I share everyone's absolute disdain for everything Penn St, but I have to ask... Does the title of the thread refer to info tweeted? Or the fact that an admin of the board decided to start the 1,000th thread about the topic? Why continue to promote this negative topic ad nauseum. Without looking, I'll cliff's notes the responses to this topic for you: [*]"Are they honoring Sandusky next week?" [*]"I hear they're letting children into the game for free." [*]"Ped St this, Ped St that." [*]"Fans/alumni of Ped St are, all-inclusively, inbred child molesters by association." [*]"I hear they're raffling off tickets for 7 lucky boys to get a tour of the showers..." The only awareness your thread will bring to the topic at hand is that our own fan base stoops pretty low to reflect sarcasm and/or commentary that is nearly as disgusting at this point. While not on the same level, our fan base really shouldn't be throwing stones at glass houses given some not so positive things that have come out since that scandal broke. Why don't we just sit back and enjoy the fact that James Franklin is still employed and seemingly is burying the program into mediocrity on his own?