Crazy Karl Hess Story | Page 3 |

Crazy Karl Hess Story

Well, if you don't like it... there's an easy solution.

You know what's great and it just hit me? That avatar is JackBauer44 in action and coaching, yeah? Good stuff bro.
It was my understanding that a board called "syracusefan" would be administrated by "fans". I was wrong in this assumption.

So this is a board for Syracuse fans owned and operated by a university trustee. That's fine, just changes my opinion of this board.

so, if you're a trustee, you're not a fan? Is there any other profession that automatically disqualifies someone from being a fan? I'm not even sure I understand how you came up with your logic. :bat:
so, if you're a trustee, you're not a fan? Is there any other profession that automatically disqualifies someone from being a fan? I'm not even sure I understand how you came up with your logic. :bat:

Well, on the pay side we don't welcome Customer Service Representatives. Otherwise, most professions are okay.
is it really a slur to call someone eqyptian, even if they're not?

hess is a jerk for sure, very strange, but i don't know if that qualifies as a slur

acc might have to clean house with their refs. so bad

Does this answer your question?

Probably not.
So we actually have more than one trustee on here, I believe, and sometimes people from the SU athletic department post on here. We sometimes have sports reporters. We probably have people who work for SU in other capacities. I am one of the Presidents of an SU alumni club and considered under the wing of the university. We have people on here who donate a ton of money to athletics and to the university. We have people on here who have kids that play sports for SU, some rather high profile. We have people on here who never went to SU. We have people on here who are minors. We have people on here who (ahem, cough cough) went to North Carolina, with family members who went to Duke and Wake Forest. But the important thing is that we all bleed ORANGE. And...that makes us fans. Thus the name syracusefan. That should be the only thing that matters. One trustee does not make the university policy or they do not pick the athletic director. They have one voice and one vote.
And I don't think anyone "owns" this forum.

I know you have not been on here long. When I first got on here, I did not know who anyone was, and at times it can be a bit like everyone is in a club that you are trying hard to get into. I sat back, and read, and commented on SU sports, and slowly learned who many people are. I still don't know who many are, or I forget. But I will tell you that if you get to go to one of the tailgates, or get an opportunity to meet many of the people on here, you will meet some of the finest SU fans to ever walk the floors of Manley Field House or The Carrier Dome. You will become part of a family that goes way beyond sports. Last year when one of our forum member's daughter went through tough surgery we all pulled for her, and were there on this board for her dad. We had one of the most special board members ever pass away this summer after a long, long hospitalization from a very dibilitating disease. We stood side by side with Dan through his illness. CTO did things for Dan that made his days in the hospital maybe some of the most special times he had in a long time. We really become a family, and you are more than welcome to be a part of our family. Don't worry about the labels that may come attached to some of us. Just enjoy our common fandom.
"Hess has been a controversial figure at ACC basketball games in the last two years, specifically games involving NC State."

The phrase controversial figure and ref should never be in the same sentence. You are an ref. You should be invisible ideally, moderately annoying at worst. When it gets to the point where you are being DESCRIBED as controversial, you should already be gone.

We can put up with crap from actual talent. Players, coaches, shoot, even broadcasters. These guys can be controverial and we might just have to suck it up. But a ref? Please. We dont need to put up with that. There are 20 others just like him minus the controversy that we can hire in a minute.
The overly defensive response from this board's members has been absurd.

Someone calls me an idiot and my response is deleted? What?
Maybe a little over the top but do you get it? You made an odd, seemingly accusatory, prejudicial post about the entire board and the beloved elder-stateswoman of it (apologies for the "elder", CTO). If you think about it, you shouldn't be surprised.
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He also got into it with a Syracuse trustee after his wretched officiating at the NCAA game against Marquette in Cleveland in 2011. But since the trustee might have provoked him by walking up to his table in a restaurant and telling him what she thought of his officiating...maybe she's a bit culpable (for which she is totally unapologetic).

