At the post game pressers are must see tv... | Page 2 |

At the post game pressers are must see tv...

I think JB has gone over the top a bit this year in his comments on McCullough and I've said so on this board. But I think what he said yesterday was fine as was what he said about GMAC and ten f****** games.
It's slightly humorous because if there is any big time coach who gives a **** about what the media or public at large is saying, it's Jim. He confirmed it as much by making the Chad Ford non issue an issue. I love him but he's always been thin skinned and easily provoked.
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I think he's unprofessional and handles the press poorly. I think in his position he should handle himself in a more positive way. He comes across as defensive, negative and arrogant. I don't see anything good coming from him or anyone else that acts this way I front or the press. He's had two probations on his watch. He should be apologetic and take responsibility for the mistakes he has made.
Listen, I get that these guys have jobs to ask these types of leading and inflammatory questions...and that question WAS designed to illicit a response...but if they are going to ask about dirty programs, why do they never ask guys like Pearl, Calipari, et al, as well? They DID run dirty programs. Do they think John Calipari would have reacted any different? These "sports reporters" love to ambush and kick people while they're down. It's what draws ratings and gets the sound bites on Sportcenter that will run in constant loop for 48 hours.

BTW, if I were these guys I certainly wouldn't poke at a guy that learned how to embalm bodies when he was growing up.
anglerman said:
I think he's unprofessional and handles the press poorly. I think in his position he should handle himself in a more positive way. He comes across as defensive, negative and arrogant. I don't see anything good coming from him or anyone else that acts this way I front or the press. He's had two probations on his watch. He should be apologetic and take responsibility for the mistakes he has made.

The millions of dollars he raises for cancer research, sitting next to K on the bench in Beijing and London, the millions of dollars his program has brought to Syracuse University and the economy of the City of Syracuse, the countless personal stories people have of him doing selflessly kind things outside of the spotlight...these far outweigh two minor blips on his resume where we don't even know the whole story.

The fact that you believe that his treatment of the press outweighs all the good he has done in his life says more about you than him.
The coach doth protest too much, methinks.

In the end Jim will be who he is and it's obvious that he doesn't have much of a filter when it comes to expressing his opinion or feelings. But that having been said, bristling at pointed questions doesn't do anything to quell speculation whether the speculation is founded in fact or not. It just gives it legs and draws attention to it.

The rationale that haters would have would be, " Why does it bother him so much if he hasn't done anything wrong". Of course as a Syracuse fan the flip side is "Wouldn't you be pissed off to be accused of something which isn't true ?"

My point is this: Jimmy doesn't do himself or the program any good at all when he let's his curmudgeon out of the cage. The danger going forward is that he starts being cast as a Woody Hayes or Bobby Knight type of coach who becomes unglued at the end of an illustrious coaching career. At the end of the day, things bother you only if you allow them to. Jimmy had deflected the question and weighed in on it just by his first take on the question. " I'm not answering questions about an NCAA investigation".

But you can see him simmering while essentially letting his auto pilot answer the Kaleb Joseph question... and then POW! The cage door beings to rattle and then it's time to RELEASE THE CURMUDGEON!!!

I'm looking forward to the complete report coming out and getting past all this and being able to get back to the real task at hand which is watching Syracuse Basketball be focused on playing basketball and not off the court issues being the story front and center.
Do people on this board r ally think it's ok for JB to act like a defensive ass at every press conference? Is this really the way you want the team and the school portrayed? Don't you think he should he held accountable for bad behaviour just like anyone else?

I fully believe in complete accountability for everyone.

In that vein, let's discuss your post about Rak not being a good player and that anyone expecting big things from him this year will be disappointed.

Nailed that one didn't you skippy.
The millions of dollars he raises for cancer research, sitting next to K on the bench in Beijing and London, the millions of dollars his program has brought to Syracuse University and the economy of the City of Syracuse, the countless personal stories people have of him doing selflessly kind things outside of the spotlight...these far outweigh two minor blips on his resume where we don't even know the whole story.

The fact that you believe that his treatment of the press outweighs all the good he has done in his life says more about you than him.
All that may be true but he needs to handle himself better especially when he is now part of his second NCAA probation. He has obviously run an undisciplined program to have gotten in trouble for a second time. He should be apologetic and contrite for the obvious major mistakes he has made while running his program. Has any other coach in the history of the game had two major probations? Honestly has that occurred before?
I fully believe in complete accountability for everyone.

