If I were the coaching staff and I read the article on IL.com today, I'd be scared too but its also an opportunity. Frame the #22 jersey as a platform. Wearing the #22 brings a lot of spotlight and attention - both on the field and in front of a camera, which would allow Chase to elevate his voice. This young man has some big goals and helping his family and friends back home feels very important to him. The more media time he gets, not just nationally, but locally would help him further his own cause. What Lyle and Miles did, along with Ty, at Albany was incredible and far reaching - so much so that the NYT did a real nice piece. The local screen time that they received was amazing and no doubt helped further their careers - both on the field and off the field. In my opinion, #22 would be like giving him a megaphone; like giving #44 to someone on the football side. The attention would give him the platform he's looking for it seems. The pressure comes too, but so far he's passed that test.