scoop at every chance he got?

I'm OK with late arriver's who wait for a timeout to climb over me.

What really gets to me are those people who constantly go back and forth while the game is on and the clock is running.

The very same. I forgot about that! Well played that night
  • when there are two lanes of traffic at a stop light, and the person in the left lane does not turn on his left turn signal until the light changes.
  • anyone who gridlocks an intersection during rush hour
How about the guy in the right lane who refuses to take a right on red when the path is clear and the law allows it? It might be akin to Catholics who still won't eat meat on Friday's and who give you the evil eye when you partake.
Posters who only show up after a loss or when we lose a recruit (in football).
the fact that I'm at work today, while the University that I start working at next month, has this week and next week off :(

It might have been said already, but when I put my empty beer bottle, or glass on the edge of the bar, it means I need a new one... Fricken bartenders that toss the bottle, and walk away drive me nuts... "Hey, am I cut off? No? I'll take a few more of them then, please" This is why I drink at one bar, and one bar only. They do it right. They know what I drink, and they havent thrown me out all year.
the fact that I'm at work today, while the University that I start working at next month, has this week and next week off :(

It might have been said already, but when I put my empty beer bottle, or glass on the edge of the bar, it means I need a new one... Fricken bartenders that toss the bottle, and walk away drive me nuts... "Hey, am I cut off? No? I'll take a few more of them then, please" This is why I drink at one bar, and one bar only. They do it right. They know what I drink, and they havent thrown me out all year.
…yet :)
…yet :)

lol, true. I dropped off a nice tip yesterday, so hopefully that helps a little.

Been tossed twice, once for sleeping at the bar, and the other time I was drunk, and some woman wanted my shirt.. So we switched shirts right there at the bar. The bartender turned, saw me and this old woman, with our tops off, tipping back a shot.. We both got tossed.
edowd26 said:
When my male dog pees on my female dog while she pees. So he can mark her as his territory. This happens near daily.

Walk them separately.
Posters who quote a 200+ line post just to add a simple "I (dis)agree" or similar.

Edit the quoted text!

I don't care if it's Tom's "My Take" or RutgersAl's delirious bowl prediction, we really don't need to read the whole thing again...
I hate puke and unc . We are the best team in the acc. Can't wait to beat the hell out them, want to own Tobacco Road

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