In this burg, anyway.“football eats it’s young”
In this burg, anyway.
Sapping the ramrod of sis-boom-bah
It depends on where the meniscus is torn. If it's the avascular area and they just remove the torn portion, you can bounce back quickly. Yours sounded like that. If it's in the vascular area and they do a repair, you have to be non-weight bearing for a while and the recovery is much longer.IF it's a meniscus, then he can bounce back from that very quickly.
I walked out of recovery w/o crutches after mine was done (a zillion years ago).
Let's hope his situation is similar - he could be back near 100% in a few months.
OOOPS. Just saw it's ACL. Bummer.
That's gonna be a longer process.
Need 53 scholarship playersThere's a limit I think right? 55 or it's canceled? I thought I read that somewhere.