Clemson ticket sales at the moment. | Page 26 |

Clemson ticket sales at the moment.

The simple answer is college football in the Northeast is not as popular as college basketball. Add to that the fact we've had a basketball team that has not had a losing season since the Johnson administration and you have a recipe for basketball being much more popular.

Then sprinkle in the end of Coach Pasqualoni's time here, and the GRob era and you have a disenfranchised fan base that is now in a constant 'wait and see' mode with the football team. In the '90s we had average attendance upwards of 46,ooo a year. In 1999 (the year after McNabb left) our average attendance was nearly 47,000. It was the last decade that really destroyed the good will of the community. It also doesn't help that the President of SU once said that the football fans need to "get a life" because fans were calling for the termination of Pasqualoni after a series of bad years.

Many people did just that. They left in droves. It's going to take a 10-2 type season for the average fan to come back at this point. Syracuse is also an 'event' town. A lot of people don't have a close tie to the university, and wouldn't go to games unless a big time opponent shows up. Essentially they go for the event, not to root on their team.

People can add on to this, but I think this covers most of the reasons.

Add: The south had nothing to do on Saturdays for the past 100+ years. The big school was all they had to entertain them. No baseball teams, no NFL teams, no pro hoops, etc. It really is not difficult to consider that just 40-50 years ago the populations in the south were far small in comparison to the north.

The north has been developed much longer and has many activities to do on the weekends.

Also, Syracuse has a population of about 160K with a metro of 600K. Getting 50K in the Dome is a very large % of the local population. Even the Giants only seat 85K+ in a city with 8M+ and metro of more than 12M.
If we win those games it would have helped the program...of c

If we have 48k + at the dome, it really doesn't matter.

I doubt...just sayin, if there are any silver pockets, why not get them as out of sight as possible right?
From what I'm hearing now Dome ticket ops expects to sell out of all its tickets by today but may keep in reserve about 500-1000 tickets for alumni homecoming walk ups tomorrow. My buddy who knows an employee at Empower said late last night that they have just a few tickets left and should sell out this morning if not already.

For those of you who know I've been critical of SUA marketing, billboards are up on major highways and radio advertising has picked up. Not sure about TV advertising.

I suggest you take 2 aspirin and get to the Dome early - great to get back to the days - seems like ages now - with the Dome being packed for football! The world seems righted again cause I'm sick of hearing we are just a bball school - why the F not both!

Go Orange!
I'm just surprised this isn't an easy sell-out considering the popularity of college football and based on your support for basketball.
College football isn't nearly as popular in New York and in the Northeast as it is in the South. Up this way, b-ball (college & pro) is just a more popular sport. And when it comes to football, the NFL interest far exceeds the college game.
On it says there is a chance they could sell out for this game. :D

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College football isn't nearly as popular in New York and in the Northeast as it is in the South. Up this way, b-ball (college & pro) is just a more popular sport. And when it comes to football, the NFL interest far exceeds the college game.

College basketball I understand... But pro basketball? It's terrible.
I have a question about your football ticket sales:

You guys pack the dome for basketball every year. SU is #1 in attendance every year for hoops. Why can't you sell out a big game for football?

Now, I'm not going to make a lot of friends on here saying this, but hear me out: College football is tremendously popular-- much more so than college basketball is. Generally speaking, it's not close. This disastrous realignment and these insane TV contracts are about one thing: football. Now, I know that in Syracuse that's not the case. SU is a hoops school, first and foremost-- I get that. But considering what you're capable of for attendance when it comes to basketball, I would imagine that just the general popularity of football-- and your fan support when it comes to basketball-- would ensure an instant-sellout for a game like this.

When Clemson is good in basketball, and we've had our years under Barnes and Purnell, we sell out basketball games. Granted, LJ is only about 11,000 seats, but we do sell-out. When we played Kentucky in the Music City Bowl (2006 I believe), they brought probably 50,000 fans. It was insane. Kentucky's football history is a disaster-- it doesn't compare to Syracuse's. But their fan support is great. You see it for basketball and it translates to football as well.

I'm just surprised this isn't an easy sell-out considering the popularity of college football and based on your support for basketball.

