Bacon Saver... |

Bacon Saver...


All Conference
Aug 15, 2011
the BMK block - great positioning by him and he kept his arms straight up.

Also, very good D by the guards when they got the ball with 3 ticks left.

All in all - very disappointing game by us:

1. Once again we fail to seal the deal against a weaker team until a nail-biter finish.

2. X couldn't get out of his own way with the 4 quick fouls.

3. It was the CJ and Ennis show, but how far can we get playing 2 against 5 on one end of the court ??

4. Trevor - unlike other recent games he had really, really good looks in this game.....and he still could not put the trey shots down. His first successful trey was a rim rattler, only his second shot was clean - then he missed ten straight though his deuce near the end was a big-time shot. I thought after he made the first two that his slump might be over. You just can't avoid asking the question any longer - is he vastly over-rated as a pure shooter & is he really only a 30% guy from distance ??? If you answer that question - yes - then we are in big trouble for a strong March finish.

5. BMK - very solid as always plus he made the game winning play.

6. G - I am disappointed - I liked that he tried to be more aggressive - I didn't like that he failed to succeed. He also played quite a few minutes at the three spot & yet he failed to garner a single rebound in 27 total minutes. Frankly, it makes me scream that I have to see that & also watch Roberson sitting as our lead eroded.

7. Roberson - looked like 5 solid minutes to me to earn his spot on the bench for the rest of the game. Also, did anyone take notice of how this kid ran the court - he was first down on almost every possession.

8. Jerami - be well my friend - as a fellow back problem sufferer I totally get it.

9. The broken record strikes again, but I can't help but think Buss can help. Our overall 2g play has been atrocious of late.

The HOF coach has totally mismanaged his bench this season IMHO. I said it when we were winning and I re-iterate it now. This should have been a deep team with many parts going nine deep. Instead, I see no bona fide third forward and I see often pathetic 2g play when we have two high energy talented kids sitting on the bench not even getting a sniff. And that even assumes that BJ couldn't help this season & he might well have been able to contribute as a role playing trey threat.
Totally mismanaged the bench?! And we're 26-2. I'd love to see what our record might be if he only partially mismanaged the bench.

I understand questioning why he has not played the other freshmen more. But it appears to me that you're not giving him the benefit of the doubt that he knows the players better than you. He is very competitive and wants to win badly. If he felt the other freshmen could help the team win, he would play them IMHO.

The fact he has not is telling. For you it's a sign of failure to take advantage of the talented players he has available. For JB, it's because he does not feel they are ready.

We'll never know if your view may be right. But considering the success we have had this year and for the past 38, I'm fine going with JB's judgment of his team.
Hey NewMexico, I guess the game looks differently on TV than live because Roberson did not look comfortable at all last night. I think he has a great upside, but his year is next year, not this year. He runs the court well but doesn't play good defense and is not at all a threat to score. MG is the better choice even though we give up some on the defensive boards.

JB is playing the kids he thinks gives us the best chance to win. We are 26-2 (and two plays away from 28-0). I'll take it...
the BMK block - great positioning by him and he kept his arms straight up.

Also, very good D by the guards when they got the ball with 3 ticks left.

All in all - very disappointing game by us:

1. Once again we fail to seal the deal against a weaker team until a nail-biter finish.

2. X couldn't get out of his own way with the 4 quick fouls.

3. It was the CJ and Ennis show, but how far can we get playing 2 against 5 on one end of the court ??

4. Trevor - unlike other recent games he had really, really good looks in this game...and he still could not put the trey shots down. His first successful trey was a rim rattler, only his second shot was clean - then he missed ten straight though his deuce near the end was a big-time shot. I thought after he made the first two that his slump might be over. You just can't avoid asking the question any longer - is he vastly over-rated as a pure shooter & is he really only a 30% guy from distance ??? If you answer that question - yes - then we are in big trouble for a strong March finish.

5. BMK - very solid as always plus he made the game winning play.

6. G - I am disappointed - I liked that he tried to be more aggressive - I didn't like that he failed to succeed. He also played quite a few minutes at the three spot & yet he failed to garner a single rebound in 27 total minutes. Frankly, it makes me scream that I have to see that & also watch Roberson sitting as our lead eroded.

7. Roberson - looked like 5 solid minutes to me to earn his spot on the bench for the rest of the game. Also, did anyone take notice of how this kid ran the court - he was first down on almost every possession.

