Come on down Ash! |

Come on down Ash!


Living Legend
Aug 27, 2011
Ok so now that Batman and Robin.. By day The big full of it balogne by night Batman have left and we have had our hearts crushed by a cowboy we never to got know " No NY Senate spot for you" we should all be very glad. Why because our true Super Hero HCSS AKA THE MAYOR likes to keep it simple so that his players can play fast. We have all read about what position Ash should be playing. Well he should be playing QB. He is as good an athlete that we have on this team. He was all world in HS at QB put the ball in the kids hands, surround him with the talent we currently have and let him do his thing. My gut tells me he is the real deal and with a simplified O and his talent we could be in for a treat. If im Shafer i tell my OC your number one priority is to do everything in your power to get this kid under center.
I don't think he will play QB neither. I think he will be played as TE, slot receiver, or some sort of running package.
Ok so now that Batman and Robin.. By day The big full of it balogne by night Batman have left and we have had our hearts crushed by a cowboy we never to got know " No NY Senate spot for you" we should all be very glad. Why because our true Super Hero HCSS AKA THE MAYOR likes to keep it simple so that his players can play fast. We have all read about what position Ash should be playing. Well he should be playing QB. He is as good an athlete that we have on this team. He was all world in HS at QB put the ball in the kids hands, surround him with the talent we currently have and let him do his thing. My gut tells me he is the real deal and with a simplified O and his talent we could be in for a treat. If im Shafer i tell my OC your number one priority is to do everything in your power to get this kid under center.

Enough, seriously, already about Marrone. This program is nowhere close to where it is right. Unless Shafer and Gross are the biggest liars in town, they understand and are thankful for the work Marrone has done. If they don't have a problem with it, then why should you.

If you think Broyld is the answer, you don't even know what the question is.
Enough, seriously, already about Marrone. This program is nowhere close to where it is right. Unless Shafer and Gross are the biggest liars in town, they understand and are thankful for the work Marrone has done. If they don't have a problem with it, then why should you.

If you think Broyld is the answer, you don't even know what the question is.
Oh Go you are about as fun as The big Balogne without his frying pan. Get a life about Doug. Yes he did a good job and yes we all have given him huge credit myself included but dont you think it is time to realize that he might have been just a little full of balogne? I feel you pain Go. Loss is tough. What stage are you at. Denial? Anger? its ok someday you will learn to accept that Doug was simply human with faults like the rest of us. Oh and one more thing please send me your seat info so that i can make sure we are next to each other next season as we cheer our new QB Ashton on!!!
Oh Go you are about as fun as The big Balogne without his frying pan. Get a life about Doug. Yes he did a good job and yes we all have given him huge credit myself included but dont you think it is time to realize that he might have been just a little full of balogne? I feel you pain Go. Loss is tough. What stage are you at. Denial? Anger? its ok someday you will learn to accept that Doug was simply human with faults like the rest of us. Oh and one more thing please send me your seat info so that i can make sure we are next to each other next season as we cheer our new QB Ashton on!!!

If it's about being simply being human, why the derision, resentment and hate? You thought the guy sucked, and even with an enormous amount of evidence to the contrary you held to that.

You should be doing cartwheels if you were being consistent and honest, instead it's this hypocritical crocodile tear anger.

You want to accuse people of being full of it, take a look in the mirror.
Ask Va Tech how putting the ball into the hands of their best athlete, Logan Thomas, went this year. He sucked. It's a very similar situation to Broyld. Big kid, started at tight end his freshman year just to get him on the field. Then transitioned to quarterback. They wonder why they barely got bowl eligible and squeaked past Rutgers in the most boring bowl game of the year? Poor quarterback play.
If it's about being simply being human, why the derision, resentment and hate? You thought the guy sucked, and even with an enormous amount of evidence to the contrary you held to that.

You should be doing cartwheels if you were being consistent and honest, instead it's this hypocritical crocodile tear anger.

You want to accuse people of being full of it, take a look in the mirror.
Not true i doubt that you have done a fraction of what we have done for Syracuse. My problem with Doug is simple. I think that he is arrogant and paranoid. Two really bad traits in a leader. Closing practice, not giving a about the fans acting like a saint when in fact he was actually not any better than the rest of us really bothers me. I find Doug to be a decent coach think that he is going to get torched in the NFL . The way he exited this program is horrible and you know it. He lead Doc and Shafer to believe that he wasnt going to hire Hack to the point that NH was about to sign than poaches him and breaks his word. You know this to be true Go so please do not defend your Doug.
Doug was like a ing marter. Pissing and moaning about facilities and fans when he put on the field until the last half of this year. Shafer saved his ass the first three years and Robin finally called a few good games towards the end. He was ok and i wish that he would have stayed but give me a break he was arrogant as all hell and showed his true colors on how he left
Ask Va Tech how putting the ball into the hands of their best athlete, Logan Thomas, went this year. He sucked. It's a very similar situation to Broyld. Big kid, started at tight end his freshman year just to get him on the field. Then transitioned to quarterback. They wonder why they barely got bowl eligible and squeaked past Rutgers in the most boring bowl game of the year? Poor quarterback play.
I know Ashton Broyld, he's no Logan Thomas.
Not true i doubt that you have done a fraction of what we have done for Syracuse. My problem with Doug is simple. I think that he is arrogant and paranoid. Two really bad traits in a leader. Closing practice, not giving a **** about the fans acting like a saint when in fact he was actually not any better than the rest of us really bothers me. I find Doug to be a decent coach think that he is going to get torched in the NFL . The way he exited this program is horrible and you know it. He lead Doc and Shafer to believe that he wasnt going to hire Hack to the point that NH was about to sign than poaches him and breaks his word. You know this to be true Go so please do not defend your Doug.
Doug was like a ******* marter. Pissing and moaning about facilities and fans when he put **** on the field until the last half of this year. Shafer saved his ass the first three years and Robin finally called a few good games towards the end. He was ok and i wish that he would have stayed but give me a break he was arrogant as all hell and showed his true colors on how he left

1. I have no idea what your first sentence means.

2. Why do you care what his personal style is. He was brought in to fix the football program. That's what he did. End of story. He wasn't hired to by your, or anybody elses, buddy.

3. He closed practice, again what do you care. There's maybe 50 people in the world that affected. The product at the end of the day was much better, so maybe it helped.

4. Acted like a Saint? Uh, okay whatever.

5. I must have missed it, he promised that he wasn't going to hire Hackett? Is there a newstory reported to that effect.

6. Are you really saying you expected to see the team that was out there this year the first three years? Seriously, are you that deluded?

7. For whatever reasons he wanted out. I don't care if they were good or bad or indifferent, he was free to go. If he wasn't happy, frustrated and had an opportunity to advance, he should go.

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