Fire Marrone now. Hire Sumlin. | Page 2 |

Fire Marrone now. Hire Sumlin.

Go get someone like that high school coach who refuses to punt. Ever. That'll scare the bejesus out of the DCs.
In the OttointheGrotto binder he's my staff's special teams coach.

Oh, the board didn't realize OttointheGrotto has a binder? Yeah, I put one together once I found out that qualified me for head coaching gigs.

I kid, I kid. I'm laying it on pretty thick today just so we can all have some fun.

Since, you know, we're not having fun with the football games.
WTH? Three weeks ago Marrone was a hero. Talk about reactionary.
WTH? Three weeks ago Marrone was a hero. Talk about reactionary.
To some maybe. There are quite a few of us that have always had concerns.
1. I think that Sumlin has much more, no infinitely more, credibility when walking into a playmaker's living room than Marrone does. Sumlin walks into that living room and the QB is salivating at the thought of playing for a coach who can orchestrate that offense. I think marrone walks into a living room and the kids are wondering who he is.

2. The Marrone apologists keep telling us about the diamonds in the rough that marrone is recruiting. Thats obviously BS. But sumlin is actually finding them. he is recruiting in a ripe territory - true - but its being picked over by the SEC, B12 and every other major program. He is getting the kids they didnt want...and he is actually finding good ones.

3. Sumlin comes to the NE and he will be the premier name in the region.

Syracuse is screwing this up in a very big way. With the PSU mess we have never had a better chance to become to the PROGRAM in the north east / mid atlantic region. Go get the "name coach" that can make it happen. Marrone cant.

Neither can Sumlin. He is putting up gaudy numbers at Houston just like Pardee and Jenkins did. The odds of him doing anything close to that elsewhere are slim indeed.

You want to make the hire that will make Syracuse the name football program in the northeast? Mike Leach will do it.
Marrone will get at least 5 years IMO.

If we're still having this conversation 2 years from now I will go occupy Urban Meyers front yard in State College, or sail a pirate ship to Mike Leaches house with anyone sill calling for Marrone to be fired.
You want to make the hire that will make Syracuse the name football program in the northeast? Mike Leach will do it.

Disagree on Sumlin, ut we can agree to disagree. I would love leach. I just know that this school doesnt have the courage to hire him.
Marrone will get at least 5 years IMO.

If we're still having this conversation 2 years from now I will go occupy Urban Meyers front yard in State College, or sail a pirate ship to Mike Leaches house with anyone sill calling for Marrone to be fired.

Both will have jobs by then. You snooze, you lose.
Sumlin went 5-7 last year, his third year at Houston and his third year as a collegiate head coach. Sound a bit familiar? I understand people have good reasons to be concerned with the staff, but many knew this would be a tough year with a limited offense and a young defense. Next year should have a much different feel. If we see the same things in 2012, then I'm all for discussing replacements, but it's extremely premature at this point IMO.
Sumlin went 5-7 last year, his third year at Houston and his third year as a collegiate head coach. Sound a bit familiar?

No. Marrone is 8-17 against BCS schools. Sumlin is 5-4 at Houston. And most of those games were against B12 teams. OSU and TT etc. That alone is enough for me.

Sumlin has always been an excellent recruiter. and he has always run dynamic offenses. marrone isnt known for either.

There is no comparing the two. Sumlin > Marrone.
Sumlin went 5-7 last year, his third year at Houston and his third year as a collegiate head coach. Sound a bit familiar?
It doesn't sound familiar AT ALL, because he went 5 and 7 with the 13th highest scoring scoring offense in college football on the season.

At some point, and this is slowly happening but not everybody has come around to it yet, people will realize that the Dome will fill up with people if they're seeing a team losing games 59-45 more than they will if they see a team winning games 14-10.

I feel like I'm being very harsh on Sumlin saying that he would lose games 59-45 and very generous to Marrone in suggesting that his team wins games 14-10, since Sumlin's career record is 33-16 and Marrone's is 17-18.
At some point, and this is slowly happening but not everybody has come around to it yet, people will realize that the Dome will fill up with people if they're seeing a team losing games 59-45 more than they will if they see a team winning games 14-10.
I'd rather just win, no matter how. Personally, I'd be ecstatic if we won every game 14-10 and really frustrated if we lost every game 59-45. My point was some years teams are just limited, no matter the quality of the staff. IDK if this is the case this year, but I'm willing to give this staff at least one more year with a potentially promising 2012.
I don't doubt there are many out there that would come see an exciting loss over a boring win, but those people suck. Just win, ok?
Sumlin had a much easier transition to Houston then Marrone has had to make to Syracuse.

Briles had nearly the same system at Houston, so Sumlin could hit the ground running, not to mention Houston was on the upswing. Sumlin also had an All-American QB waiting in Case Keenum. This is what surprises me again, is that if Marrone had Case Keenum waiting when he took the job, the offense would be really good too!

I mean, without Keenum, Houston went 5-7 last year. The scheme should have allowed the talent to play up right?
Marrone doesnt have it. he cant recruit great players and he cant coach-up the kids he can recruit. I see no reason to waste any more time on this clown. Nutt was fired after 3.5 seasons. Shannon was fired after 4 seasons. etc etc etc Its time we do the same.