In that vein, let's discuss your post about Rak not being a good player and that anyone expecting big things from him this year will be disappointed.

Nailed that one didn't you skippy.
I completely agree with what you just said. What RAK has done is nothing short of the biggest change I have ever seen in a basketball player ever. His first three 3 years he wasn't even a good role player I admit I was wrong and have said so in previous threads. That said there is literally no one who saw this coming I mean no one. It's amazing how much better he is. He is having the best season for an SU center I have seen in my more than 40 years of watching. The kid is the best player in the ACC and IMO he's playing like a first team AA I have no problem with admitting when I'm wrong
All that may be true but he needs to handle himself better especially when he is now part of his second NCAA probation. He has obviously run an undisciplined program to have gotten in trouble for a second time. He should be apologetic and contrite for the obvious major mistakes he has made while running his program. Has any other coach in the history of the game had two major probations? Honestly has that occurred before?

You are not a fan. You are a troll.

90% of your posts are just shots at JB.

And to compound it, you practically creamed yourself after UConn won the NC last year.

You are the new Blue Curtain.

Why don't you make like a tree and get outta here, Biffy boy.

I'm sure MauConn**** would welcome you with open arms.
The issue is we don't yet know exactly what the problems were.
When we do...then he may be fair game.
All we really know so far is that whatever happened, he's proud of it as part of he's done.
That - all by itself - is not a position I'm happy to see my school be in.
Let's see if the facts vindicate the coach and justify that position.
Perhaps that's one of the problems.

And yet you wrote this: "Perhaps that's one of the problems." Sounds like you have judged already. Talking out of both sides of your mouth, or did I misinterpret that?
All that may be true but he needs to handle himself better especially when he is now part of his second NCAA probation. He has obviously run an undisciplined program to have gotten in trouble for a second time. He should be apologetic and contrite for the obvious major mistakes he has made while running his program. Has any other coach in the history of the game had two major probations? Honestly has that occurred before?

You have no clue what he did or didn't do.

John Calipari had two final fours at two different schools taken away from him.

Even if he was involved in some minor academic issues or ignoring drug tests, I don't really find anything particularly immoral about that and don't care. The good exponentially outweighs the bad.
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I think he's unprofessional and handles the press poorly. I think in his position he should handle himself in a more positive way. He comes across as defensive, negative and arrogant. I don't see anything good coming from him or anyone else that acts this way I front or the press. He's had two probations on his watch. He should be apologetic and take responsibility for the mistakes he has made.

As much as everyone wants to tie up the postseason ban/sanctions issue and act like it's done, it isn't. Until the issue is finally resolved I don't want SU or JB admitting or taking the blame for anything. When the issue of our punishment is resolved than we can worry about admissions and acts of contrition.
I think he's unprofessional and handles the press poorly. I think in his position he should handle himself in a more positive way. He comes across as defensive, negative and arrogant. I don't see anything good coming from him or anyone else that acts this way I front or the press. He's had two probations on his watch. He should be apologetic and take responsibility for the mistakes he has made.
May we please see you list all those mistakes?!
You are not a fan. You are a troll.

90% of your posts are just shots at JB.

And to compound it, you practically creamed yourself after UConn won the NC last year.

You are the new Blue Curtain.

Why don't you make like a tree and get outta here, Biffy boy.

I'm sure MauConn**** would welcome you with open arms.
Yes I guess i should agree with you and you're JB can do no wrong mentality I would say your post is far more of the troll mentality. I think everybody on this board knows that JB isn't good with the press. That is part f the job to be able to handle yourself appropriately with the press. I hardly think that makes me a troll.
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You have no clue what he did or didn't do.

John Calipari had two final fours at two different schools taken away from him.

