Bowman's last shot, disrespectful? |

Bowman's last shot, disrespectful?


Scout Team
Mar 25, 2013
It's two days later yes, and it doesn't matter, but I'm wondering, was anyone else pissed off that Ky Bowman took that last shot after we, out of respect, took a shot clock violation (and turnover), leaving three seconds on the clock only for that chump to run down and try to selfishly pad his stat line w a three pointer?

Bigger fish to fry and not important, but I'm watching that and thinking "is he serious"? Unwritten rules don't exist w some of these millennials.
No it is not disrespectful. (IMO anyway).

I also don't think there would have been a problem if we threw a tough shot as the clock was running down. Nobody has an issue with that (assuming there is still time left on the shot clock) except for Coach K.
I didn't think anything of it. If they were ahead, sure it would be a little annoying, but not behind.
It's two days later yes, and it doesn't matter, but I'm wondering, was anyone else pissed off that Ky Bowman took that last shot after we, out of respect, took a shot clock violation (and turnover), leaving three seconds on the clock only for that chump to run down and try to selfishly pad his stat line w a three pointer?

Bigger fish to fry and not important, but I'm watching that and thinking "is he serious"? Unwritten rules don't exist w some of these millennials.
I have no problem with him shooting, but one caveat to at least acknowledge, ... in this new metric system the NCAA is employing to replace the RPI, the NET, a team benefits from margin of victory. However, the maximum MOV benefit is capped at 10 points (or a 10-point loss - see our losses to VT and FSU). So, SU is slightly better off with Bowman missing that shot. We won by 11.
So, SU is slightly better off with Bowman missing that shot. We won by 11.
And also, BC may have been slightly better off losing by 8 rather than 11.
I have no problem with him shooting, but one caveat to at least acknowledge, ... in this new metric system the NCAA is employing to replace the RPI, the NET, a team benefits from margin of victory. However, the maximum MOV benefit is capped at 10 points (or a 10-point loss - see our losses to VT and FSU). So, SU is slightly better off with Bowman missing that shot. We won by 11.
I hear ya but with that in mind, it still boils down to the respect thing. If we decided to abandon margin of victory by taking a shot clock violation and turnover, then an unspoken rule should be in play where the opposing team should also abide by that.
Not at all. Teams should play to the buzzer. If anything I'm a little disappointed that SU's taken a shot-clock violation twice in the last five or so games.
hmm. the spread started at 11.5 and was about 10.5 i'm sure some people wanted a last shot..
I hear ya but with that in mind, it still boils down to the respect thing. If we decided to abandon margin of victory by taking a shot clock violation and turnover, then an unspoken rule should be in play where the opposing team should also abide by that.
Man, I'll be honest. To me, there is no more over inflated term in our society than "respect."

One should respect his or her parent(s) and elders to some normal degree, but how does that translate to this scenario? Should BC's Bowman be cognizant of respecting Syracuse basketball, a squad that he just spent the previous 2 hours trying the beat? I just don't get that "respect" mindset. Please don't take this too personally, but I think people should spend a lot less time attempting to analyse who respects them or who does not. Just live life with a enough common decency to treat people well. I do apologize for the diatribe...
hmm. the spread started at 11.5 and was about 10.5 i'm sure some people wanted a last shot..
Then the 11-point final could mean a middle for someone. Sort of ridiculous, but this is BC we're talking about.
Normally I have no problem with teams chucking up full court attempts at the end of the game if they are down a bunch with no hope of changing the outcome. Heck, we've done it lots of times. That's the way it is.

However, in this situation since we didn't try to shoot, and basically just handed the ball to them, it might irk some people I suppose. Not something I would have done, but not a big deal in my opinion.
Like most, I don't really care. During the moment, I did think it was a bit unclassy. I wouldn't usually say that when it's the losing team. However, after we just ran out the clock in a very good show of sportsmanship, him heaving one up felt a bit greasy.

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