8. Jerami - be well my friend - as a fellow back problem sufferer I totally get it.

9. The broken record strikes again, but I can't help but think Buss can help. Our overall 2g play has been atrocious of late.

The HOF coach has totally mismanaged his bench this season IMHO. I said it when we were winning and I re-iterate it now. This should have been a deep team with many parts going nine deep. Instead, I see no bona fide third forward and I see often pathetic 2g play when we have two high energy talented kids sitting on the bench not even getting a sniff. And that even assumes that BJ couldn't help this season & he might well have been able to contribute as a role playing trey threat.
I have to ask just what is it that you, or anyone has seen, from Buss that leads you to think he will contribute before his junior year. His game is, in a word, "yuck."
Roberson? Looks scared out there, brings the ball low every time he touches it, buries his head and either gets tied up, forces something, or will get fouled. Kid can run the court though, wow. Don't see why think people believe Roberson is ready at this point, next year. We ride with 7, nothing new
First off in Robersons defense let's admit not playing and then a few minutes in a game or two really is difficult to get into any groove or confidence. Kid can run like a deer and did look like he had the headlights on him but again, if he got some time there is no doubt in my mind he'd give quality minutes but I understand Boeheims comfort zone and what he does.

Baye's block was sweet and he has been moving his feet really well. I wish Cooney could pass like Baye does at the top of the key. And that Cooney dive for the ball and pass to Ennis for the layup was awesome...just wanted to add that!
the BMK block - great positioning by him and he kept his arms straight up.

Also, very good D by the guards when they got the ball with 3 ticks left.

All in all - very disappointing game by us:

4. Trevor - unlike other recent games he had really, really good looks in this game...and he still could not put the trey shots down. His first successful trey was a rim rattler, only his second shot was clean - then he missed ten straight though his deuce near the end was a big-time shot. I thought after he made the first two that his slump might be over. You just can't avoid asking the question any longer - is he vastly over-rated as a pure shooter & is he really only a 30% guy from distance ??? If you answer that question - yes - then we are in big trouble for a strong March finish.

I think he is streaky... and he obviously isn't in one of his streaks at the moment.

Also, where treys are concerned, I was equally concerned with the 3 treys he conceded to the terps via late slide defensively with no hand in his shooters line of sight.
I think totally mismanaging the bench is overkill. We do have a nice rotation at center, so it hasn't been totally mismanaged.

And, you can be 26-2 and have mismanaged the bench, where your bench really hasn't contributed much of anything (other than at center) to that 26-2 record.

I think there are many that are rightfully concerned that the lack of help coming from the bench is going to bite us in the NCAAT. The more I see injuries to Baye and Grant, foul trouble like the last two games and Trevor's inability at times to get anything together offensively, the more I am concerned that not having decent alternatives is going to lead us to an exit that comes earlier than our seed would call for.
9. The broken record strikes again, but I can't help but think Buss can help. Our overall 2g play has been atrocious of late.

The HOF coach has totally mismanaged his bench this season IMHO. I said it when we were winning and I re-iterate it now. This should have been a deep team with many parts going nine deep. Instead, I see no bona fide third forward and I see often pathetic 2g play when we have two high energy talented kids sitting on the bench not even getting a sniff. And that even assumes that BJ couldn't help this season & he might well have been able to contribute as a role playing trey threat.

Please make it stop
9. The broken record strikes again, but I can't help but think Buss can help. Our overall 2g play has been atrocious of late.

The HOF coach has totally mismanaged his bench this season IMHO. I said it when we were winning and I re-iterate it now. This should have been a deep team with many parts going nine deep. Instead, I see no bona fide third forward and I see often pathetic 2g play when we have two high energy talented kids sitting on the bench not even getting a sniff. And that even assumes that BJ couldn't help this season & he might well have been able to contribute as a role playing trey threat.
Come back when you have, oh, about 900 wins in D-1 hoops and we will listen to how the HOF coach has totally mismanaged his bench. Please. :rolleyes:
Roberson looked like a deer in headlights last night. Kids gonna be good, but let's not sugarcoat it.
It's not easy to perform knowing you're going to get yanked if/when you make a mistake. Tyler's walking on egg shells out there.
the BMK block - great positioning by him and he kept his arms straight up.

Also, very good D by the guards when they got the ball with 3 ticks left.