Even if he was involved in some minor academic issues or ignoring drug tests, I don't really find anything particularly immoral about that and don't care. The good exponentially outweighs the bad.
It seems very convenient for people to think cheating is ok and blame the NCAA. Everytime a school gets in trouble it's the fault of the NCAA. If the program didn't do anything wrong then they wouldn't be in trouble would they ?
The head coach is responsible for the program isn't he? If SU is guilty of violations then primary source of blame should go to the head coach. Whether it's syracuse or any other program. Those trying to absolve him of wrong doing are simply in denial.
I completely agree with what you just said. What RAK has done is nothing short of the biggest change I have ever seen in a basketball player ever. His first three 3 years he wasn't even a good role player I admit I was wrong and have said so in previous threads. That said there is literally no one who saw this coming I mean no one. It's amazing how much better he is. He is having the best season for an SU center I have seen in my more than 40 years of watching. The kid is the best player in the ACC and IMO he's playing like a first team AA I have no problem with admitting when I'm wrong

I saw this coming in his Junior year! He's a year behind schedule for me!!
I saw this coming in his Junior year! He's a year behind schedule for me!!
Maybe you did and if so great call. He always had the body and athleticism. I just didn't think he had the mentality or skill set. It's amazing what he's done this year. Extremely impressive to say the least. I'm proud of the kid. It just goes to show that every kid isn't what he's going to be by his sophomore year like some NBA experts seem to think He was just a late bloomer.
It seems very convenient for people to think cheating is ok and blame the NCAA. Everytime a school gets in trouble it's the fault of the NCAA. If the program didn't do anything wrong then they wouldn't be in trouble would they ?
The head coach is responsible for the program isn't he? If SU is guilty of violations then primary source of blame should go to the head coach. Whether it's syracuse or any other program. Those trying to absolve him of wrong doing are simply in denial.

Interesting. You say no one has been penalized twice. I point out Calipari has had two Final Fours vacated and you don't comment on that.

I blame the NCAA for taking 7 years to investigate. That's insane. And perhaps you're just not being specific or technical, but you're saying "guilty" as though we are the subject of a criminal investigation or proceeding.

I'm not absolving JB of anything because as far as I (and you) know, he hasn't done anything for which absolution is necessary. But it's funny, your first comment in this thread was a pearl clutcher of a whine about how he acts during press conferences. Funny to see where you've evolved to.
Interesting. You say no one has been penalized twice. I point out Calipari has had two Final Fours vacated and you don't comment on that.

I blame the NCAA for taking 7 years to investigate. That's insane. And perhaps you're just not being specific or technical, but you're saying "guilty" as though we are the subject of a criminal investigation or proceeding.

I'm not absolving JB of anything because as far as I (and you) know, he hasn't done anything for which absolution is necessary. But it's funny, your first comment in this thread was a pearl clutcher of a whine about how he acts during press conferences. Funny to see where you've evolved to.
Youd think Cal being a repeat offender the ncaa would be sniffing around. But nothing... very strange.
Interesting. You say no one has been penalized twice. I point out Calipari has had two Final Fours vacated and you don't comment on that.

I blame the NCAA for taking 7 years to investigate. That's insane. And perhaps you're just not being specific or technical, but you're saying "guilty" as though we are the subject of a criminal investigation or proceeding.

I'm not absolving JB of anything because as far as I (and you) know, he hasn't done anything for which absolution is necessary. But it's funny, your first comment in this thread was a pearl clutcher of a whine about how he acts during press conferences. Funny to see where you've evolved to.
Was calipari a part of the program both times and did he remain a part of the program? Also I would say that's very good company to keep would you?
Interesting. You say no one has been penalized twice. I point out Calipari has had two Final Fours vacated and you don't comment on that.

I blame the NCAA for taking 7 years to investigate. That's insane. And perhaps you're just not being specific or technical, but you're saying "guilty" as though we are the subject of a criminal investigation or proceeding.

I'm not absolving JB of anything because as far as I (and you) know, he hasn't done anything for which absolution is necessary. But it's funny, your first comment in this thread was a pearl clutcher of a whine about how he acts during press conferences. Funny to see where you've evolved to.
He should absolutely behave better around the press. There's no question about that.
Was calipari a part of the program both times and did he remain a part of the program? Also I would say that's very good company to keep would you?

There's a thing called Google. Honestly, you're making all these pronouncements and have no clue about pretty basic 100 level history of modern college basketball.

I don't see anything that Cal does wrong. Even if he pays players to go there, it might be cheating under NCAA rules, but giving money to disadvantaged kids and their family is morally right. The stories of Duke setting up jobs and houses for families of players also seems like a morally good thing on a micro level even if it is against some rules set up by a non-government regulator organization.

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