4 and 3 with a bye week and 5 more games | Syracusefan.com

4 and 3 with a bye week and 5 more games


Aug 27, 2011
I suffered through the FSU game followed by a lot of channel switching yesterday through the evening. I don't believe we will be able to win the three road games left. VT, Pitt, and GT will all be a hope and a prayer. That leaves BC and Wake, neither of which will be a pushover. I believe the best finish we may have is 6-6. Is this good enough to keep Dino?
I suffered through the FSU game followed by a lot of channel switching yesterday through the evening. I don't believe we will be able to win the three road games left. VT, Pitt, and GT will all be a hope and a prayer. That leaves BC and Wake, neither of which will be a pushover. I believe the best finish we may have is 6-6. Is this good enough to keep Dino?
Going for a field goal down 24-3 basically guiting
on his team.
To me he needs to win 4 of 5 and the bowl game to deserve another chance next year
I suffered through the FSU game followed by a lot of channel switching yesterday through the evening. I don't believe we will be able to win the three road games left. VT, Pitt, and GT will all be a hope and a prayer. That leaves BC and Wake, neither of which will be a pushover. I believe the best finish we may have is 6-6. Is this good enough to keep Dino?
Way too doom and gloom.

This is exactly where we thought record-wise that a good scenario would be for a successful season.

We've already proven we can win on the road against a peer program.

We played crappy against teams that are clearly better than us, and we played better against teams that weren't.

Everyone left on the schedule has had an uneven season. People are freaking out because Pitt suddenly stopped playing terrible against a Louisville team that deflated after Notre Dame, because GT won a game thanks to Miami's coach being a complete moron, and because BC put up more of a fight against FSU than we did.

Big deal.

We don't know a whole lot right now, but we're going to know a ton against VPI.

5 winnable games, let's go get our unfair share.

Also, yes, Dino proves every week that he's less the innovator and mad scientist we expected and more of a meathead, but it is what it is.
Not many blowouts in the P5, other one from Purdue, who are quite frankly terrible in the first year of a new coach and is our only “real” win this year.

I think this team finishes 6-6 goes to the dollar store hookers and blow bowl and that is honestly the worst case scenario. It would be better 5-7 and change, it’s all hypothetical, but people will pretend to enjoy the back to back bowls but in reality it’ll be like that meme with the smiling face in front of the angry face.

Or I’m just a message board poster and the team finishes the year 9-3/8-4 and we move!!
I suffered through the FSU game followed by a lot of channel switching yesterday through the evening. I don't believe we will be able to win the three road games left. VT, Pitt, and GT will all be a hope and a prayer. That leaves BC and Wake, neither of which will be a pushover. I believe the best finish we may have is 6-6. Is this good enough to keep Dino?
Depends on how we play. If we get crushed again and only win 6 i think hes gone. Most likely will depend on remaining buyout of Dino and staff
Depends on how we play. If we get crushed again and only win 6 i think hes gone. Most likely will depend on remaining buyout of Dino and staff
yep 6-6 is the gray area and will have additional factors for sure. Who knows? Just gotta let it playout

I think the patience syracuse has shown with Dino is unprecedented and will bode well if they are out looking for a new coach. I just hope they take a shot with a real up and comer. Highest ceiling possible, if the floor is really low so be it, don't get into some contract that is extremely prohibitive from moving on in a few years if need be
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Way too doom and gloom.

This is exactly where we thought record-wise that a good scenario would be for a successful season.

We've already proven we can win on the road against a peer program.

We played crappy against teams that are clearly better than us, and we played better against teams that weren't.

Everyone left on the schedule has had an uneven season. People are freaking out because Pitt suddenly stopped playing terrible against a Louisville team that deflated after Notre Dame, because GT won a game thanks to Miami's coach being a complete moron, and because BC put up more of a fight against FSU than we did.

Big deal.

We don't know a whole lot right now, but we're going to know a ton against VPI.

5 winnable games, let's go get our unfair share.

Also, yes, Dino proves every week that he's less the innovator and mad scientist we expected and more of a meathead, but it is what it is.

I can appreciate the optimistic view of we have the record we thought we would and the last 5 are winnable. I've been saying the same thing myself.

But we provided both UNC and FSU with their easiest wins of the year. We were not competitive at all in those games. We were the old Big East version of Temple and Rutgers.

It should be alarming to the most cockeyed optimist among us.

