You got it. Nantz was more interested in protecting the shield and sportgasming over his future color commentary partner Peyton Manning than being anything.This whole Manning story epitomizes how the mainstream media controls what news is news in our country.
I can't think of any other athlete that's actually been given the benefit of doubt regarding steroids or HGH like Manning has.
The media loves him. They won't even comment on it. Nantz admitted to Mike Francesa last night they wouldn't comment on it on air because he viewed it as a non story.
How Manning has gotten the benefit of the doubt after people like Marion Jones, Barry Bonds, Lance Armstrong, Rafael Palmerio is unbelievable. The guy was 35 and had a broken NECK.
HELLO. HGH wasn't tested in the NFL till 2014. If you told me Tom Brady was using it I wouldn't be shocked. Brady has a connection with a shady guy in Alex Guerrero but they don't have the smoke that Manning has right now that everyone wants to turn a blind eye too.