A NEW SITE request for the board. | Syracusefan.com

A NEW SITE request for the board.


Hall of Fame
Aug 27, 2011
Like many others, I came to this new address from "the forum that shall not be named", mainly because of the intelligence & insight of the participants.
As a one-time syracuse.com refugee, I always found this to be the best board, bar none.

My major pet peeve on the football forum was the often relentless attempt by some, to make Rutgers, yes Rutgers, our "rival".

Call it bias, old school, pride, stubbornness, or whatever- but the very concept of riding Rutgers jock to that extent just drives me crazy.
I don't get the "Rutgers obsession", & no, I don't think its just harmless fun...not when you see post after post, & thread after thread referencing Snooki U like they're supposed to be relevant to us.
Go to other teams boards & you'll immedately see who their true rival is. When folks came to our board, they saw...Rutgers? Really?
We don't obsess over Pitt, or UConn, or LVille, but for some reason, some have designated Rutgers as our primary adversary, & that just boggles the mind. JMHO

So, please....PUHLEEZE...I'm beggin' you...can we limit the Rutgers Obsession on this new site? Will the admins please keep a wary eye on this bizarre phenomenon?

End rant.
I think one big Rutgers corral, er thread, would solve everything.

If you want to ignore RU, don't step in it.

Hell, tack it at the bottom of the board. That's where I expect to see Rutgers' name in the standings.

Anyone making a separate RU thread, including the week of the RU game, can't post on the main board for a week. They'll have to play in the Rutgers sandbox with JerseyJerkoff and RutgersAl.
Congrats! While everyone else is thinking about Wake, you post the first Rugters thread on the new site...
Yer right. The Doctor stepped in his own SPLAT! Agree 100% with the sentiment though. Problem is, IMO SU doesn't really have a football "rival" right now.
the one thing I'll miss is that opposing fans cant come on our board for a little banter or a friendly convo.
the one thing I'll miss is that opposing fans cant come on our board for a little banter or a friendly convo.

They will find us, just like we have found boards for other teams that weren't on scout and that we used to put in the drop down menus. We've only been live for 3 days. Build it and they will come.
Congrats! While everyone else is thinking about Wake, you post the first Rugters thread on the new site...

Well played, sir. But notice I didn't include them in the thread title- so lets hope this is the 1st and LAST reference. ;)

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