1st annual Syracusefan.com Airing of Grievances | Page 16 | Syracusefan.com

1st annual Syracusefan.com Airing of Grievances

Being home alone on Christmas Eve(and I guess Christmas too) with at least 9 types of (mostly cheap)alcohol as well as certain other things, trying to decide which of them get to be my friends tonight...and posting on a message board while doing so. (Bleep) the expectations of holidays given to us by the media and passed on by others. Bleep everyone involved, motherbleepers.
I just took a few away from edowd to be safe..

only kidding! Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to all.

I do that on occasion too ;)

What's worse...is when you tee up an entire thread(or at least 90%, minus the folks being DBs that you dont want to attach your name to in support) and after hundreds of clicks you get a few in return. It's like the metaphorical equivalent of not even being given the courtesy of a reach-around. Yep, i'm not half-assing how i feel tonight.
Being home alone on Christmas Eve(and I guess Christmas too) with at least 9 types of (mostly cheap)alcohol as well as certain other things, trying to decide which of them get to be my friends tonight...and posting on a message board while doing so. (Bleep) the expectations of holidays given to us by the media and passed on by others. Bleep everyone involved, motherbleepers.

While I am still capable of doing so, I would like to thank the first my 3 son(of a bitche)s that liked me(well my post) and showed some empathy. It's good to know im not the only one stuck posting here right now, even though your reasons for such are likely different, I dont have to know and can always pretend.

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I got you big guy

I do that on occasion too ;)

What's worse...is when you tee up an entire thread(or at least 90%, minus the folks being DBs that you dont want to attach your name to in support) and after hundreds of clicks you get a few in return. It's like the metaphorical equivalent of not even being given the courtesy of a reach-around. Yep, i'm not half-assing how i feel tonight.
Phone operators that ask you what was your name? I always respond by saying my name is. They never get it.


Mean spirited posters.

Being stuck home alone on XMAS Eve while my honey is at Mass in the lower 48.
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A few months ago I let a lady cut in front of me at the deli counter. She proceeded to order a pound of every animal Noah rounded up.

I just realized after my fifth post on this thread, I am a pretty angry person.
Next one, standing at the deli, 5 deep in people. After 10 minutes waiting for someone in the Deli dept to wake up and wait on the first customer, they fill their first request. Then, the dreaded question, "Will there be anything else?" The customer comes to after 20 seconds, starts looking the length of the deli counter ALLLLLLLLLLLL the way to the left, then ALLLLLL the way to the right. Then they pick something. Repeat 4 times. By this time I have said F@ it, Oscar Mayer will work.
In Jersey, there's an explanation as to why they don't signal. Never let the enemy know of your intentions. We found this explanation, it is not mine. But true.

It is true of the entire metro area.

If u r stupid enough to put your turn signal on to indicate a lane change, all 650k cars in the 23 mile backup behind you will make it their life's mission NOT to ever allow you into the lane in front of them.
I got a problem with the following:
The stupid "lets go"-"SU" cheer that always starts with an awkward "pep talk" from a male cheerleader and ends with 20k people saying under their breath "that cheer sucks". Is it too much to ask them to start a "lets go orange" chant?!?!?! I mean, it's THE signature cheer of the fan base...but it's not part of the cheerleaders repertoire.

The fact that the SSS doesn't have a rasta wig handed down from drummer to drummer. It should be ceremonial, That's a tradition!

Late arrivers and early departers. Double hate if your both, or constant offenders. Triple hate if you sit in the middle of the row.

People who make more than one trip to the concession stand per half.

Now we're talking. I cringe every time they start that cheer. Who manages the cheerleading staff? I wonder if they even come to the games.
Jake said:
I got a problem with the following: The imbeciles that start the wave at the dome, especially when we have the ball. "Shooting a deuce, for the cuse" The guy who's running the out of town scoreboard. Whoever thought it was a good idea to print a t shirt after every non significant SU sports related event. Anyone who tries to convince me that moving me from a third deck seat to a coach tucked in a corner 45 feet from the court is an "upgrade". The static electricity created by those blue tiles that cover the turf. Ben Franklin would be proud. The fact that there's a photo of Dolly Parton on the dome wall, but not one of Dennis Duval. They got the wrong double Ds up there. People who walk the wrong way in the narrow dome hallways. The ever worsening parking situation around the dome. Squibb kicks. Blue uniforms. Mark Texiera's sidekick Foxsports1's production crew No BET anymore People who bake raisin cookies, that look like chocolate chips--you bastards! Throwing a five yard pass on third and nine. Met life games. The stupid "lets go"-"SU" cheer that always starts with an awkward "pep talk" from a male cheerleader and ends with 20k people saying under their breath "that cheer sucks". Is it too much to ask them to start a "lets go orange" chant?!?!?! I mean, it's THE signature cheer of the fan base...but it's not part of the cheerleaders repertoire. The fact that the SSS doesn't have a rasta wig handed down from drummer to drummer. It should be ceremonial, That's a tradition! Late arrivers and early departers. Double hate if your both, or constant offenders. Triple hate if you sit in the middle of the row. People who make more than one trip to the concession stand per half.

The male cheerleader chant is the worst cheer attempt in all of sports. I refuse to partake in it and cringe in my seat as its happening. I want to punch every person who does this. My dream is that one day noone does it and its completely silent.

The wave as well. I mean really? Put your arms down and just stop.

Mr excitement. Hes terrible.
People who call huge orders into food trucks and then hold up the line for everyone waiting outside.

People who call in orders and walk straight to the register to pick up their order. I got in line before them ... Its bad enough their call meant others had to wait. A phone order doesn't give anyone the right to cut the line. That really grinds my gears.
People who say "Uh oh!" "Oh boy..." "Look out!" "Oh no!" "Aw geez..." when watching a kid's movie, when the lone kid in the room isn't even paying attention to the movie.
Try slipping your arms out of the straps and turning the bra around backwards so the clips are in front of you.

LOL! I didn't mean me! I meant her!
People who do not use their turn signals when driving.

People who after checking out in the grocery store dont move up and stand there putting their money into their wallets/purses. Yes I hit you with my cart on purpose you stupid a$$. Move up 5 feet.

People who go to a drive through and order $25 worth of food.

The Dallas Cowboys

Telemarketers. I have caller ID. I win everytime
Agree on your points and I might add

People in the checkout line who are unprepared to pay their bill with a check or cash.

I do, however, forgive little old lady's for doing this. (She could be someone's grandma who is trying to remain independent or who has no relatives who will help her)
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People who play "coach" for 40 minutes of a basketball game while sitting directly behind you who know absolutely nothing about the sport. Yes I am talking to you guy in 211 who drove me crazy last game.

People who arrive late to a game and look at me like I'm a dick when I show my displeasure when I have to move.
F you. Get to the game on time or stay home.
Might that guy in 211 be the guy I dressed down when he dressed down Scoop at every chance he got?

I'm OK with late arriver's who wait for a timeout to climb over me.

What really gets to me are those people who constantly go back and forth while the game is on and the clock is running.

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