Boatwright back... |

Boatwright back...

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Living Legend
Aug 26, 2011
Andy Katz just reported...Boatwright back for UConn.
Doatright san cuck a Bick

Uconn can too. Love how these things work out for them $$
Andy Katz just reported...Boatwright back for UConn.

The NCAA gives another free pass to UCheat. And Boatwright only has to pay back half the money! Remember when Billy Edelin missed 12 games because he played in a rec league? The NCAA is a joke, its no wonder there is so much cheating.

Connecticut guard Ryan Boatright has been cleared by the NCAA to return to action, despite a finding by the governing body that the freshman and his mother received more than $8,000 in impermissible benefits both before and after he enrolled in school.​
Simply amazing that some kids can take impermissible benefits with little punishment, while others can't. UConn fans complain the NCAA is tough on them and always picking on them. If they honestly looked at things, they would realize the NCAA goes easier on them than anyone not coached by Calimari.
Simply amazing that some kids can take impermissible benefits with little punishment, while others can't. UConn fans complain the NCAA is tough on them and always picking on them. If they honestly looked at things, they would realize the NCAA goes easier on them than anyone not coached by Calimari.

I agree with you 1000%!!!! Calhoun is a criminal, but gets away with it!!!!! The program is dirty! I don't know how JB can stand to see him skate free when true evil is happening in his midst! Let's be honest, this would never happen at SU. JB wouldn't ALLOW it to. He wouldn't ALLOW any shame to come down upon this University, but Calhoun INVITES IT IN!!!!

As for "honestly looked at things", get a grip, sonny, YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT UCONN! Get off the farm and actually meet someone from that state. IT ISN"T PRETTY! They're liars, and they walked into my house, and your house, all our houses, AND STOLE RINGS! Yet no one seems to care... it amazes me.
how on earth can it be that the ncaa declares he received significant illegal benefits and than clears him to play?! how?!
How is this kid eligible for the rest of this year? He received impermissible gifts WHILE ENROLLED AT UCONN THIS YEAR. What a bunch of crap.
How is this kid eligible for the rest of this year? He received impermissible gifts WHILE ENROLLED AT UCONN THIS YEAR. What a bunch of crap.

Sounds like his mom was taking money from Reggie Rose for travel expenses while Ryan was taking officials, car payments, and from what the NYT articles seemed to indicate, money around the holidays. Guess the NCAA is using the same logic when they reinstated Cam Newton immediately when his dad was shopping him around.

Sort of spreads light on why Huggybear was willing to recruit over his head.
How is this kid eligible for the rest of this year? He received impermissible gifts WHILE ENROLLED AT UCONN THIS YEAR. What a bunch of crap.

If you or anyone else cares about what the NCAA said. (and not ESPN)

If you are too lazy to click and read, here are the bullet points:

  • Missed first 6 games of the season because of:
  1. Travel expenses (flight/food/hotel) for Ryan's mother for four official visits (WVU, UConn, Providence, and UNLV?)
  2. Travel expenses for Ryan Boatright to Cali for two days for something training/basketball related
  3. $1,200 to Ryan's mother in cash
  • He was cleared to play while they looked into further allegations, which found:
  1. An additional $ in car payments for his mother up to and including October of this year (doesn't say when it started)
"These impermissible benefits were provided by at least two individuals linked to nonscholastic basketball and professional sports." - reportedly Reggie Rose (his AAU coach and "long-time family friend", though that is up to debate) and someone else.
The NCAA is a joke. If he recieved imperssible benefits while enrolled at UCONN, how in the world does he get to play this year?

If were battling UK for Noel maybe we should start flashing sum $$$, apparantly it doesnt cost you too much if you get caught.
The NCAA is a joke. If he recieved imperssible benefits while enrolled at UCONN, how in the world does he get to play this year?

If were battling UK for Noel maybe we should start flashing sum $$$, apparantly it doesnt cost you too much if you get caught.
Ummmm, do a little more research before you post. This has nothing to do with UConn/affiliated boosters giving money to a recruit. UConn did nothing wrong. This is about a recruit/mother who took money/plane tickets from an AAU coach.
O we know, uconn has neverrr done anything wrong...cleanest program out there for sure
Ummmm, do a little more research before you post. This has nothing to do with UConn/affiliated boosters giving money to a recruit. UConn did nothing wrong. This is about a recruit/mother who took money/plane tickets from an AAU coach.
Never said in my post he recieved money from UCONN.....however its a little funny that Boatright got $$$ and plane tickets from his "AAU coach" and is allowed to play and Billy Edelin got annhilated by the NCAA for playing in a rec league. Us Syracuse fans are still a little annoyed by that.
I can't believe these UConn fans are over here trying to explain this away. This is ametuer sports, you're supposed to have players on scholership, NOT SALARY! How much money Ryan Boatright has earned from UConn may never be known, but I'm quite confident it's in the six-figure range and may reach seven by the time he leaves. I don't want to name names - I am not paraniod, but i'm sure UConn attornies monitor these boards and will sue anyone into the poorhouse who realeases information - but if you take any big name UConn player in the NBA, they all drove around Storrs in expensive cars and lives in luxury housing. This is something I've heard for years and years. Calhoun has access to large cash flows - let's just say he's a "charitiable" guy. Like the godfather, he is several people removed from those directly involved in any criminal behavior, but if his assisstants don't get it done, they walk the plank. UCon fans would be shocked if they knew the extent of the racket. Boatright is the tip of the iceburg. UConn has their tentacles in media, local politics, even national govenerment. How a UConn fan can look me in the eyes when my school plays clean is a great mystery of life. JB has complete controll over a clean program, no NCAA violations, no ethical probes. We've been #1 more weeks this season ALONE than UConn has been for the last FIVE years TOTAL, yet UConn fans will tell you they've been more successful program. HUHHHH????? Bettter stop getting rides in El Amin's Escalade, UConn fans, because you're all whacked out on the DOPE. GO AWAY UCONN FANS! LAST WARNING
Simply amazing that some kids can take impermissible benefits with little punishment, while others can't. UConn fans complain the NCAA is tough on them and always picking on them. If they honestly looked at things, they would realize the NCAA goes easier on them than anyone not coached by Calimari.