Looking forward to the trip. GO TIGERS!
first heres a little something to help you negotiate the area for your trip to maximize your fun and activities efficiently (think you'll find the locals quite welcoming);

As for what's up with the fanbase you bring up an issue that though while talked about a lot, no one has firm answers. We have theories. And here's one such theory(ies).

Historically we're actually a football town with great success (NC, Heisman, great NFL players in the 50+60's), but we became a basketball town with the dome, our coach and with the 80's with Pearl Washington and the gang, this occurred as the school allowed the football fortunes to deteriorate, literally with facilities in the 70's.

My perception (emphasize mine as other will surely refute) is rooted in several theories with one being its is simply logistically and financially easier to properly support a basketball program and this is where the emphasis has been with great success and success begets success.

We are an instructive example for business and sports programs of what NOT to do when it comes to maintaining success of winning program. The decline of the football program was the perfect storm of several factors not the least of which was not maintaining competitive facilities. This was (and still is to a lesser degree as it is finally being addressed), this issue was combined with a administration that wasn't forward thinking enough/modern thinking enough however one wants to phrase it, this in conjunction with coaching blunders.

Whether the case of a staff where the game has passed them by on the field and off and not good enough of leader/CEO type (the end of the Pasqualoni era), resulting in a worsening into mediocrity (.500ish over the last several years with poor recruiting - again somewhat helped out by bad facilities). This, sans the facitlities part, is what just played out over at UConn. Not relating to the players anymore was a part as I knew first hand treating many SU players at the time in my health care practice.

Anyway that's where the slide into the abyss started contributed to in part by a admin. that being too old school was never proactive and rather reactive NOT doing what they needed to do. And then flat out contributing to the alienation of an already somewhat front running fair weather fan base the admin. literally in a front page article told the community "To get a life" ostensibly and assumably outside of following their football team.

This as many in the community had the temerity to want more than mediocrity as that was were things were with no end in sight with it likely to worsen, so many wanted a coaching change. Bad Bad business. And all of that resulted in many doing just that re football as people stayed away in droves while many somehow made the rationalization not to let that apply to hoops (the success of the hoops team vs. non success of football aided in this).

Add in some trying economic times with lost population due to the national transition from a industrial economy to a service economy with a population decline here, general higher costs of living and the fact that the northeast is more of a pro town (us included) than a "college type of town", and all together along with the fact that football isn't God up here like down south with less programs and players to choose and recruit from and the result is a foregone conclusion of what's happened here. Like I said earlier the perfect storm. Quite frankly given all that it is somewhat amazing we've been as good as we have been.

To make matters worse we then fell head long into the abyss with worst hire in the history of college football, the very nice, but very incompetent GRob error. Enough said on that. So that's nearly a decade of poor football on the field, inept managment and leadership on and off the field and that's what we had to come from. Thats A LOT to overcome even without the natural logistical geographic challenges and limitations mentioned earlier.

Finally with this season and particularly this game this weekend enough time has passed from all that, a savior in coach Marrone pulled the program from the ledge and now things are returning, albeit slowly and maybe/maybe not this weekend, to the success we've had here for decades (40's, 50's, early 60's, 80's and 90's).

You can read the byline of a poster named Tomcat for just how much success we've had here. So companies and programs would be well suited to learn from our past as as I said all of that is a lot to overcome. The good news is now all of those factors have been addressed and changes made and hopefully a future game of this type will not have any problem getting butts in the seats.

And that's we are. In fact this weekend will tell us exactly where we are. Enjoy your time and trip up here.
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A very arbitrary measure i have been using is the number of medium blue sections (meaning moderate availability)...down to 9...a couple less than when I woke up today. I think 306 was one of the ones that just turned...

Note- its a pretty shitty measure as 1 seat in a section shows the same as 30-40...but still an easy way to look at the big picture.
But pro basketball? It's terrible.
Well, that's your opinion. but there are millions of NBA fans in the Northeast that would vehemently disagree w/ you. The NBA is a zillion times more popular than college football in New York, a zillion.