Many years ago I said that because SU lacks local recruiting and because we are not a traditional football power, we are at a serious disadvantage, and we have to build on a non traditional football program. We need to get some skill players and we need to put fans back in the seats and you do that by scoring. running an offense that kids want to be a part of. Sumlin can do that. He is not getting studs at houston yet they score. a lot. They are fun to watch. And kids will want to play for him in the ACC. And if we are putting 45 points on the board every night fans will pack the dome. dont worry about defense yet. build a team that is winning games 55-50.

sumlin can put SU back on the map. we are wasting time with marrone. make him the Assistant AD since he is so good at making rules for the players and charming alums.

Where was this clamor for Sumlin last year while his team was going 5-7 and SU finished 8-5? Or is he just your latest flavor of the week coaching selection?

And for Wayne Morgan, did I miss something and he committed elsewhere? So now it's a mark against Marrone that SU is currently leading for Morgan? How's that work?

Some of you guys are so fair weather it's sickening.
I'd rather just win, no matter how. Personally, I'd be ecstatic if we won every game 14-10 and really frustrated if we lost every game 59-45. My point was some years teams are just limited, no matter the quality of the staff. IDK if this is the case this year, but I'm willing to give this staff at least one more year with a potentially promising 2012.
You're not the average fan. Physically, I'm assuming you are a normal sized human being and therefore would theoretically occupy precisely one (1) seat at the Carrier Dome with your presence. So, while it is stellar that you would be content watching 14-10 outcomes every week (nevermind that this isn't actually what you're getting), you can't fill the Dome yourself RAF, and this program needs a fuller Dome. It's not going to get there with 21-14 wins over sub-division teams. It's not going to get there with white knucklers over other inferior opponents. It's certainly not going to get there when we habitually lose games in conference to equivalent teams. We have a chance to get there if they see a show. We saw a show against WFVU because the stars aligned. There are systems that don't need astrological phenomena or celestial beings to coordinate to score points. We need that.
Where was this clamor for Sumlin last year while his team was going 5-7 and SU finished 8-5? Or is he just your latest flavor of the week coaching selection?

Some of you guys are so fair weather it's sickening.
I'm going to defend Tristan. He doesn't need it because his view is valid and I'm sure me doing so is going to further increase my popularity, but here goes...

Tristan has assessed those options that may be best this season and landed on Sumlin. There's nothing wrong with that. Does that mean he might end up buying high on Sumlin? Sure. Doesn't mean that's a bad strategy. Stocks pay dividends even when you buy high. Tristan wants that dividend.

As for being fair weather, that is simply not applicable to Tristan. From day one he has declared that hiring Marrone was a mistake. There's been nothing fair weather about his statements.
You're not the average fan. Physically, I'm assuming you are a normal sized human being and therefore would theoretically occupy precisely one (1) seat at the Carrier Dome with your presence. So, while it is stellar that you would be content watching 14-10 outcomes every week (nevermind that this isn't actually what you're getting), you can't fill the Dome yourself RAF, and this program needs a fuller Dome. It's not going to get there with 21-14 wins over sub-division teams. It's not going to get there with white knucklers over other inferior opponents. It's certainly not going to get there when we habitually lose games in conference to equivalent teams. We have a chance to get there if they see a show. We saw a show against WFVU because the stars aligned. There are systems that don't need astrological phenomena or celestial beings to coordinate to score points. We need that.

This is BS. Fans come to see a winner. Not a high scorer. Lots of points is only attractive if your defense is not giving up more points.

Just win.
Guys - Case Keenum made Sumlin. Not the other way around.

Keenum would make a ed turkey look like a good coach.

Thats a statement of someone who just doesnt know anything about college football. Sumlin has been an excellent recruiter and great coach for a long time. unfortunately you just dont know what you are talking about.
Guys - Case Keenum made Sumlin. Not the other way around.

Keenum would make a ed turkey look like a good coach.
Question, when Marrone finally gets a QB that lets him run his system and on the chance that it's successful, it's cool if I give all the credit to that player and not to Marrone, right?
I'm going to defend Tristan. He doesn't need it because his view is valid and I'm sure me doing so is going to further increase my popularity, but here goes...

Tristan has assessed those options that may be best this season and landed on Sumlin. There's nothing wrong with that. Does that mean he might end up buying high on Sumlin? Sure. Doesn't mean that's a bad strategy. Stocks pay dividends even when you buy high. Tristan wants that dividend.

As for being fair weather, that is simply not applicable to Tristan. From day one he has declared that hiring Marrone was a mistake. There's been nothing fair weather about his statements.

I call BS. He had a much different tone after the WVU game and now 3 weeks later it's time for Marrone to go. I don't disagree that he wasn't high on Marrone from day 1, because I know he wasn't from reading his posts. As far as I'm concerned though, if you buy in, you buy in and ride it out. Complaining and being frustrated is a lot different than calling for a coach to be fired after a 3 game losing streak. I get it, people want to win, especially after the GROB era.

If you think Sumlin, with no NE recruiting contacts, is going to walk into the SU job 3 years ago and subsequently land Ishaq and Jarron Jones, you're kidding yourself. If you're critical because you have unrealistic expectations, that's your own problem.
Fans come to see a winner.
You don't get it. Fans aren't coming. There's not a winner to see. In the absence of a winner, why would a fan come to the game?

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