This is freakin' awesome CTO--this suddenly long thread certainly has "buried the lead"! Surprised I missed this when it originally happened (I'm sure you probably had a great post on the trip recap which covered it), but usually I get so bummed out after a Tourney loss I stay away from the board for a few days during the obligatory "blow-up".
"Hess has been a controversial figure at ACC basketball games in the last two years, specifically games involving NC State."

The phrase controversial figure and ref should never be in the same sentence. You are an ref. You should be invisible ideally, moderately annoying at worst. When it gets to the point where you are being DESCRIBED as controversial, you should already be gone.

We can put up with crap from actual talent. Players, coaches, shoot, even broadcasters. These guys can be controverial and we might just have to suck it up. But a ref? Please. We dont need to put up with that. There are 20 others just like him minus the controversy that we can hire in a minute.
This is exactly right. Hess' biggest issue, to me, is that he seems ready to blow a fuse at any moment. This story certainly illustrates that. There have been several games where the crowd gets on him for questionable calls and you can see him immediately start calling foul after foul to show them who's boss. Not only is there no way a ref should behave this way, there is no way I should know enough about him to know he behaves this way. As you said, he should be invisible, not the subject of numerous articles about questionable behavior. Is there any job with less accountability than NCAA ref?
I hope more of this is done by conferences. They should evaluate and grade these guys for the season every season and give them feedback about what they like and don't like. I feel like you could take 300 people of relatively good health and standard intelligence, train them for a year and then replace all the existing refs. I think we'd have better results than we now have by the time they got to conference season their first year.
you are quite mistaken. cto is merely an admin. this syracuse board is in fact owned and operated by a UConn fan. that should make you feel a lot better

We do have another Uconn fan here, but he's deep undercover as an SU fan. He gets irritable when the cheap beer runs out but otherwise is very complimentary towards the state university of Connecticut.

Oh, and F Karl Hess.
I hope more of this is done by conferences. They should evaluate and grade these guys for the season every season and give them feedback about what they like and don't like. I feel like you could take 300 people of relatively good health and standard intelligence, train them for a year and then replace all the existing refs. I think we'd have better results than we now have by the time they got to conference season their first year.

I'd be interested to know what sort of evaluations actually do occur. Last summer I met someone who worked for MLB and his job was to grade home plate umpires. As an avid baseball fan who is consistently shocked by the seniority that goes on (despite the lack of quality), I was surprised to find out how much effort they do put in to evaluating umps.

I wonder is something like that happens in college hoops. Is it the ACC who evaluates? The NCAA? And why evaluate, if you're never going to make a change...
a pox on anyone who dares besmirch the good internet name of our beloved hero

begone kingonuaku. GO
Can't wait till he works the NCAA tournament likes always and avenges his ACC firing there.

He should go out on top, wait until NC State makes it in and then eject the whole team from the game and then walk out and retire.
Let's start all over again.

I started 15 years ago with two UConn fans ... because there was no place for sane, intelligent discussion of SU sports. I have NO ownership position in it... I am just an admin... who, along with TEN other volunteers moderates these boards 24/7 ... to prevent them from turning into a sewer like the forum on

We admins/moderators also supply content (note daily contributions of sutomcat, orangeXtreme, Cuse Legacy et al) and set up and moderate chat rooms.

I fail to see what my position on the Board of Trustees has to do with any of this. If you had been around here for more than a month, you might have noticed (if you were observant) that I NEVER participate in threads regarding university policy or plans because I do not want my participation in such a thread to be misinterpreted.

Since everyone here (except obviously you) apparently knows I am a member of the Board of Trustees, I just thought I'd share what I thought was a cute somewhat related Hess story. Maybe I shouldn't have bothered.
CTO, why bother explaining your position? No need to. Keep up the great work!
Can't wait till he works the NCAA tournament likes always and avenges his ACC firing there.

He should go out on top, wait until NC State makes it in and then eject the whole team from the game and then walk out and retire.

So true which is exactly the problem with him as a ref.
oh i agree with that. anytime you put someone's race or ethnicity in between your and @ss, you're probably a racist
Unless the target is of northern European descent.

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