It's amazing that Maryland can just now get around to seeking Federal court.
I think if the courts agree that UMD is part of the Maryland State government then the courts would have to rule that UMD has contracted on behalf of the State government and thereby created a valid contract with other States (NC, SC, VA, PA, FL , GA, KY) with the ACC merely being the forum for the contract between the States.
Additionally, I am not sure the B1G, or any other conference, wants UMD to win this point. If so, every exit fee and GOR is non-binding and a waste of time, at least on the State Universities. I am surprised the B1G has allowed this go drag on this long. Another point for the B1G to weigh is that if this goes to Federal Court, the discovery will probably be much broader as now the States may be included to determine any political gamesmanship by politicians and/or bureaucrats. There has to be a trail, but the BoT's and Big Donor lists are highly likely intertwined with the State government.
Gotta love stupidity. Just pay up, Maryland.