In many parts of the South, all you have are your college teams. Up North we have a lot more options because there are so many professional franchises concentrated up here. So pro sports, aka the highest level of play w/ the best athletes regardless of the sport, is just far more intriguing for the average Northerner. It's really that simple. If all we had were college sports then maybe it would be different but that's not the case so it is what it is.
Just saw a guy drive by with two Clemson flags on his car... they're heeeeeere...

Key his car! Key his car! Sorry, finding my inner high school kid before the big game :0
Well, that's your opinion. but there are millions of NBA fans in the Northeast that would vehemently disagree w/ you. The NBA is a zillion times more popular than college football in New York, a zillion.

In many parts of the South, all you have are your college teams. Up North we have a lot more options because there are so many professional franchises concentrated up here. So pro sports, aka the highest level of play w/ the best athletes regardless of the sport, is just far more intriguing for the average Northerner. It's really that simple. If all we had were college sports then maybe it would be different but that's not the case so it is what it is.

It's absolutely my opinion, I understand that there are people that like it. I feel as though NBA basketball is a terrible product. I also live in New York City. I'm from 45 minutes away, was in Manhattan for 12 years, and now live 3 blocks from Barclay's. Sorry, but NBA basketball isn't a "zillion" times more popular than anything, especially not college football. While NY is certainly a pro town and the Knicks get some buzz when they're decent (and that is extremely rare), New Yorkers care about baseball, football, and to a much lesser extent hockey and pro hoops. Granted, not the way the NFL does, but college football packs a lot of bars here on Saturdays. NBA basketball does not.
first heres a little something to help you negotiate the area for your trip to maximize your activities efficiently (think you'll find the locals quite welcoming);

As for what's up with the fanbase you bring up an issue that though while talked about a lot, no one has firm answers. We have theories. And here's one such theory(ies).

Historically we're actually a football town with great success (NC, Heisman, great NFL players in the 50+60's), but we became a basketball town with the dome, our coach and with the 80's with Pearl Washington and the gang, this occurred as the school allowed the football fortunes to deteriorate, literally with facilities.

My perception (emphasize mine as other will surely refute) is rooted in several theories with one being its is simply logistically and financially easier to properly support a basketball program and this is where the emphasis has been with great success and success begets success.

We are an instructive example for business and sports programs of what NOT to do when it comes to maintaining success of winning program. The decline of the football program was the perfect storm of several factors not the least of which was not maintaining competitive facilities. This was (and still is to a lesser degree as it is finally being addressed), this issue was combined with a administration that wasn't forward thinking enough/modern thinking enough however one wants to phrase it, this in conjunction with coaching blunders.

Whether the case of a staff where the game has passed them by on the field and off and not good enough of leader/CEO type (the end of the Pasqualoni era), resulting in a worsening into mediocrity (.500ish over the last several years with poor recruiting - again somewhat helped out by bad facilities). This, sans the facitlities part, is what just played out over at UConn. Not relating to the players anymore was a part as I knew first hand treating many SU players at the time in my health care practice.

Anyway that's where the slide into the abyss started contributed to in part by a admin. that being too old school was never proactive and rather reactive NOT doing what they needed to do. And then flat out contributing to the alienation of an already somewhat front running fair weather fan base the admin. literally in a front page article told the community "To get a life" ostensibly outside of following their football team as many in the community had the temerity to want more than mediocrity as that was were with no end in sight when many wanted a coaching change. Bad Bad business. And all of that resulted in many doing just that re football as many somehow made the rationalization not to let that apply to hoops (the success of the hoops team vs. non success of football aided in that

Add in some trying economic time with lost population due to the national transition from a industrial economy to a service economy, general higher costs of living and the fact that the northeast is more of a pro town (us included) than a "college type of town", and all together the result is a foregone conclusion.

To make matters worse we then fell head long into the abyss with worst hire in the history of college football, the very nice, but very incompetent GRob error. Enough said on that. So that's nearly a decade of poor football on the field, inept managment and leadership on and off the field and that's what we had to come from. Thats A LOT to overcome. With this game enough time has passed from all that, a savior in coach Marrone pulled the program from the ledge and now things are returning, albeit slowly and maybe/maybe not this weekend, to the success we've had here for decades (40's, 50's, early 60's, 80's and 90's).

