I think those of you taking Scoop over Hart never really saw Hart play. Started every game his whole career (except 1 when he returned back late from Cali at Xmas break) and led the team in assists and steals all 4 years. Some of you are basing career just on wins and losses which is a team thing not an individual player thing.
Again, I think these rankings are pointless but it makes for fun discussion. I think it's strange, however, when people act like you couldn't make an argument for Scoop vs. Hart. You could point out that Scoop played with better teammates, which is true. But you could also point out that Hart accumulated a good chunk of his numbers by pure volume of minutes. I'm not sure he ever played fewer than 34 mpg.
Scoop, on the other hand, never played more than 32 mpg and was generally between 20-25. So the 90 assists he trails Hart by is negligible.
Scoop was also at 2:1 assist:TO ratio for THREE years. Hart, I believe, was close in one season and not above 1.5:1 in any of his other three years. Not to mention that, at the end of the day, you have to give scoop credit for being part of three teams that won 90+ games total and posted two of the best regular seasons we've ever seen (I know, I know, only the tournament matters to many, but doing what these teams did during the regular season is still pretty impressive).
Who's better? I don't know, but it's extremely easy to make an argument for Scoop (as it is for Hart).
EDIT: And the more I look at this, by the way, Hart spent his first two years hovering around 36-37% from the field (before finishing his junior and senior years at a 41% clip); struggled mightily from 3 for three of the his four years; and only approached 2:1 Assist:TO his freshman and senior seasons (though he never actually got to 2:1).