The 2014 and 2016 games were part of a 3 game contract Dr Gross signed with MetLife. I believe one of those games were actually supposed to be a home game for Syracuse from a contract signed circa 2000. No idea how the ACC treated those games when considering the SU-ND rotation.
The 2018 game at YS was actually a ND home game that ND opted to move to NYC as part of their Shamrock Series (I think that is what they called it).
And then, as you point out, the 2020 game wasn't scheduled until late and was done to accommodate ND, who joined the ACC for football that year so they could field a full schedule. I would hope that earned Syracuse a chit for a return game at some point. But who knows for sure?
But even if you consider both games at Met Life to be Syracuse home games, which is extremely questionable (I don't think the neutral games should count at all), it was 3 home games for each team.
And then with the second agreement, you would think there would surely be 2 home games for each team. To me, it should be 3 home games for Syracuse and 1 home for ND.
If it ends up 2 home games for each with the agreement extension, I would hope at the least that Syracuse gets one of the games scheduled to be played at ND transferred to one of the newbie ACC teams. Would not be surprised if it ends up being the 2026 game that apparently is a bone of contention right now. I hope that SUAD fights hard to keep the 2026 game at the dome, where it belongs. Fair is fair.
I doubt it happens. ND refuses to be a full member but sometimes gets treated better than full members. That is how things roll in this conference.