Didn't Calipari lose an entire season of wins at UMass for a very similar incident involving Camby? If they let Boatright back in, they should vacate wins. There is no consistency in the NCAA, and that is the biggest problem I have with them.

I just laugh at how Calhoun seems to spit in the face of the NCAA, almost daring them to do something to him. Who knows how long this crap has been going on with them? People can say what they want about JC, about how he's a caring guy and gives to charity, etc. But he'll mug someone for a win just like a punk in a South Boston alley. I'm still convinced that the ACC doesn't want UConn because of JC, and somewhat Geno.

Is that all you can writte in return? Is this the extent of your debating skills, is this sum of the FACTS you can bring to the table??? YOU MUST HAVE A UCONN DIPLOMA!! If I had a dime for every time a UConn fan backed down to me, I'd have more money than Ryan Boatright!! I won't even count this one, I only count in-person. All I can tell you, sonny, is don't even let me catch a UConn hat or shirt in my radius when The Orange are playing, because it's coming off or there's trouble!!!!!
No Sir. I'm just pretty certain even 95% of your own fan base recognizes your extremism for what it is, so I'll spare them links to historical transgressions for the Syracuse Basketball program under JB and current investigations and uncertainties as to how much control he has over his program.

We're here to steal your rings! Boogity Boogity Boogity!
...and our laptops.
People can say what they want about JC, about how he's a caring guy and gives to charity, etc.

Is Ryan Boatright a charity? THAT"S THE ONLY CHARITY HE"S IN VOLVED IN! Don't be naive. Was Tony Saprano in "waste management' or was it a front?? SAME FOR CALHOUN! anything he's involved in is part of the UCOnn machine, which is bigger than you know. You think Calhoun and the NCAA are advesaries?? BWHAAHAHAHAH!!! HE OWNES THE NCAA! This is why he can get an NCAA bracket with all mid-majores in it. When Calhoun seems it, it's still in pencil and he's got an eraser. San Diego State, Butler, this was no coincidence. Don't fall for farce. Calhoun and the NCAA are all kicking back and laughing. They all have UConn rings, the same as Jim Nance, Andy Katz, Jay Bilas, etc etc. (how that isn't a bigger story i'll never know - THEY WEAR THE RINGS OUTRIGHT!!) UConn owns the NCAA and the media. They just have to make it seem otherwise.
I hate UConn as much as anyone, but they didn't do anything wrong here honestly. NCAA set the precedent with the Cam Newton situation
I hate UConn as much as anyone, but they didn't do anything wrong here honestly. NCAA set the precedent with the Cam Newton situation

Keep drinking the UConn cool aid. Yum Yum, it's so tasty! Hey Calhoun, come take some more recruits from us. come raid our trophy case. yum yum, tasty cool aid.

I will keep fighting for Syracuse. I know no other way.
Didn't Calipari lose an entire season of wins at UMass for a very similar incident involving Camby? If they let Boatright back in, they should vacate wins. There is no consistency in the NCAA, and that is the biggest problem I have with them.

I just laugh at how Calhoun seems to spit in the face of the NCAA, almost daring them to do something to him. Who knows how long this crap has been going on with them? People can say what they want about JC, about how he's a caring guy and gives to charity, etc. But he'll mug someone for a win just like a punk in a South Boston alley. I'm still convinced that the ACC doesn't want UConn because of JC, and somewhat Geno.
Camby received benefits from an agent while playing and was not penalized until after the season.

There is no consistency with the NCAA because Cam Newton's dad can indirectly receive 200k for his son's services. Or an SEC football coach can make a healthy donation to a collection basket while on a recruiting visit at a recruit's church. At least Boatright was penalized.
Keep drinking the UConn cool aid. Yum Yum, it's so tasty! Hey Calhoun, come take some more recruits from us. come raid our trophy case. yum yum, tasty cool aid.

I will keep fighting for Syracuse. I know no other way.
This has nothing to do with Syracuse, it never did.

What exactly did UConn do wrong in your opinion?
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