Duke foul log 30 no calls against Duke (for analysts and other visitors as well)... | Syracusefan.com

Duke foul log 30 no calls against Duke (for analysts and other visitors as well)...


Hall of Fame
Aug 31, 2011
Heres the 30+ non calls in Dukes favor, that you won't be hearing their fans whine about.

I would loved to see this pinned at the top for the next few weeks as a wake up call going into cameron.

1.First play of the game duke's point guard puts his elbow into Ennis while standing sideways Ennis was not bodying or handchecking at all, Dukes pg falls on his butt and Ennis gets a bad foul call on him.

2a. At 18:42 duke player puts his elbow into Ennis on defense no handchecking call. 2b later in the play duke hits ennis on his elbow and then the lower wrist a foot from the ball on his shooting hand during the layup. Ennis makes the bucket easily, but no and one call.

3.16:16 grant gets called for maybe grazing jeffersons hair with a finger on a shot no other body contact. He defenetly wasn't hit in the head. Questionalble call.

4.13:27 duke player handchecks slapping Gbinije with both hands 4 times and then puts his elbow into Ennis the whole time during the drive.

5.11:33 the duke player has his elbow and both hands on ennis for 10 seconds during the possession, forcing him to make a further pass away from the basket. No whistle

6. at 11:20 ennis fouled on the pass, later in the possession 11:15 Parker hits Grant on the arm on a offensive board putback no and one foul. (Parkers 5th)

7. at 10:30 dukes pg pushes ennis backwards on another pass later in possession grant fouled no call.

8. At 907 Dukes pgs hands all over Gbinije again.

addition: Parker goes over the hand of ennis to steal the ball at one point. From the camera angle you can't tell if he slapped hand or ball. (no second angle given)

9.at 3:44 hood fouls ennis on a pass big time

2nd half

10.18:58 #1 on duke appears to travel for a pass.

11. 17:49 hood still handchecking all over ennis big time.

12. at 17:28 solomon lowers his sholder into cooney whos barely moving at all, whistle on cooney instead of soloman.

13. at 15:35 grant fouled on the rebound then the ball goes off the duke guys head while hes standing out of bounce. Somehow duke retains possession.

14. at 14:38 parker reaches in on a rebound on grant questionable foul. Then they call grant after his rebound for a foul on parker.

15. at 13:35 cooney fouled on a pass. grant then pushed under the basket after receiving a pass

16. at 11:34 jefferson fouls rak with a hard slap on the wrist on a rebound. later in the play he gets whisted for his 4th and argues.

17. at 11:05 parker gets a and one call. Fair hits the ball with a clean slap, no where near his hand or arm.

18. at 9:40 duke shooting 2 ft's off a body foul before the shot. (not in bonus)

19a. at 9:04 fair slapped on the wrist during a layup should be a and one.

19b.Then they show clips of Fair.
Looks like plumlee fouled him on another play in the first half that should have been and one. I missed it earlier due to a different camera angle.

20. at at 8:28 duke guard is all over Ennis on a in bounce pass.

21.at 6:45 the duke player has fair in a arm lock for about 5 seconds.

22. at 4:09 duke is pushing rak with two hands along the freethrow line and all the way to the rim.

23. at 3:40 parker is all over rak outside of the paint again on defense.

24. at 2:48 duke body's grant backwards 2 feet on the drive hard, pushing him out of bounce when we are up three. We get that obvious foul we win in regulation maybe.

25. at 1:42 parker elbows rak really hard in the stomach (a very hard elbow) gets his 5th.

Note at 1:22 cooney misses a point blank layup a play that we all have forgoen I think.He makes that we win in regulation.

26. at 0.47 jefferson runs a 0bvious illegal screen for about 6 feet to open up a 3. Without that illegal screen they lose in regulation.

27. at 0.30 christmas gets fouled by jefferson badly, he gets the whistle.

28. at 0.03 seconds fair reaches in and fouls duke. They don't show a replay view that shows the foul though.
no call so Duke hits a 3 to send it to overtime when we should have won in regulation.


29. at 03:48 in overtime christmas gets hit with a pretty questionable call.

30. at 5.5 fair is intentinally fouled keep in mind its from behind on the back with a 2 hand push not on the arms you can't foul someone like that. Should have been intentional.

