doug, the ACC, stuff |

doug, the ACC, stuff


Living Legend
Aug 27, 2011
Great job by Doug and the staff to come on strong. I have been critical of him but also posted that i believed he deserved an extension if he went 5-7 with a strong finish and a great extension if he went anything better. Hats off to him and the staff. As to Doug leaving for the NFL i doubt it. I dont completely rule it out but i doubt it. I can see him signing up for a long term deal possibly a shitano like contract of 10 years. He bleeds orange but he also loves the NFL. We will see. Either way the program is in very good shape and we are on our way regardless of what happens with Doug. Hope he stays, not concerned if he doesnt as it has always been about the program for me not the coach.

The ACC will be more than fine. They have ND and they are not about to let them go. ESPN isnt going to let the ACC die especially since they would be left with a huge hole. I read these post and have to wonder how the hell college sports got to this point. I think that Rutgers to the Big was an obvious move. Huge State school with plenty of eye balls. Good for them and good for eastern football. I wish them well. Hate them with a passion but wish them well. At the end of the day i have to think that we may bring on Navy. They solidify the ND relationship. No they dont force ND into a full time football commitment but they do help ND out with scheduling. Navy is also a National program. One that will more than make up for the loss of Maryland. I like them and hope that it happens. If they do join i wonder if we take Gtown in hoops. Im not a big fan of non anything schools but if we have to go that route so be it. Gtown also shores up ND.

look for Syracuse to kill it on the recruting front. The speedster from NYC already has his locker picked out and i believe we are going to close very strong. As to next year wow positions include the DL as we are loaded beyond anything i can ever remember and RB. So much stronger across the board it is really great to see. Anyway im so glad for Doug. Yes he is stubborn as all hell and yes he f-upd a few game and yes the end of last year was a mess. Still i was sooooooooooooo wrong about Mac and Hack . Actually couldnt be more wrong and more proud of them both for growing and coming through. I really like this staff and hope that they can keep it together. Forget the special teams coach as Doug figured it out towards the end so lets try to get one more year out of this bunch. Im still a HUGE shafer fan and hope that he is locked up long term as i believe he is brilliant. Love the team so much for the character the exhibited and so glad for Doug as i know he has given it his all . Lets enjoy this time and cream somebody in the bowl game. Dont worry about the ACC Swofford is very smart and he isnt about to go down without a major fight. Go Orange!!!
F___ Georgetown. I hope they die a slow death by having to play Tulane and SMU for the foreseeable future and everyone on Hoyatalk spends the next fifty years crying about it.

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