Syracuse is a lot of things, a great city a frustrating city, and an above average place to live in my opinion. The problem is Syracuse also is fickle and and has issues other College cities/towns dont. First of all Syracuse has one of the worst anti-home town biases that I have ever seen. You see them everywhere, people raised here there whole lives that absolutely hate SU athletics and rag on them every chance they get. I have several friends just like that who just laugh at people who support SU and never go to a game or spend a dime on SU athletics unless they get free tickets to a game so they can wear there FSU, or Penn State or whatever gear to the game. I know this type of fandom happens in every college town/city but its an epidemic here and getting worse.
Also Syracuse has a % of people who just don't go to games or spend money on the program. That might be fans that might even go to Rosies or a Tullys to watch SU play but goin to the dome or getting season tickets doesnt even register in there heads Whatever the reason they just simply dont consider going to games or getting seasons as an option, they will watch in on TV and even talk SU sports with you but thats the end of it for them. They would rather DVR the game or catch in on TV if they remember but they act like actually going to a game is some sort of novelty.
Those two groups are a big enough headache but Syracuse's biggest problem is a large % of the population just doesn't care. They dont follow SU and they certainly dont get season tickets or head down to the meadowlands. These are the type of fans that if SU ever starts winning consistently again they maybe able to turn. Right now there the fans that the Kaiser hates, the type that instead of tailgating on a Saturday or Friday night up on the hill before a game is at the mall, out of town on vacation, at there camps, pumkin patch, apple orchard, wine trail, yard work, working etc etc etc. Thats the base SU should target, that has to be at lesast 50-60% of the current Syracuse Onondaga County population.