All in all - very disappointing game by us:

1. Once again we fail to seal the deal against a weaker team until a nail-biter finish.

2. X couldn't get out of his own way with the 4 quick fouls.

3. It was the CJ and Ennis show, but how far can we get playing 2 against 5 on one end of the court ??

4. Trevor - unlike other recent games he had really, really good looks in this game...and he still could not put the trey shots down. His first successful trey was a rim rattler, only his second shot was clean - then he missed ten straight though his deuce near the end was a big-time shot. I thought after he made the first two that his slump might be over. You just can't avoid asking the question any longer - is he vastly over-rated as a pure shooter & is he really only a 30% guy from distance ??? If you answer that question - yes - then we are in big trouble for a strong March finish.

5. BMK - very solid as always plus he made the game winning play.

6. G - I am disappointed - I liked that he tried to be more aggressive - I didn't like that he failed to succeed. He also played quite a few minutes at the three spot & yet he failed to garner a single rebound in 27 total minutes. Frankly, it makes me scream that I have to see that & also watch Roberson sitting as our lead eroded.

7. Roberson - looked like 5 solid minutes to me to earn his spot on the bench for the rest of the game. Also, did anyone take notice of how this kid ran the court - he was first down on almost every possession.

8. Jerami - be well my friend - as a fellow back problem sufferer I totally get it.

9. The broken record strikes again, but I can't help but think Buss can help. Our overall 2g play has been atrocious of late.

The HOF coach has totally mismanaged his bench this season IMHO. I said it when we were winning and I re-iterate it now. This should have been a deep team with many parts going nine deep. Instead, I see no bona fide third forward and I see often pathetic 2g play when we have two high energy talented kids sitting on the bench not even getting a sniff. And that even assumes that BJ couldn't help this season & he might well have been able to contribute as a role playing trey threat.
Only JB knows for sure why the bench is so short. On the surface we as fans can question it but he could have reasons that none of us have any clue of.
One thing that bothered me were the lazy plays. Maybe it was the grind of four games in eight days. Cooney not running back to chase the ball that went in to the backcourt that looked like a sure dunk going the other way, a one handed pass in the backcourt by Ennis after a UMd basket that led to a turnover, the pass by MGb towards the end, etc. Just seemed like some real lackadaisical play at some key moments.

Overall, it was a win on the road in conference play. I'll take it.
Totally mismanaged the bench?! And we're 26-2. I'd love to see what our record might be if he only partially mismanaged the bench.

I understand questioning why he has not played the other freshmen more. But it appears to me that you're not giving him the benefit of the doubt that he knows the players better than you. He is very competitive and wants to win badly. If he felt the other freshmen could help the team win, he would play them IMHO.

The fact he has not is telling. For you it's a sign of failure to take advantage of the talented players he has available. For JB, it's because he does not feel they are ready.

We'll never know if your view may be right. But considering the success we have had this year and for the past 38, I'm fine going with JB's judgment of his team.

Yes, that is the problem, the players aren't ready because they haven't been given the chance to get their feet wet in game situations to get ready. I love the record, too, but it is fool's gold. This team is walking on eggshells right now. It does not pass the look test. The team will not go far in the post-season unless something improves on offense.

Right now the way I see things is that Cooney is the linchpin. If he can get hot in the post-season then we will be a serious threat, if not, we will go down early by way of somebody upsetting us. But, even if Cooney turns things around he won't be hot for every game. Maybe, if he is hot for five or six games it will be enough (in the two tourneys combined).

In regards to Roberson, I am absolutely of the opinion that this kid can help now. There is zero reason he should not be getting 7 to 10 MPG and be a part of the rotation wo looking over his shoulder. If he had gotten that all along we might well have a worse record, but we would be a rising team instead of a struggling team.

As for Buss, I have never said he should be part of the rotation, I have only said I want to see more. I have only seen very, very few minutes of this kid. the only conclusion I have about him is that he is very high energy and that he would bring a spark to the court, hopefully more for us then for them. Our overall 2g play is clearly sub-par, at least it has been since the start of conference play when trevor has cooled down, it needs to improve somehow some way.

Everybody only looks at whether or not a kid like Roberson can play at a comparable level to Jerami or CJ if he were to come in. No question he isn't there yet, but the real problem is that when CJ and Jerami get too many minutes they don't play like CJ and Jerami and that is what really hurts us.

