A referee finally had the balls to call the leg kick... | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

A referee finally had the balls to call the leg kick...

The concept of a player trying to draw a foul with a leg kick is so outside the frame of the game that I’m surprised it’s taken so long for officials to start calling it.

It’s actually unsportsmanlike conduct.

Love the call. Would hate if any of our players tried to pull the same crap. It’s really an indication that the player has no confidence in his ability to shoot, that he would sacrifice form and balance just to draw a call.

It should have been called at least twice, maybe three times. They missed the leg kick earlier and gave Pitt three points they didn’t deserve. Made up for it with the second call. I think a Pitt player extended his leg on a corner three as well.

JB should send the league the game tape and tell officials to watch Pitt players going forward.
I can’t believe a player using such bush league tactics got this far in organized basketball.

Looks to me as though Capel targeted tough, Uber aggressive kids to try and turn that putrid program around. They play like UB except they are smaller, younger and less talented.
Reggie Miller patented the move. Bowen’s move was stepping under a jump shooter so they landed on his foot.
The concept of a player trying to draw a foul with a leg kick is so outside the frame of the game that I’m surprised it’s taken so long for officials to start calling it.

It’s actually unsportsmanlike conduct.

Love the call. Would hate if any of our players tried to pull the same crap. It’s really an indication that the player has no confidence in his ability to shoot, that he would sacrifice form and balance just to draw a call.

It should have been called at least twice, maybe three times. They missed the leg kick earlier and gave Pitt three points they didn’t deserve. Made up for it with the second call. I think a Pitt player extended his leg on a corner three as well.

JB should send the league the game tape and tell officials to watch Pitt players going forward.
McGowans face looks like hes take a few recent punches. Must be how he rolls. As a side note. Capel gets 3 players to commit sight unseen having never visited Campus. lol ok nothing going on there.
ACC: Referees Made Right Call on McGowens' Kick-Out
At least two players on the PITT team did that run the game. Also no doubt in my mind that Coach K taught it as Grayson Allen was a pro at it, or at the very least shared as a tactic by the players.. No question it is taught at PITT as Capel is a Duke alum. Dirty!
Great unbiased article from the Pittsburgh journalist
Found another leg kick. 2:35 mark of the first half. Johnson’s 3pt shot rattles out. Wilson-frame gains inside position on Marek, with Chu on the other side. The ball falls right to Wilson-frame and he immediately attempts the putback. Chu is completely straight up and not moving but the ref calls a foul. The only reason I replayed was to find out where the foul was. Well...my, my , my. Can you believe the contact was created by Frame kicking Chukwu with his left leg.. Another totally unnatural looking leg extension.

Immediately following the whistle, the entire Syracuse team is in disbelief. Marek walk the baseline with his head down, Chu does the I was straight up sign, Battle glares at the ref, Buddy hands on his head in disbelief. It’s actually quite amusing. Maybe I’m reading too much into their reactions but that’s what the scene felt like.
Here’s a screen shot of McGowan’s three that was called a foul on OB.

Such a dirty play. The leg out before he lands.
This was their second possession of the second half. On their first, McGowen shoots from the other side and flops on his landing. The ref on that side didn’t fall for it. And this kid still had the gaul to complain!

4:25 of this video Wilson-Frame attempts to do the same thing. As he shoots the three he both falls back and kicks his right leg out, attempting to draw contact with Hughes as he goes by, but he cannot get the leg out in time. In real time I thought we were lucky to avoid a 4 point play. Turns out Hughes didn't even touch the guy. Multiple guys doing this tells you that the Pitt coaching staff encourages it. What a slimy organization.
Wonder what Tim O’Toole now an ass’t at Pitt thinks of these tactics?

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