Clemson Ticket Sales | Page 2 |

Clemson Ticket Sales

Actually, a very good point. I'm going to the game regardless, but for Pete's sake there are people with family obligations or potential obligations who really need to know well in advance of what time the game is actually going to be played. I know it's all about TV, TV, TV... but programs like 'Bama, LSU, and Ped State are going to fill their stadiums irregardless of game time; such is not the case in dear old Syracuse. Just trying to be real here.


Sorry, I had to ;)
I don't know if they are still holding on to seasons like the OP said? With already one home game down wouldn't they be available for single game tickets now? When you zoom in on the map there are scattered openings on the first level. Two tickets here four there. 1st level is pretty much taken care of right now except for the corners of end zone opposite of the band and barring any ticket office holds . I don't think there are many holds because when I looked a week or so ago there were far less openings. I believe everything is open now. 3rd level on the other hand is plentiful with open seats. This is just pathetic. I hope people are waiting for the time to be announced but I feel like that isn't the case. Likely #3 ranked opponent coming in, new conference, heisman trophy candidate, first ACC game, homecoming weekend, the list goes on.

I do agree. SU Athletics needs to get this out on TV radio what have you. Let the casual fan, or not even that, know that this is a big game.

EDIT: If I have to guess ,based on a very quick estimate, there are approximately 10-12k tickets available. Mostly 3rd level and 2nd level endzones.
It shouldn't be, thats the problem

Yes it should or they need to change the donation structure.

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I bought 4 tickets in 319 as soon as they went on sale!

Syracuse REALLY needs to fix their pricing structure, in 319 alone you can sit in row P and pay $51.XX or get 2 rows closer and pay $120.XX per ticket!! Or go 4 rows closer than P and pay $151.XX per ticket...

No wonder the upper half of the section is full and the lower half is empty...

That's terrible. They should have a flat price of $40 for the entire level and create more competition over the seats.
For the millionth time, college football in the North is ENTERTAINMENT not religion. The casual fan, after noting the first two loses, had better things to do last weekend. Their ears might have perked up when they saw the score against Wagner. Now they're waiting to see the result of the Tulane game to see whether or not it's real. If SU wins handily, they'll wait for the time announcement because you can't make plans without know when the game will start. Then, noting weather forecasts, kid sports conflicts, etc., ticket sales will pick up.
For the millionth time, college football in the North is ENTERTAINMENT not religion. The casual fan, after noting the first two loses, had better things to do last weekend. Their ears might have perked up when they saw the score against Wagner. Now they're waiting to see the result of the Tulane game to see whether or not it's real. If SU wins handily, they'll wait for the time announcement because you can't make plans without know when the game will start. Then, noting weather forecasts, kid sports conflicts, etc., ticket sales will pick up.

well said
Why are you suprised? The team is 1-2 and there is absolutely zero and I mean ZERO buzz for not only this game but really the program itself. Last year when we had a post about attendance people kept arguing (not you) that an ACC schedule would greatly help attendance and energize those fairweather fans to come to the dome. As I said then and I will repeat now, no it won't. A lot of the locals and many alumni as well simpy dont care about the program at this point, playing Clemson, FSU or whoever isn't going to change that. There will be more people at the Regional farmers market at 10am Saturday then there will probably be at kickoff in the dome, its just how it is.

If you need a better example just head over the bball board where you have a thread about people who want the season to start now and can't wait for the first game. It's as if Syracuse was suddenly St. Johns or Seton Hall and didnt have a fball program. Fans on our own board don't even follow the program, how can we expect some locals who probably don't even know when the Clemson game is (great job SU marketing team as always) to have tickets to the game.
Personally, you can fast forward through Bball and go right to LAX.
That's terrible. They should have a flat price of $40 for the entire level and create more competition over the seats.

Some of the seats he is talking about are preferred seats with a certain donation level. You just can't flat price everything.

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Thank you. I've already had a conflict because of kids sporting events (which trump any SU game football or basketball). Again, people without kids dont get it.
I can watch SU sports my whole life. I only get so many years to watch my kids play sports. I have season tickets now but did not in the years when my son played Pop Warner and I coached him.
I can watch SU sports my whole life. I only get so many years to watch my kids play sports. I have season tickets now but did not in the years when my son played Pop Warner and I coached him.

I live for SU sports (and sports in general). Didnt miss a dome game from age 20 to 30. Kids came and its a different ballgame. Times change, priorities change. If you are skipping a kids game to attend the Clemson game turn in your parent card immediately. This also goes for the Duke basketball game just to show it goes both ways.
Yes it should or they need to change the donation structure.

Maybe I'm in the minority. I sit in 129 which has a certain "preferred donation" price. (I have no idea what that is cuz my wife writes the bills.)
I would have no problem with Syracuse, the week of the game, pricing any empty seats in my section at ANY PRICE THEY THINK THE MARKET WILL BUY THEM AT. Its simple supply and demand in my eyes. In fact, an hour before the game, I'm fine with Syracuse selling the tickets right next to me for $4.44. What am I missing?
Yes it should or they need to change the donation structure.

But it clearly shouldn't be. There is a serious disconnect between the pricing structure and the market for these tickets.

I agree that this would impact the donation structure, but the way they have it with the product we have, it isn't working.

The proof is in the attendance. Unless people think that the university is currently maximizing attendance and we can do no better than what we have, which I can't imagine anyone thinks.