Nobody could have done a better job than Jimmy in getting this group the maximum # of wins to this point of the season, but that doesn't mean that Jimmy has done a HOF job in getting this group ready to play up to it's maximum in March.
6. G - I am disappointed - I liked that he tried to be more aggressive - I didn't like that he failed to succeed. He also played quite a few minutes at the three spot & yet he failed to garner a single rebound in 27 total minutes. Frankly, it makes me scream that I have to see that & also watch Roberson sitting as our lead eroded.

7. Roberson - looked like 5 solid minutes to me to earn his spot on the bench for the rest of the game. Also, did anyone take notice of how this kid ran the court - he was first down on almost every possession.

The HOF coach has totally mismanaged his bench this season IMHO. I said it when we were winning and I re-iterate it now. This should have been a deep team with many parts going nine deep. Instead, I see no bona fide third forward and I see often pathetic 2g play when we have two high energy talented kids sitting on the bench not even getting a sniff. And that even assumes that BJ couldn't help this season & he might well have been able to contribute as a role playing trey threat.

So, one of our reserves (other then Keita) finally got starters minutes last night and did not produce the way you expected him to (your point #6). Shocking.

Yet, despite the fact that our top bench player (of the new guys) was unable to replicate the production of Grant and Fair, you just blindly assume that if JB would simply give the other bench players more minutes, they would be able to play at a higher level than the level that Gbinije played at yesterday (which, according to you, was simply unacceptable - it made you scream)

And because, according to you, Roberson or Patterson or Johnson would certainly be able to play at a much higher level than Gbinije if Boeheim would just give them the minutes, he has completely mismanaged his bench this year.


Did you ever consider the fact that maybe, just maybe, if Boeheim gave any, or all, of those guys 27 minutes a game that your points #s 6, 7 & 8 would be how disappointed you are that their performance made you scream?
So, one of our reserves (other then Keita) finally got starters minutes last night and did not produce the way you expected him to (your point #6). Shocking.

I have never advocated G playing at SF ahead of Roberson. If you are referencing my post from the other day about starting G ahead of Cooney, my point was to shake things up in a way that might help both players.

Yet, despite the fact that our top bench player (of the new guys) was unable to replicate the production of Grant and Fair, you just blindly assume that if JB would simply give the other bench players more minutes, they would be able to play at a higher level than the level that Gbinije played at yesterday (which, according to you, was simply unacceptable - it made you scream).

Yes, I have no doubt that Roberson playing at SF would have given us more than we got from G at that position in yesterday's game. No, I am not assuming what we might have gotten from Bus or BJ, I have only said that I have wanted to see more from them, and, yes, I fully recognize that that train has left the station months ago. I guess I am guilty about crying over spilt milk. The point sometimes isn't who is better and who is worse, sometimes it is about having more tools in the toolbox that might help in particular situations.

And because, according to you, Roberson or Patterson or Johnson would certainly be able to play at a much higher level than Gbinije if Boeheim would just give them the minutes, he has completely mismanaged his bench this year.

Please find & quote any post I have ever made saying that Patterson or BJ would play at a higher level than G. You are found guilty of putting words in my mouth. I have never even said that Roberson would play at a much higher level than G at SF, but I do think that SF is much more his position and that it would make for a better rotation.

Did you ever consider the fact that maybe, just maybe, if Boeheim gave any, or all, of those guys 27 minutes a game that your points #s 6, 7 & 8 would be how disappointed you are that their performance made you scream?

OK - so our play yesterday did not make you scream - almost blowing a double digit lead against a weak opponent that self - destructed w TOs, and we still couldn't put that game away ?
Come back when you have, oh, about 900 wins in D-1 hoops and we will listen to how the HOF coach has totally mismanaged his bench. Please. :rolleyes:

Because being a successful basketball coach is a prerequisite for posting on a basketball message board?


