Analogies for this win |

Analogies for this win


Pee-Trough Advocate
Aug 17, 2011
What do you guys have? I say it was like bringing home the 3 from the bar as you sport thick beer goggles. Deep down the end result is positive, but you'll not be bragging about it to your friends and you'll likely try to forget about it the next day.
Maybe a speed skater that falls and slides the last 100 feet to the finish line on his butt and still wins.

that's good except that we trailed right up to the finish. feels more like picking up bagels with some blue mold and eating them anyways.
It's like when you believe in your heart of hearts that the moon is made of cheese, but when you look at cheese you don't think it's the same stuff that makes up the moon.
Good game guys.
its like if your kid accidentally smashed a vase on the mantle...and it goes crashing to the ground, in a thousand pieces...but deep within the vase, previously hidden from that upside down airplane stamp worth millions.

you want to be mad, but you cant.
When I first saw the thread title, I misread it as "Apologies for this win".

After much of what I've read, that would seem rather fitting to some.
Its like you and your two brothers going out to the desert in your jeep to a atomic bomb testing ground, and drinking all your water, realizing your vehicles starter went out again for the 8th time this week and you had 7 days to fix it. So you all decide to walk hoping to make it before the atomic bomb meltsdown. Then you get attacked by a pack of four exotic snakes who also happen to shoot acid venum with precision roughly 9 out of 18 times from 30-35 feet out, lucky they don't cripple you even though they force you to guess the wrong direction to walk back into town. So the three of you get a idea of brillance and climb the tallest Roc foundation you can find which is alot of roc's in one even though they are also surrounded with 2-3 swarms of flies, each rak is heading in the right direction as they contain a 1000 bill, and a sign working emergency phone 10 rak's up. So what do you do? You climb down. And 5 helicopters one every 45 seconds that would have saw you and rescued you over that 3 minute span fly by.

Only then you are spotted by five national guard hitchhikers riding a zebra who just happened to notice you running full speed agressively across the desert. But their zebra can only carry 5 not 7 of you. So they attempt to phone for help with their cell realizing their phone has no service, and you will have to walk it, good news is their phone can play the final countdown within a 8 feet radius. So they put a whistle in the zebras mouth and he was trained to blow it and entertains you while you all sing the final countdown while walking home, hoping to make it to safety before the meltdown. Their zebra also knows the right way to town, so you think its in your best interest to depend on its knowledge. But then you stop and decides to play hot potato with one of the national guard guys grenade, you rolls around on the floor with it pin out nearly turning it over, and throw it 10 feet away from your brother on accident as it goes off, luckily nobody was hurt and you still have a chance to escape this mess.

But then you are all spotted by a national guard helicopoter who happened to spot a flash off the visor you broke off your car door and put in your pocket in order to check your hair, you grab onto the ladder he dropped as he fly's by. In the end you get a emotional interview and nobody can tell if its sweat or tears going down your cheek because you have a huge smile, and your 2 brothers get grounded by dad.
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Its like going out to the desert in your jeep, drinking all your water, realizing your vehicles starter went out, nearly getting bit by rattlesnake, then picking the wrong direction to walk back into town only to be picked up by two hitchhikers, who miracly find the two 1/2 inch scorpions on your back, , but then their vehicle also breaks down and they need to phone for help realizing their phone has no service, alteast they can point the right way to town, but to bad his brother has fallen and twisted his ankle and just in time to be spotted by a national guard helicopoter who happened to spot a flash off the visor you broke off your car door and put in your pocket in order to attempt to start a fire.

BAH!! You must have edited this right before I replied. It said the mirror was for no apparent reason. Either way, I still want to suggest the plan was to at least make sure you looked semi presentable coming into town, otherwise you may be shunned for awhile. ;)
I think it's like walking into a bar filled with gorgeous women and you clumsily try to engage a few of them with zero luck.

Then a really big guy walks up to you and accuses you of messing with his girl and proceeds to rearrange your face.

While you're lying on the floor counting your teeth a sympathetic beauty takes pity on you, helps you up and buys you a drink. Then she suggests that you follow her to her apartment where she'll do her best to salvage your evening. And she does.
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I think it's like walking into a bar filled with gorgeous women and you clumsily try to engage a few of them with zero luck.

Then a really big guy walks up to you and accuses you of messing with his girl and proceeds to rearrange your face.

While you're lying on the floor counting your teeth a sympathetic beauty takes pity on you, helps you up and buys you a drink. Then she suggests that you follow her to her apartment where she'll do her best to salvage your evening. And she does.

I actually had a somewhat similar experience in college at a halloween mixer. Who knows what might not have happened if I didnt let a guy airplane spin me, thinking it was for fun before he "accidentally dropped"(?) me face first as he claimed, breaking my nose, and giving me 2nd degree burns from the carpet. When I decided to go to the hospital the next day, the foreign doctor said there were marks from where I was chocked on my kneck. Myself and someone else felt a bit awkward telling him they were hickies.

At the party when they saw me lying there and turned off the music, I kept my eyes closed. Someone eventually said "See if he is breathing", after which I immediately held my breath with all my might. After the exclamation, "He's not breathing!", one girl burst into tears. Possibly the one I ended up with in the bathroom as the number of people tending my wounds decreased one by one, until it was one on one(literally).

Sometimes the road less traveled can be long and painful, but at least in that one shining moment, seem well worth it. With the copious(heroic?) amounts of alcohol consumed, I had avoided pain that even prescription stuff wouldnt have helped keep me cheerful and comical(on my own inside) the whole way through. Not having looked in the mirror, I wanted to go to "The Post"(a bar) afterward. Thank you, bevosu, for helping me reminisce for a moment!
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I think it's like walking into a bar filled with gorgeous women and you clumsily try to engage a few of them with zero luck.

Then a really big guy walks up to you and accuses you of messing with his girl and proceeds to rearrange your face.

While you're lying on the floor counting your teeth a sympathetic beauty takes pity on you, helps you up and buys you a drink. Then she suggests that you follow her to her apartment where she'll do her best to salvage your evening. And she does.
Is that the one that requires the painful q-tip test?

If memory serves its the one where you have to take the funky looking blue pill for 3 weeks that doesn't make you high and the doctor gives you that serious lifestyle choices speech that translates into (If you are going to screw crack ho's please wear a condom.)

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