Adelson back at it again |

Adelson back at it again

Yeah that was a pretty piss poor way to respond. You've got to assume that in any given week, numerous fans are unhappy with something that she writes and she "hears" about it. So to go and respond about the SU fans e-mailing her seems kind of silly for someone in that type of business.
I didn't see anything wrong with what she wrote - it's 1 writers opinion and SU hasn't exactly destroyed opponents.
I didn't see anything wrong with what she wrote - it's 1 writers opinion and SU hasn't exactly destroyed opponents.
I just think you have the hots for AA. :)
I don't mind her putting us where she did, her logic is not too far off on 2 overtime wins and a close game with RI. However, we've played 4 decent - solid opponents and are 3 - 1. Saying that we're not a great team right now because we've won close games seems like she lacks an understanding for the game. Good teams win close games. If you play 2 OT games in your first 4 games and win them both, your a decent team.
SU has not given anyone reason to think any differently about them than before the season started. And the Big East is wide open right now. It's just nice that they've shown the ability to win close games which is a credit to the team.
my contention is this:
Ville looked ugly in its games, losing to FIU
UConn has looked lost and is playing ugly against a weaker schedule
Rutgers D and Sanu is the only thing keeping it from being 1-2 v 2-1
Has Cincy played anyone? NC State is not good
Pitt has issues closing out games

She fails to point out the issues that other BE teams are having this season, but gladly will point out any SU flaws and then calls out Cuse fans for taking her to task. She clearly got rattled by the negative attention thrown her way by Cuse fans, and responded like a child would.
Holgy's skullet is so awesome he should from this day forth be known as Skullet (no "The" needed).
in the BE mailbag -- Cuse fans clearly got under her skin, and responded poorly.

She's backtracking on what she originally wrote following the Toledo game, but whatever, the only time I read anything by her is when someone posts it here. She's from Florida and went to the University of Florida...what exactly does she know about the Big East anyway?
I didn't really mind her at first, but she really seems to nitpick everything Syracuse, and is incredibly reluctant to give us any credit, other than the occasional Nassib praise.

At least Bennett was pretty fair and even across the board, and he was even a Louisville guy so he had a built in excuse to be a bit biased.
Holgy's skullet is so awesome he should from this day forth be known as Skullet (no "The" needed).

I could see Jackie Earl Haley playing him in a made for TV movie.

Big Dana Holgorsen!
She took heat for stating multiple times that Syracuse should have lost the game. She treated it as an absolute. She is completely wrong and obviously Syracuse fans pointed it out to her. If she simply said that Toledo should have taken the lead, instead of won the game I think there would have been less heat.
Besides, who cares where she has Syracuse ranked in her power poll or whatever she calls it.
The PAT miss wouldn't have put Toledo in the lead. That's the entire point.
I didn't see anything wrong with what she wrote - it's 1 writers opinion and SU hasn't exactly destroyed opponents.

Agree. I don't see anything wrong with her response either. That said, if I never read another word she writes, I am no worse off.
It was her insistence that SU should have lost that is what ruffled the fans' feathers. And rather than addressing that, she lightened her tone in this latest article to make it appear that wasn't her position.
It was her insistence that SU should have lost that is what ruffled the fans' feathers. And rather than addressing that, she lightened her tone in this latest article to make it appear that wasn't her position.

That's called dishonesty...

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