If there was ever something the moderators could stand to address, it's that kind of impertinent post. Debate the merits of the guy's point, but this kind of off-the-cuff dismissal isn't helping anyone.
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4. Trevor - unlike other recent games he had really, really good looks in this game...and he still could not put the trey shots down. His first successful trey was a rim rattler, only his second shot was clean - then he missed ten straight though his deuce near the end was a big-time shot. I thought after he made the first two that his slump might be over. You just can't avoid asking the question any longer - is he vastly over-rated as a pure shooter & is he really only a 30% guy from distance ??? If you answer that question - yes - then we are in big trouble for a strong March finish.
People wanted him to be the next GMac.:noidea:
OttoinGrotto said:
People wanted him to be the next GMac.:noidea:

Hahaha. I like what you did there.
Come back when you have, oh, about 900 wins in D-1 hoops and we will listen to how the HOF coach has totally mismanaged his bench. Please. :rolleyes:

With all due respect, I'm not a fan of these particular type posts. Whether you agree or disagree with the OP, just specifically referring to one's past accomplishments doesn't necessarily preclude one from being critiqued or criticized. One can certainly make an argument that JB has somewhat mismanaged or, if you prefer a different sentiment, could've managed his bench better, differently, etc. It's a long season, and injuries, whether serious or just nagging, are generally foreseeable. Maybe, if Roberson, or Patterson, or whomever, had seen a bit more run time, they could be in a better position to contribute during these late season 'dog days?' How does one truly know with any certainty?

We are all creatures of habit, JB is no different. He prefers playing 7 guys meaningful minutes. That is, and has always been, his preferred style/method. It's clearly his comfort zone, it will never change...regardless of how many capable guys he has. As his feats suggest, his approach has certainly been very successful, but I don't think developing his bench players is his strong point. Just my $.02 from observation over these past 35 some odd years of JB in action.
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Because being a successful basketball coach is a prerequisite for posting on a basketball message board?


If there was ever something the moderators could stand to address, it's that kind of impertinent post. Debate the merits of the guy's point, but this kind of off-the-cuff dismissal isn't helping anyone.
In my own special way, I WAS debating the merit, or lack thereof, of the guy's point. Think what you want of me, I won't lose sleep. But when someone comes on here - yes, an internet board where ALL opinions are stated, not just the OP's - and starts talking about how the 2nd-winningest coach in history 'totally mismanaged' his bench, said poster should be ready for posts like this. Because it's an internet board.
In my own special way, I WAS debating the merit, or lack thereof, of the guy's point. Think what you want of me, I won't lose sleep. But when someone comes on here - yes, an internet board where ALL opinions are stated, not just the OP's - and starts talking about how the 2nd-winningest coach in history 'totally mismanaged' his bench, said poster should be ready for posts like this. Because it's an internet board.

Actually, I think you're a pretty good poster. (I don't pay close attention to these things, but you seem to make a lot of good points.) Just a criticism of your choice of argument (a rather common argument used to defend the coach on this board) in that post.

"Totally mismanaged" is -- in this non-coach's opinion -- an overstatement. But it'd be nice to talk about why that's the case rather than stooping to the ad hominem level and dismissing the claim entirely.
OK - so our play yesterday did not make you scream - almost blowing a double digit lead against a weak opponent that self - destructed w TOs, and we still couldn't put that game away ?

I have never advocated G playing at SF ahead of Roberson. If you are referencing my post from the other day about starting G ahead of Cooney, my point was to shake things up in a way that might help both players.

No. My point was that I think blindly assuming that some kid who is parked on the bench will be a better player than the guys in the rotation simply by getting playing time is a mistake.

And Gbinije was a prime example of that last night. He played 27 minutes and had an underwhelming performance. There is a good reason why, when everyone else is healthy, he is getting 10 minutes a game and not 27.

Based on what we've seen in games, you really have no basis for saying that Roberson should be first guy off the bench over Gbinije. You are simply assuming that Roberson (or Patterson or Johnson) would be the better player if he got more playing time. And that is not a good reason to proclaim that Boeheim has mismanaged the bench this year.

And, no, I was not screaming.

Our starting small forward (and usually the biggest mismatch on the floor) was injured on the bench.

Our lone shooter was having a dismal shooting night.

Our backup center is no offensive threat and is still not 100%.

We were basically playing 2.5 on 5 on offense last night.

The one guy I was pi$$ed at was Xmas. He picked up two really stupid offensive fouls and, in so doing, rendered himself a non-factor. He really needs to play much smarter than that.

Bottom line, this is a good, but not dominant team, especially when we are not 100% healthy.

This team is not Kentucky '11 or 09' Carolina. I don't even think this team is as good as our 2010 (with Onuaku) or 2011 (with Fab Melo) teams.

This is a team that, right now, could be playing in April or could be done by the end of the first weekend.

I'm not screaming because I have simply ratcheted my expectations downward whereas I think some of you have not.

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