So there you have it Duke with 30 questionable calls/nocalls in their favor ON OUR HOME COURT. By comparison we had 4-8. We shouldn't be hearing any duke whining when we come to town.
On top of all this, I thought it was a very welled reffed game all game long. No complaints.

There was also many more handchecks going on all game on ennis, gbinije, and Fair I left out. Only added the bad ones. I watched each play two-three times to make sure. I let 4-5 others that I thought were fouls before, and weren't slide.
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you had to have missed some illegal screens... my head counter (unofficial) was at 25 illegal screens on duke. 0 called.

Jabari Parker traveled close to 1/2 the time he touched the ball.
Wasn't watching for Jabari travels good call. Didn't see any other real obvious illegal screens and was watching pretty tight for them.
But that last one to send the game into overtime with 1 minute left, wow was it was really bad. Like 6 feet long bad.

I spent time on this list with the future ( Duke @ Cameron) in mind. Hope it keeps getting bumped/pinned for the next few weeks for the whole world to see, because duke fans are trying to build a impression they were screwed. In reality yeah they got into foul trouble but the majority of wrong calls/missed no calls went their way.
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Heres the 30+ non calls in Dukes favor, that you won't be hearing their fans whine about.

I would loved to see this pinned at the top for the next few weeks as a wake up call going into cameron.

1.First play of the game duke's point guard puts his elbow into Ennis while standing sideways Ennis was not bodying or handchecking at all, Dukes pg falls on his butt and Ennis gets a bad foul call on him.

2a and 2b. At 18:42 duke player puts his elbow into Ennis on defense no handchecking call. later in the play duke hits ennis on his elbow and then the lower wrist a foot from the ball on his shooting hand during the layup. Ennis makes the bucket easily, but no and one call.

3.16:16 grant gets called for maybe grazing jeffersons hair with a finger on a shot no other body contact. He defenetly wasn't hit in the head. Questionalble call.

4.13:27 duke handchecks slapping Gbinije with both hands 4 times and then puts his elbow into Ennis the whole time during the drive.

5.11:33 the duke player has his elbow and both hands on ennis for 10 seconds during the possession, forcing him to make a further pass away from the basket. No whistle

6. at 11:20 ennis fouled on the pass, later in the possession 11:15 Parker hits Grant on the arm on a offensive board putback no and one foul.

7. at 10:30 dukes pg pushes ennis backwards on another pass later in possession grant fouled no call.

8. At 907 Dukes pgs hands all over Gbinije again.

addition: Parker goes over the hand of ennis to steal the ball at one point from the camera angle you can't tell if he slapped hand or ball. (no second angle given)

9.at 3:44 hood fouls ennis on a pass big time

2nd half

10.18:58 #1 on duke appears to travel for a pass.

11. 17:49 hood still handchecking all over ennis big time.

12. at 17:28 solomon lowers his sholder into cooney whos barely moving at all whistle on cooney instead of soloman.

13. at 15:35 grant fouled on the rebound then the ball goes off the duke guys head while hes standing out of bounce
and duke retains possession.

14. at 14:38 parker reaches in on a rebound on grant questionable fou,l then they call grant after his rebound for a foul on parker.

15. at 13:35 cooney fouled on a pass grant pushed under the basket ater receiving a pass

16. at 11:34 jefferson fouls rak with a hard slap on the wrist off a rebound later in the play he gets whisted for his 4th.

17. at 11:05 parker gets a and one call fair hits the ball with a clean slap no where near his hand or arm.

18. at 9:40 duke shooting 2 ft's off a body foul before the shot

19a. at 9:04 fair slapped on the wrist during a layup should be a and one.

19b.Then they show clips of Fair.
Looks like plumlee fouled him on another play that should have been and one. I missed it earlier on due to the camera angle.

20. at at 8:28 duke guard is all over ennis on a inbounce pass.

21.at 6:45 the duke player has fair in a arm lock for about 5 seconds.

22. at 4:09 duke is pushing rak with two hands along the freethrow line and all the way to the rim.

23. at 3:40 parker is all over rak outside of the paint again on defense.

24. at 2:48 duke bodys grant backwards 2 feet on the drive hard pushing him out of bounce when we are up three. We get that obvious foul we win in regulation maybe.

