Anyone else have a Crazy cat |

Anyone else have a Crazy cat


Dion Waiters
Aug 15, 2011
My cats 17 years old and in the last year has been meowing as loud as she can at all times of night and day for no reason like almost everyday. I dont know what to think. The cat always has food and water , is in great health and is treated better than some people so i dont know whats up.
My cats 17 years old and in the last year has been meowing as loud as she can at all times of night and day for no reason like almost everyday. I dont know what to think. The cat always has food and water , is in great health and is treated better than some people so i dont know whats up.
constipation. Seriously. Take her to the vet.
Maybe the cat is losing it's hearing. I had an all white male cat who was deaf as a post and would meow very loudly all the time.
Maybe the cat is losing it's hearing. I had an all white male cat who was deaf as a post and would meow very loudly all the time.
I agree. I had a cat that started doing the same thing at that age. She had gone deaf.
has it been outside lately? could be a simple as craving to go out..
Yup. They meow because they are scared. But I would take her to the vet to make sure of the diagnosis because it might be something else. I had two cats who became deaf but they did it together (sibs) and I think that helped them. It's hard not to be able to talk to your kitty! Good luck.
My cats 17 years old and in the last year has been meowing as loud as she can at all times of night and day for no reason like almost everyday. I dont know what to think. The cat always has food and water , is in great health and is treated better than some people so i dont know whats up.

Cat talk for "17 years with this mope, oh lord please make it end."
It's GoSU's source and it is calling you an a$$hole for being a dick to a respected poster.

Seriously, probably deafness.
As someone else said, very likely deafness. I do a lot of meowing myself these days.
I had a cat that lived to be 21. She would do the same thing her last few years and at times it would even sound like she was talking or trying to. Very bizarre, but at least my father heard it as well so I didn't have to question my sanity afterwards. We looked at each other like "did that seriously just happen?"

Deaf may have been the her issue as well, or potentially losing her vision.
As someone mentioned up thread, it could also be a sign of senility.
Get some blood tests done - my cat had cancer (not to be a downer) and was meowing all the time for no reason.
I recommend you give your cat this hearing test to see if she is deaf as some have speculated. If it's constipation and not deafness as Capt. Tuttle suggested, well it should cure that too.

I recommend you give your cat this hearing test to see if she is deaf as some have speculated. If it's constipation and not deafness as Capt. Tuttle suggested, well it should cure that too.

I think I just peed my pants... My stomach hurts from doubled over laughing the last 10 min!
I lot of good suggestions in this thread, but I'll throw in one more...a long shot.

There's a possibility your cat may be channeling mantonio.
As someone else said, very likely deafness. I do a lot of meowing myself these days.

Just how does the vet check a cat's hearing? Do they put headphones on the cat, play a meow noise in one ear, and tell the cat to raise it's paw on the side that it hears the meow noise? Are there cat audiologists? Seriously, these are questions that keep me awake at night.
Just how does the vet check a cat's hearing? Do they put headphones on the cat, play a meow noise in one ear, and tell the cat to raise it's paw on the side that it hears the meow noise? Are there cat audiologists? Seriously, these are questions that keep me awake at night.

your cat needs to have his thyroid checked, cats trend to start meowing a lot when they have hyperthyroidism. It is common in older cats, if left untreated it will cause other problems which can be fatal.

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