Canelo crushes the Crusher |

Canelo crushes the Crusher


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
I wondered if Canelo Alvarez could take Sergei Kovalev's big punch but we never found out. He countered the bigger man's right hand with left hooks and body shots, which have hurt Kovalev. Kovalev tried to win the fight with just his jab and he threw hundreds of them. Most of them were blocked but i saw Canelo's head snap back a number of times. Alvarez seemed content to block them and counter-punch most of the fight. The TV guy had him ahead, (and surprisingly, punch count did, too, 133-115). I Had Kovalev ahead on points, 6 rebounds to 4 when Canelo finally caught him in the 11th round with a right to the temple, a left to the neck and a right to the jaw, dropping a beaten Kovalev onto the bottom strand of the ropes. CA said after the fight that he was really a light heavyweight when not training for a middleweight fight and he might stay at that level.
Spectacular finish by Canelo in a fight I thought he was losing as well (same score as you).
I thought Kovalev had an overly conservative game plan that he/Buddy McGirt (trainer) never deviated from - ramrod jab, keep Alvarez at a distance, don’t let Canelo set/throw more than one punch at a time, pile up points, make Alvarez fight from behind and reach and take chances. And it worked (for the most part) until Kovalev ran out of gas late and got hurt to the body. And Alvarez efficiently finished him. That is what great fighters do - close when the opportunity is there.

I thought Alvarez’s strategy was interesting. And almost cost him the fight (would have if Kovalev wasn’t gassed). Canelo played it ”cute;” - Stayed outside the pocket, took few opportunities to press Kovalev, tried to counter/work the body by jumping in and out of range. Like Kovalev, he did not deviate either. And was getting outworked (at least from a volume of punches perspective). Risky, But it succeeded in the end. Staying out of the pocket saved Canelo from absorbing Krusher’s heavy hands when most dangerous (before Round 6). I think that was Alvarez’s primary objective - make the older, shopworn Kovalev expend allot of energy early, take him deep, break him to the body and take him out. I thought Kovalev was “out of Schlitz” after expending allot of energy in Rd 10. Played out like Ward/Kovalev 2, except later in the fight and Canelo is a more sensational finisher (than Ward).

Both strategies were beneficial to the opponent, however. Alvarez’s assumptions turned out to be correct (Kovalev would gas over a long fight and had weak ribs) and he got the KO. Kovalev’s game plan played right into it (jab Canelo, control distance, look to counter a much faster and superior counter puncher). I thought Buddy should have taken a chance and pursued the bigger man strategy - tell Krusher to tear into Alvarez early. Try to overpower and blast him out. IMO, Kovalev’s best chance - force Canelo to take your punches. But then again, maybe McGirt already knew what I observed during the fight - Canelo (though smaller) was the stronger and sturdier guy from the get-go...

All credit To Canelo, though. He beat the good big man with a spectacular finish... it will be interesting to see what he and Oscar do next. I think Berterbiev and Bivol (Lt Heavies) are too big and powerful (high risk, low reward) and GGG may be done. Andrade and Saunders are both quality, but not crowd pleasers. With Spence (Welter) on the sidelines, it is hard to see where his next “Mega-Media” interest fight will come from.
Well, I could have bias cofirmation in this fight, but Canelo's camp saw a weakness that also is no secret; Kovalev's vulnerability to the body. They knew they had one of if not the best counterpuncher in the game, and the more powerful fighter to chew up the body inside. Kovalev's camp purposely were saving his heavy right for later, but after taking the body shots, K himself even admitted after we never saw it because his elbow had to stay low to protect. Something my girlfriend pointed out as soon as he started doing it.

There were 2 Mayweather type tactics presented in this fight, one of which the announcers called out, him just going with the flow and not worrying about being behind on points, and sticking to the game plan. The other is this fight happening in the first place with Canelo's camp, seeing a wounded deer (career wise), and targeting them. He did move up 2 weight classes so I don't feel as he did exactly what Floyd did, but still. There's a reason Canelo was a huge favorite, it was style and fighting a fighter who is done imo.

Can't forget to talk about DAZN. They should be taking a lot of heat today, that was a disgrace to the sport imo. You let another sport dictate a mega fight to try and peel off a few viewers?? The optics of 2 boxers laying down almost sleeping on couches waiting for an hour as cameras are right on them is embarrassing for the sport. If these streaming services can't get their act together I hope they fail and go away. I had technical difficulties with ESPN+ as well. Also the least excitable announcing crew I've heard. They're not the big boys that's for sure.

I'd love to see Ward come out of retirement and fight Canelo. For Canelo only taking 2 serious shots in 10 rounds, and still being behind, said something to me also, he can't stay at that weight and fight as mentioned above Berterbiev and Bivol. And I totally agree with "where's he going now for a big fight?" And GGG is an avenue I'm not even going to talk about.

My brother and I have decent seats for Wilder v Ortiz II in a few weeks, can't wait!
Agree on the DAZN/UFC debacle. Never seen anything like it; horrible look. Fighters and we fans deserve better...
I hadn’t considered Ward coming out of retirement to challenge Canelo. Agree - very intriguing... Hope Andre shows interest.
Congrats on the Wilder/Ortiz 2 tickets... Dangerous rematch for Wilder. I give the Bronze Bomber props - he’ll fight anyone (even former PED users like King Kong...). Wouldn’t be surprised if Ortiz stops him this time though.
Should be an exciting fight and great atmosphere. IMO, no better event in sports (to attend) than a big fight. I’m envious...
It's weird how Wilder is essentially running back his big fights. I'm on the fence if it's stupid or courageous. My line of thinking for him fighting Ortiz and Fury again, is he's learned a lot of lessons and sees correctable mistakes, I think he wins both. He's still relatively young and has less experience by a lot compared to those two. I really think he's gonna dead fish Ortiz.
Wilder should be fighting Fury. He gains nothing from being Ortiz again. Then let's see if Joshua is this generation's Lennox Lewis and can beat Ruiz to become a viable opponent for Wilder again.
Wilder should be fighting Fury. He gains nothing from being Ortiz again. Then let's see if Joshua is this generation's Lennox Lewis and can beat Ruiz to become a viable opponent for Wilder again.

Agree on Wilder/Fury rematch. From what I read, I don’t think the problem (do an immediate rematch after the Draw) was Wilder. Top Rank decided to “marinate” Fury and try to market him here in the States. It seems to be working too (for them). Despite the showmanship and promoter politics, I think both Wilder and Fury are fighters at heart and both know they have unfinished business. I’m confident in a rematch next year if Wilder takes care of Ortiz again.

We’ll soon find out if Joshua is the next Lennox or actually Frank Bruno in disguise... I’ve always suspected more the latter than the former. But you’re right - we’ll see...

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