You can read the byline of a poster named Tomcat for just how much success we've had here. So companies and programs would be well suited to learn from our past as as I said all of that is a lot to overcome. The good news is now all of those factors have been addressed and changes made and hopefully a future game of this type will not have any problem getting butts in the seats.

And that's we are. In fact this weekend will tell us exactly where we are. Enjoy your time and trip up here.


Thanks -- it makes a lot of sense and it seems to be a common theme. I remember growing up, with Macpherson and P, and the 'Cuse having a lot of good teams in the 80s and 90s. Hopefully, they'll find their mojo again in the ACC.
From what I'm hearing now Dome ticket ops expects to sell out of all its tickets by today but may keep in reserve about 500-1000 tickets for alumni homecoming walk ups tomorrow. My buddy who knows an employee at Empower said late last night that they have just a few tickets left and should sell out this morning if not already.

For those of you who know I've been critical of SUA marketing, billboards are up on major highways and radio advertising has picked up. Not sure about TV advertising.

I suggest you take 2 aspirin and get to the Dome early - great to get back to the days - seems like ages now - with the Dome being packed for football! The world seems righted again cause I'm sick of hearing we are just a bball school - why the F not both!

Go Orange!

Ticket office has been working all week to move the remaining tickets. They are very confident that they will be reaching a sellout.
Ticket office has been working all week to move the remaining tickets. They are very confident that they will be reaching a sellout.

I gotta think, if they are this confident (publicly), they have a plan in place for any remaining tickets...this is a good thing. Good stuff.

Thanks -- it makes a lot of sense and it seems to be a common theme. I remember growing up, with Macpherson and P, and the 'Cuse having a lot of good teams in the 80s and 90s. Hopefully, they'll find their mojo again in the ACC.
We will still accept you back, if you're leaning that way. It's a helluva lot easier to get from Brooklyn to SU than to Clemson.
Well it weakens the home schedule. Add that to the ever increasing costs for preferred seats and the so so program vs the 90's and you have your answer.,

They maybe "moved" one game - USC. And what's to say USC doesn't cut a check to get out of the return trip. We've done the same.
We will still accept you back, if you're leaning that way. It's a helluva lot easier to get from Brooklyn to SU than to Clemson.

40 minute flight tonight... Loving it. Although it's nice that's it's driving distance, too.
They maybe "moved" one game - USC. And what's to say USC doesn't cut a check to get out of the return trip. We've done the same.

Move as in the biggest OOC game that particular year will not be played in the Dome.

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Move as in the biggest OOC game that particular year will not be played in the Dome.

The alternative is, esp in the Big East days, is the payout wasn't worth it for the super big schools to go to Cuse.

I think the issue is scheduled big game at Giants Stadium verses middle of the pack BCSer in the Dome. For my money I'd prefer the latter. But that's a lot different than moved.
On it says there is a chance they could sell out for this game. :D

From what I'm hearing now Dome ticket ops expects to sell out of all its tickets by today but may keep in reserve about 500-1000 tickets for alumni homecoming walk ups tomorrow. My buddy who knows an employee at Empower said late last night that they have just a few tickets left and should sell out this morning if not already.
But...what about the...leaves?

In all of this football fanfare...have we forgotten about them????

Without SU fans raking them from their lawns, Upstate NY land could be completely covered with lonely leaves by the time the sun sets! Is that what you want???


But...what about the...leaves?

In all of this football fanfare...have we forgotten about them????

Without SU fans raking them from their lawns, Upstate NY land could be completely covered with lonely leaves by the time the sun sets! Is that what you want???



However we had a really heavy rainfall this morning so the leaves are too damp to rake tomorrow! Even our CNY weather is working in our favor for once for a sellout!

And I do predict a sellout based upon what I am hearing from my limited contacts! Go Orange!
Gotta love all these faux leave raking posts. Never heard one person say they weren't going to a game because they had to rake leaves. It falls about #937 on the list of reasons. I suspect those that keep saying that, even mockingly, don't know the real reasons nor have any answers.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Gotta love all these faux leave raking posts. Never heard one person say they weren't going to a game because the had to take leaves. It falls about #937 on the list of reasons. I suspect those that keep saying that, even mockingly, don't know the real reasons nor have any answers.


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