Maybe there's a reset button we can push, but I fear we just don't have the horses on offense. And that the defense can only hold up for so long.
Pitt beat Lville pretty good, so they’re definitely not a pushover, and with their track record against Pitt it doesn’t look good

The scoreboard said that but they really didn't. It was 17-14 Louisville at half. Pitt didn't take the lead until 3:39 left in the 3rd. Pitt had an 86 yard pick 6 that completely flipped the game late in the 3rd Q. Louisville was also -3 in TOs. Louisville out gained Pitt 430-288.
The scoreboard said that but they really didn't. It was 17-14 Louisville at half. Pitt didn't take the lead until 3:39 left in the 3rd. Pitt had an 86 yard pick 6 that completely flipped the game late in the 3rd Q. Louisville was also -3 in TOs. Louisville out gained Pitt 430-288.
Without Jordan, who makes their rushing attack special….

That said, Lemeiux makes them decent offensively. He can run and make routine throws. Their DBs commit pass interference every pass play and unless our WRs completely change their ways, they are never going to get open or make catches. And their DL is still good at rushing the passer. We are going to struggle to score on them. Maybe our equipment people have finally figured out what kind of shoes the Syracuse players need on the awful surface at YS and we will have an advantage there.

Don’t know why our DBs never bump or push or why our WRs stop trying when they get touched but that crap has to stop if we want to get wins in the last 5 games. We have to get a lot tougher. Dino apparently doesn’t like that kind of player and doesn’t recruit them. Maybe he can get some of the fancy boys to change by next Thursday.
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The 5 games look tougher than they did a couple weeks ago when everyone was chalking them up as walks in the park.

We’ll know after VT and BC.

After his dominant performance vs Purdue Shrader has been horrible I think the hit has something to do with it but if we don’t see a big game in Blacksburg pull the plug. Davis should start over CDRW and don’t let him play more than 4 games.
I can appreciate the optimistic view of we have the record we thought we would and the last 5 are winnable. I've been saying the same thing myself.

But we provided both UNC and FSU with their easiest wins of the year. We were not competitive at all in those games. We were the old Big East version of Temple and Rutgers.

It should be alarming to the most cockeyed optimist among us.

Maybe there's a reset button we can push, but I fear we just don't have the horses on offense. And that the defense can only hold up for so long.
All fair.

What I think is happening is a lot of folks are over indexing our struggles, while also over indexing the meaning of our upcoming opponent's accomplishments.

None of the remaining 5 teams are good.

Maybe we aren't either, and we just have 5 consecutive matchups of the movable object against the resistable force. We've definitely seen plenty of that over the years.

I think the target from here is 8 wins. We'll probably trip over ourselves once, so long as it's not VPI. 5 wins and we can lay claim to the best of the bad teams.
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I can appreciate the optimistic view of we have the record we thought we would and the last 5 are winnable. I've been saying the same thing myself.

But we provided both UNC and FSU with their easiest wins of the year. We were not competitive at all in those games. We were the old Big East version of Temple and Rutgers.

It should be alarming to the most cockeyed optimist among us.

Maybe there's a reset button we can push, but I fear we just don't have the horses on offense. And that the defense can only hold up for so long.

That's a good way of framing it up.

I was extremely encouraged by the offense demonstrated early, but especially against Purdue on the road. It was an indicator that we could move the sticks and score points, which boded well for the long run.

I expected to be 4-3. I hoped [given recent history] that we'd be able to play with Clemson, and that we'd be catching them at the right time [2-2 record, coming off a loss to FSU, perhaps them having a psychological letdown] to perhaps spring an upset. But 4-3 is where I expected to be.

Problem is, we've looked so poor offensively two games in a row that I'm not nearly as confident about our ability to put up lots of points against the back 5.

Now granted, we're not going to be facing defenses that have performed well. But I didn't foresee rock fights. If that's how we're going to play, then I'm concerned about how we'll perform.

Now, if we take the bye week, recuperate physically, and are ready to go heading into VT, then I think we'll do OK. A big difference compared to the previous two seasons is that Shrader appears to be healthy for the home stretch.

BUT if the passing game truly is in the tank...
Passing game is really the issue..

The fact we ran well vs FSU is also a mystery.

Guys were open vs Clemson, but the 2 road games with TV no idea if anyone was open at all.

Our Route tree has changed as the pass rush has gotten better.

Much of pass issues is throwing after guys get open not before and when you dont have a great arm thats harder to complete.

I wish we had an all 24 view to review.
Whatever the record is, I really am honing in on two things.

ACC record - if you go 2-6 in the ACC idc about the 6-6 bowl. Pathetic we are bottom dwellers of our peers.