This isn't some abstraction. We can see the empty seats each week.
Maybe I'm in the minority. I sit in 129 which has a certain "preferred donation" price. (I have no idea what that is cuz my wife writes the bills.)
I would have no problem with Syracuse, the week of the game, pricing any empty seats in my section at ANY PRICE THEY THINK THE MARKET WILL BUY THEM AT. Its simple supply and demand in my eyes. In fact, an hour before the game, I'm fine with Syracuse selling the tickets right next to me for $4.44. What am I missing?

It's a slippery slope. When you ask one fan to ponie up an additional $250 - $1,000 for a seat then sell the seat right next to them for the ticket cost alone ($30-$50?) you risk losing some donors. Nor just because you'll piss them off but why would a person, mostly locals, donate for a seat when they can just buy them game by game for significantly less?

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But it clearly shouldn't be. There is a serious disconnect between the pricing structure and the market for these tickets.

I agree that this would impact the donation structure, but the way they have it with the product we have, it isn't working.

The proof is in the attendance. Unless people think that the university is currently maximizing attendance and we can do no better than what we have, which I can't imagine anyone thinks.

This isn't some abstraction. We can see the empty seats each week.

So you agree it's the donation structure we have for the program we have.

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Supply and demand. It's one thing to donate and have great seats and there is a limited number available and then when fans are staying home you HAVE to find a way to get them through those turnstiles.
It's a slippery slope. When you ask one fan to ponie up an additional $250 - $1,000 for a seat then sell the seat right next to them for the ticket cost alone ($30-$50?) you risk losing some donors. Nor just because you'll piss them off but why would a person, mostly locals, donate for a seat when they can just buy them game by game for significantly less?
Bring on that risk. Bring it. You're not losing me. If I'm sitting in the dome with 45,000 peeps and the reason is they actually let the market clear and by doing so the place is packed. I'll relish the preferred donation that I paid to help make it happen.
Maybe I'm in the minority. I sit in 129 which has a certain "preferred donation" price. (I have no idea what that is cuz my wife writes the bills.)
I would have no problem with Syracuse, the week of the game, pricing any empty seats in my section at ANY PRICE THEY THINK THE MARKET WILL BUY THEM AT. Its simple supply and demand in my eyes. In fact, an hour before the game, I'm fine with Syracuse selling the tickets right next to me for $4.44. What am I missing?

Hmmm... Don't let your poor wife do all the dirty work. Take a look at what the "preferred donation" price (which is basically a bribe to allow you to buy a ticket in section 129) is, and then you will understand why letting someone pay $4.44 for a seat in your section could be a little upsetting to you. If that still doesn't bother you, I concede that you are definitely more Christian in your outlook than I could ever be.
if the dome was at 95% full and 40% of the seats were actually good views the demand alone would make game time less of an issue. our Dome is 50% full with 80% good seats much less reason to but ahead and worry about games you can attend.
Hmmm... Don't let your poor wife do all the dirty work. Take a look at what the "preferred donation" price (which is basically a bribe to allow you to buy a ticket in section 129) is, and then you will understand why letting someone pay $4.44 for a seat in your section could be a little upsetting to you. If that still doesn't bother you, I concede that you are definitely more Christian in your outlook than I could ever be.
lol. Its not "Christian in my outlook". I pay the preferred price for the opportunity to guarantee THAT seat at THAT particular price. I make this contract knowing that THE MARKET may determine a different price down the road (hypothetically higher or lower than the price I paid per ticket). If I think that I can get that exact seat (where my peeps and relatives are) for cheaper on an individual basis for each game then I shouldn't sign the preferred contract. I want to pay a premium for the benefits that preferred premium provides.

After that contract has been signed by me, the school should definitely let the market dictate what the seats around me should go for.
Actually, a very good point. I'm going to the game regardless, but for Pete's sake there are people with family obligations or potential obligations who really need to know well in advance of what time the game is actually going to be played. I know it's all about TV, TV, TV... but programs like 'Bama, LSU, and Ped State are going to fill their stadiums irregardless of game time; such is not the case in dear old Syracuse. Just trying to be real here.

Unfortunately, SU doesn't have the option. Under the ACC's contract, ESPN dictates when the games are played and that is not done until a week or two before. To that end, if SU isn't doing a good job to market Clemson then that's their fault, but the lack of a set time has nothing to do with SU.

I imagine there will be a good walk up with it being homecoming.

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Maybe I'm in the minority. I sit in 129 which has a certain "preferred donation" price. (I have no idea what that is cuz my wife writes the bills.)
I would have no problem with Syracuse, the week of the game, pricing any empty seats in my section at ANY PRICE THEY THINK THE MARKET WILL BUY THEM AT. Its simple supply and demand in my eyes. In fact, an hour before the game, I'm fine with Syracuse selling the tickets right next to me for $4.44. What am I missing?

With this idea 1000%. Especially for a program in the state that Syracuse football is in.

How many wins will it take to get 40K fans consistently? And how will SU recruit kids good enough to win games consistently without 40K fans consistently?

For all the great things that are coming with the indoor practice facility and the influx of cash from the ACC, SU football needs fans in the Dome to sustain any type of success. 6 or 7 dates out of the entire year, they need to figure out a way to get 40,000 people into one building.

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