I'm right there with you in the coaches offices trying to figure out their thought processes. I'm not questioning it so much as, like you say, trying to gleam what it means for the team. If Helmer and Murphy are moved to close D from SSDM, they better have a couple good additions to the SSDM group. Oladunmoye is one. Who is the other? If the close D is Mellen, Murphy and Helmer, that is an athletic, skilled and experienced group. I think Bomberry is going to be so hard to replace. He was instinctual and highly skilled at knocking down passes. He ended opposing offenses' possessions with shot blocking, interceptions, ground balls. I know I keep harping on this, but it seems like a really big deal. If Kennedy gets bumped down to close D, he might be the closest thing they have to Bomberry. Murphy's high school highlights show some of those skills, but I don't know if they've translated to college.