Back half of season development and play - I am beyond sick of the decline of our teams in the back half of the season it’s also pathetic. I would rather us start 2-4 and finish strong at 5-1 let’s say to get to 7-5. Instead it’s the opposite and ends the seasons with a “meh” type of feel. We need to be getting better not worse regardless of record.

Simply said I’ve seen enough. The way Dino coaches his teams the first 4 years here to the last 4 years is different and I don’t like it regardless of records. Just the way we played when he got here was run and gun and we are going to give it all we got even tho we are out matched. I’m sick of this product. I know we aren’t world beaters but we have a lot of money flowing into faculties, etc. and we need to go pay up for a coach with some juice. It’s going to be hard I’m not ignorant to that and the new coach may not be our savior but I think it’s time to try. In CFB 8 years is a long leash, we have given him his fair due and we are finding our level with Dino as HC - our level is a middling team in the bottom 6 of the ACC who is going to scratch and claw to a 6th or 7th win. If that’s all we can hope for then this is your guy.
yep 6-6 is the gray area and will have additional factors for sure. Who knows? Just gotta let it playout

I think the patience syracuse has shown with Dino is unprecedented and will bode well if they are out looking for a new coach. I just hope they take a shot with a real up and comer. Highest ceiling possible, if the floor is really low so be it, don't get into some contract that is extremely prohibitive from moving on in a few years if need be

I think 6-6 gets into the "he's fired if we can get the guy we want" zone.
I drove to Jacksonville for a lacrosse thing while the game was happening, so only caught audio of the 1st half. It seems like we were in it. Have no idea of what happened in the 2nd. Sad to see the final score, a 38 point difference.

Waking up today to sobering thoughts about the remaining season.

We could get to that 7 win threshhold and call it a good season. I think 8 would be a major success at this point.

If under 7, it would be nice to move on from Dino. I mean, what is the point with retaining him?

We could also lose all of these games. Just based on my weak analysis of wins and losses and scoring differential and common opponents, it seems that anything could happen.
  • At VT
    • 3-4
    • Lost to Purdue, whom we trounced
    • Gave FSU a better fight than we did
    • 2 1 score losses, a 2 score loss and 1 3 score loss
    • This game decides the season
  • BC
    • 3-3
    • Played a soft schedule like us
    • Only lost by 2 to FSU, yikes
    • Had a closer game with Army than we did
    • RIVALRY game
    • This game decides the season
  • (neutral) Pitt
    • 2-4
    • Played UNC much better than we did
    • Beat a good Louisville team
    • This game decides the season (if not already decided by this point)
  • At GT
    • 4-3
    • Only 1 loss was by a couple scores
    • Beat Miami!!
    • This game decides the season (if not already decided by this point)
  • Wake Forest
    • 3-3
    • Soft schedule
    • Played Clemson better than we did
    • Always seems to show up against us
    • This game decides the season (if not already decided by this point)
I can appreciate the optimistic view of we have the record we thought we would and the last 5 are winnable. I've been saying the same thing myself.

But we provided both UNC and FSU with their easiest wins of the year. We were not competitive at all in those games. We were are the old Big East version of Temple and Rutgers.

It should be alarming to the most cockeyed optimist among us.

Maybe there's a reset button we can push, but I fear we just don't have the horses on offense. And that the defense can only hold up for so long.

This really rings true for me. We 100% are this. And, it's highly probable that is how our fellow conference foes view us, as well as their fan bases. I mean, how could they not? We are 18-42 since we've been in the ACC under Dino.

What truly, I'll just say amazes me, is how there are many here seemingly being fine with another losing ACC record, especially when the conference has many weak to mediocre teams at best all the while. Even if we finish the season at 7-5, that's a 3-5 conference record. Yea!

Our conference record screams who we are and, as painfully as it may be to acknowledge, we indeed are/quite similar to yesteryear's Big East equivalents Temple and Rutgers.
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This really rings true for me. We 100% are this. And, it's highly probable that is how our fellow conference foes view us, as well as their fan bases. I mean, how could they not? We are 18-42 since we've been in the ACC under Dino.

What truly, I'll just say amazes me, is how there are many here seemingly being fine with another losing ACC record, especially when the conference has many weak to mediocre teams at best all the while. Even if we finish the season at 7-5, that's a 3-5 conference record. Yea!

Our conference record screams who we are and, as painfully as it may be to acknowledge, we indeed are/quite similar to yesteryear's Big East equivalents Temple and Rutgers.
That’s it. Everything you said
Turnovers matter

if Clemson plays clean they probably are undefeated.

If Su plays clean I dont know that we dont beat Clemson

We need that advantage again soon

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