Are you freakin kidding me? | Page 3 |

Are you freakin kidding me?

Turgeon also said even though they lost he felt Maryland is the better team. Guy must have missed the first 35 minutes

Let him think they are the better team......they need their moral victories. God knows they won't have a lot of victories moral or otherwise going forward.
Cowtown said:
There's a lot of grey in that. You're not obliged to T him just because he's out of the box and talking at you, but the rule says you're justified if you choose to (which you would if he's being abusive). If he's out but not being abusive, you walk him back to the box during a dead ball. Like a lot of situations, you have to use your knowledge of the rule and your best judgment. And the common practice is you give him a warning first unless it's really abusive.

So once again it's a judgement call left up for interpretation. Why have a rule book? The time I mentioned when he was complaining was a lot more than talking to a ref. he was screaming and grabbing his arm indicating his guy had been fouled. I think much like the NCAA compliance handbook, the referees rule book should be burned and started over. They don't use it anyways.
Yeah, if you're yelling at the ref, you have to be in the box. If you're administering to your team, or checking with the table for, say, fouls, etc. you can be outside it. But the photo of Turgeon and the vid clip of Calipari indicate to me it's getting out of hand. There's no excuse for either to have taken it that far beyond what's reasonable. Makes me wonder if there is a "point of emphasis" directing officials not to T that kind of thing.

What is the rule on when you're trying to help your team put a full court press on the opponent?
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So once again it's a judgement call left up for interpretation. Why have a rule book? The time I mentioned when he was complaining was a lot more than talking to a ref. he was screaming and grabbing his arm indicating his guy had been fouled. I think much like the NCAA compliance handbook, the referees rule book should be burned and started over. They don't use it anyways.

A few things. First, it's not the referee's rulebook, it's the NCAA's. It's written by them, and they also write the casebook & interpretation manuals. You do it their way or you go do HS and NAIA.

Secondly, the rule book is a guide, not an encyclopedia. And just like the Constitution, it's not absolute and is written broadly for the express purpose of remaining valid over time and applying to as many situations as possible.
PeteCalvin said:

Because refs pick and chose what they call and when.

That's easy, they most likely just missed it. No one's watching the coach there, they're all watching their primary zones, especially in a tight game, for no one expects something so ridiculous.
That's easy, they most likely just missed it. No one's watching the coach there, they're all watching their primary zones, especially in a tight game, for no one expects something so ridiculous.

I don't see how they could have missed that, he's closer to the action on the court than 5 out of the 10 players that are legitimately on the court at that time.
Well, I ref in FIBA, and the rule on technical fouls is pretty much the same, IIRC. It's very broadly written for the purpose of wide application, and it states ...

Art. 38 Technical foul
38.1 Rules of conduct
38.1.1 The proper conduct of the game demands the full and loyal cooperation of the players and team bench personnel with the officials, table officials and commissionner, if present.
38.1.2 Each team shall do its best to secure victory, but this must be done in the spirit of sportsmanship and fair play.
38.1.3 Any deliberate or repeated non-cooperation or non-compliance with the spirit and intent of this rule shall be considered as a technical foul.

There's more, but that's the essence of it.

edit: Firing the ball at the coach is not within the "spirit of sportsmanship."

And the coach being ten feet out on the floor is in the essence of sportsmanship? Really give me a break that is really unsportsmanlike and is never called as a technical. One big reason officials are such a joke is their selective application of vague rules.
I don't see how they could have missed that, he's closer to the action on the court than 5 out of the 10 players that are legitimately on the court at that time.

It happens. Earlier this year in a Los Angeles Kings game, a deflected shot went over the glass behind the goal, bounced back off the netting (read: out of play), came down and hit Mike Quick in the back and went to the net. They counted the goal, and there are four of them out there. How did four officials miss that?
And the coach being ten feet out on the floor is in the essence of sportsmanship? Really give me a break that is really unsportsmanlike and is never called as a technical. One big reason officials are such a joke is their selective application of vague rules.

Thank you. Now go read the rest of the thread.
Thank you. Now go read the rest of the thread.
I read it all and your reasoning is crap.

I submit that if coach A is staying off the court and not interfering with the game, and officials allow coach B to go out onto the court, then they are themselves being unsportsmanlike by allowing this unsportsmanlike behavior and giving an advantage to coach B over coach A. I would like a rule that warned a coach once, and if he continues he should be ejected. I believe this would quickly stop such behavior.
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And you know what, if the refs are paying attention to the other coach while one of our guys gets hacked then you'll be complaining they didn't see the hack. I really can't believe this thread is 2 pages long. Again, more concern about this than the way we're playing. 26-2 though, right?
two3zone said:
And you know what, if the refs are paying attention to the other coach while one of our guys gets hacked then you'll be complaining they didn't see the hack. I really can't believe this thread is 2 pages long. Again, more concern about this than the way we're playing. 26-2 though, right?

There's plenty of threads talking about how we are playing. Not every thread has to be just about that.
And you know what, if the refs are paying attention to the other coach while one of our guys gets hacked then you'll be complaining they didn't see the hack. I really can't believe this thread is 2 pages long. Again, more concern about this than the way we're playing. 26-2 though, right?

I would like them to pay attention to something because they do not see most of what happens on the court. I would like them to not selectively enforce rules. I would like them to be referees and not intrude themselves in deciding games.
I would like them to pay attention to something because they do not see most of what happens on the court. I would like them to not selectively enforce rules. I would like them to be referees and not intrude themselves in deciding games.

Fill your boots, cowboy. Get right out there and show us all how it's done.
Fill your boots, cowboy. Get right out there and show us all how it's done.
Usual answer of incompetence is to attack the critism, rather than correct the situation not surprised after reading your responses to other posters. I am not saying you are incompetent. I do not know. I am just critiquing your response to critism of certain refereeing by using the immature tactic of telling those making the criticism that they should do it if they do not like what they see.
FIBA officials must believe they have no room for improvement, and that rules of basketball are perfect and just can not be improved.
Usual answer of incompetence is to attack the critism, rather than correct the situation not surprised after reading your responses to other posters. I am not saying you are incompetent. I do not know. I am just critiquing your response to critism of certain refereeing by using the immature tactic of telling those making the criticism that they should do it if they do not like what they see.
FIBA officials must believe they have no room for improvement, and that rules of basketball are perfect and just can not be improved.

I didn't think so. It appears the only two things you know about officiating is that you can't do it, and you don't like those who do. I've been an official since the late 70's and I use that experience here to try to give others some insight into the process. All you want to do, however, is bitch. See ya. :)
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What if a player simply ran along the sideline and ran into a coach who was on the court? That may be the best way to get the T on a coach and no T against a player for doing it intentionally - how the heck would you know he did it on purpose?
It's so outrageous I thought at first maybe it was a photoshop job, but his shadow looks like the others, so I gotta believe it's legit.
it's legit and the announcer's mentioned during the game he came out on the court and made it seem like it was no big deal at all
If nothing else, one of our players could see someone out of the corner of their eye and delay their reaction to other things just a split second. No reason for that to be allowed.
This really is a pet peeve of mine--has been for years. Can't stand coaches coming out onto the court.

Would love to see refs slap them with T's, or for an opposing player to plow into a coach out on the floor just once to lay the offender out.

Can't stand seeing them get away with that with no repercussions from the officials.
what happens if ennis passed the ball in that direction?
What if a player simply ran along the sideline and ran into a coach who was on the court? That may be the best way to get the T on a coach and no T against a player for doing it intentionally - how the heck would you know he did it on purpose?

I don't think I'd risk an injury to one of my players by doing that.

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