Fourth and One |

Fourth and One


2nd String
Sep 20, 2011
Why do we time and again elect to kick on fourth and one? especially from the the goal line in OT! The biggest complaint of students is how boring the play calling is, and I have to say our play calling has been quite suspect...can we just stay in the no huddle? We seem to move the ball the best in those situations.

That being said, we had a good turnout today the home side of the field looked completely full, which was awesome to see. The fans were pretty tame today though...what's the point of going to a football game if you're just going to stand there and not be loud for your team? The student section is a hundred times louder than the rest of the dome (sometimes they can be quiet as well).

We need to work to the strengths of the programs as a whole if we want to be successful
4th and 1 in a regular game situation you would go for it, because if you get stuffed, the other team is backed up on the 1.

4th and 1 in OT you have to take the 3 points, because if you get stuffed, the other team gets the ball on the 25 only needing a FG to win.
Gutless football. You have two downs to get a yard. The coaches decided to play not to lose instead of playing to win.
4th and 1 in a regular game situation you would go for it, because if you get stuffed, the other team is backed up on the 1.

4th and 1 in OT you have to take the 3 points, because if you get stuffed, the other team gets the ball on the 25 only needing a FG to win.
I disagree. The way the game was going and the way our defense had been playing, you man up and get a 1/2 yard. Remember if we had picked up the first down it would have been first and goal from the 1. I thought it was a bad decision at the time and am not just playing a MMQ.
Because they aren't making 3rd and 1 and they have to get better doing that before they start to think about making or even thinking about going for a 4th and 1.
It's hard to watch either way, but as that point in time we had two field goals and an extra point blocked...I would go with at least Smith running behind Harris, but preferably just let Nassib take it and make it happen. We have to stop having such little confidence in our running game.
It's hard to watch either way, but as that point in time we had two field goals and an extra point blocked...I would go with at least Smith running behind Harris, but preferably just let Nassib take it and make it happen. We have to stop having such little confidence in our running game.

Giving Smith the ball worked so well when we had 4th and 1 against Rhode Island.
I just said at least go with Smith. I wasn't saying to go with him in that situation, but at least just go for it and at least do what you say you're going to hard nosed football.
The line has to get some kind of a push and they are not, we need that improvement as well.
4th and 1 in a regular game situation you would go for it, because if you get stuffed, the other team is backed up on the 1.

4th and 1 in OT you have to take the 3 points, because if you get stuffed, the other team gets the ball on the 25 only needing a FG to win.
I can't fathom this mentality. If ever there's a time to fully endorse meathead smashmouth football it's 4th and 1 around the goal line in OT.

If you're not good enough to get that yard, you don't deserve to win.

The fact that we didn't even try proves even more we didn't deserve to win. I can't believe people even support kicking in that spot.
Damned if you do; damned if you dont.

If you dont go for it, you are playing gutless football.
If you go for it and dont convert, you aren't playing smart football.
Damned if you do; damned if you dont.

If you dont go for it, you are playing gutless football.
If you go for it and dont convert, you aren't playing smart football.
I disagree with that. The outcome on a call like that doesn't determine whether a play is smart.

It is always smart to go for it on 4th and 6 inches in OT to get the TD.
If you go for it and dont convert, you aren't playing smart football.

It would be very hypocritical if many thought that since 75% of the Dome was booing the decision.
If I recall correctly, didnt we run on 3rd down and get absolutely stuffed for no gain? Maybe the fact that the offensive line got blown up so badly on that play was enough for Marrone to decide to take the 3 points... Im not suggesting it was/was not the right call...but I do think it is a debatable situation.
If you don't get the 1st down ... 95% of the Dome would be booing.
I can't fathom this mentality. If ever there's a time to fully endorse meathead smashmouth football it's 4th and 1 around the goal line in OT.

If you're not good enough to get that yard, you don't deserve to win.

The fact that we didn't even try proves even more we didn't deserve to win. I can't believe people even support kicking in that spot.

When you add in how poorly our kicking game has been the last two weeks, it was a no brainer to go for it. Even if you convert the FG, RU only has to go 25 yards to get a W.
If you don't get the 1st down ... 95% of the Dome would be booing.

Booing and cursing can sound alike. It's always better to fail trying to win, instead of hoping the other team is more inept.
I think kicking the FG was going to be harder than getting a foot. How many more times was the FG kicker going to get his try blocked. Missed last XP last week and had how many kicks blocked/missed this game. On the other hand RU's kicker was on a roll and if you don't get td in OT against ru you aren't going to win. So kick a FG and hope you hold them from a TD is only going to get you another chance for a TD. So if you have ball where it is within five yards of getting a TD and you need one foot for a first down you go for it cause you may not get this close again. And we didn't.
When you add in how poorly our kicking game has been the last two weeks, it was a no brainer to go for it. Even if you convert the FG, RU only has to go 25 yards to get a W.

If you come away empty handed, RU needs 0 yards to win.
The problem we will have all season is bailey is a nice change of pace option but not for every down, he goes down too easily. The last two years with carter he gave us a different look but carter got all the tough yards. This year we have no go to back and the running game will continue to suffer this year.
on the other hand RU's kicker was on a roll and if you don't get td in OT against ru you aren't going to win.

Oddly enough, SU didn't get the TD in the 1st OT, yet was in position to win in the 2nd OT (if only Bailey didn't fumble).
I didn't mind the playcall. Bailey isn't a a one yard back, and Smith is too green.

We tried to get creative on that earlier in the game, that didn't go well either.

The game was lost by lack of execution in regulation.
Did I miss something, or did Harris do something God awful in the last game or something. The kid got a lot of compliments for his play in the first two games of the year... he's what, 40 pounds heavier than Bailey? Got another 25 on Smith, and experience? We will throw the ball to a frosh on the goal-line that has never been targeted, but we won't give it to our senior starting FB?

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