25. at 1:42 parker elbows rak really hard in the stomach (a very hard elbow) gets his 5th.

at 1:22 cooney misses a point blank layup a play that we all have forgoen I think.He makes that we win in regulation.

26. at 0.47 jefferson runs a 0bvious illegal screen to hit a 3. Without that illegal screen they lose in regulation.

27. at 0.30 christmas gets fouled by jefferson badly, he gets the whistle.

28. at 0.03 seconds fair reaches in and fouls. They don't show a replay view that shows the foul though.
no call so Duke hits a 3 to send it to overtime when we should have won in regulation.

29. at 03:48 in overtime christmas gets hit with a pretty questionable call.

30. at 5.5 fair is intentinally fouled keep in mind its from behind on the back with a push not on the arms you can't foul someone like that. Should have been intentional.

So there you have it Duke with 30 questionable calls/nocalls in their favor ON OUR HOME COURT. By comparison we had 4-8. We shouldn't be hearing any duke whining when we come to town.

On top of all this, I thought it was a very welled reffed game all game long. No complaints.

There was also many more handchecks going on all game on ennis, gbinije, and Fair I left out. Only added the bad ones. I watched each play two-three times to make sure. I let 4-5 others that I thought were fouls before, and weren't slide.
Should send to the talking heads and put on the Duke board
the same talking heads who complain about the Jabari offensive foul saying: "let them play", think that the RaXmas block on Hood should have been a foul:crazy:
duke fans are rediculous, I have read some of the stuff they put on youtube and its so far fetched. Someone saying we fouled them crazy inside all game and how else could we manage 6 blocks against the mighty duke. We are last in the country at bodying and handchecking on D, thats how delusional that statement is.

Do they have any clue what its like to get a 5-8 bad call advantage against them? I would think they would lose if it ever happened. We had atleast 5 and ones no called after watching the replay that I didn't see the first time around, and none of their fans have the balls or are to blind to see they were on parker and jefferson.

Then I continued to scoll and found a lone west virginia fan taking the time to say we are the worst at fouling. I guess they don't like JB's 13-1 record against them. I guess he also sees his coach as Higgins instead of Huggins.
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You know what the sad part is, in 10 years from now everybody is going to remember how epic of a game it was and there won't be one mentioning of the officiating.

The more we "defend" the officiating the more stupid we look IMO.

We won, let's enjoy that. It was an excellent game that went into overtime and any team could have pulled off the W.

I'm all for breaking games down and looking into why and how. But we've played games since and have one coming up.

What are we doing? Sounds like some people are trying to convince themselves that the officiating was good rather than know we earned the win.
How about the duke player that got caught in the air, landed, and then passed back for a 3 that they hit? There's a reason they didn't show a replay of that but the crowd went berserk.
You know what the sad part is, in 10 years from now everybody is going to remember how epic of a game it was and there won't be one mentioning of the officiating.

The more we "defend" the officiating the more stupid we look IMO.

We won, let's enjoy that. It was an excellent game that went into overtime and any team could have pulled off the W.

I'm all for breaking games down and looking into why and how. But we've played games since and have one coming up.

What are we doing? Sounds like some people are trying to convince themselves that the officiating was good rather than know we earned the win.
agree . . . this whole business reeks of small dick syndrome
28. at 0.03 seconds fair reaches in and fouls duke. They don't show a replay view that shows the foul though.
no call so Duke hits a 3 to send it to overtime when we should have won in regulation.

This is a very good point that hadn't even crossed my mind... if Duke fans want to cry about the "no call" on Christmas at the end of overtime, it would be hypocritical not to also cry about the NO CALL on Fair at the end of regulation. Can't have it both ways!
docsu said:
If this happened to us, if we lost a game on a 50/50 call, the meltdown would still be ongoing. That is an undeniable fact.

And it sounds like a meltdown and we won. Haha. Not sure who or what we're trying to convince about the officiating. Duke fans aren't going to believe what we say and nobody else cares. And as time goes by the result is the same and it will be known as a legendary game between legendary coaches and in front of a legendary crowd. Feels like we're cheapening it by the constant banter about the officiating.
trying to convice for duke at cameron. We go in there and they get 15 bad calls on top of their ability to shoot the 3 no chance we win. Even as #1
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All the whining in the world ain't changing a single call.
We won.

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