Fox Throwing $$$ at Catholic 7: Break Now Official...3FTBALL Schools |

Fox Throwing $$$ at Catholic 7: Break Now Official...3FTBALL Schools


All Conference
Aug 26, 2011
Uconn, USF and Cincy to get check for up to $30,000,000. This is far above the $20-$25 reported in earlier post. Apparently, Fox is so wanting the Catholic 7 to start this year that it has offered to pay up to $5million per team (we are talking BBall as lead sport) to have them leave money on the table with the old BE instead of waiting another year.
Ramifications of this are:
1. ESPN now has another reason (aside from Notre Dame) to up the TV contract for ACC
--its BBall remains one of the two hottest conferences in the United States and now with
'Cuse, Pitt, UNC, NCState, Duke, Louisville and Notre Dame it has quite a group of top
programs that no other conference can touch
2. ESPN in order to remain the top college sports channel needs to breathe dollars into ACC
3. It is expected that a bump in $$$ will come within a year and that universities have been advised.

Guess Uconn, USF and Cincy did okay in the short run with dollars from universities like Syracuse left in their leaving to go to another conference...geez, talk about luck!
Thanks, Arb. I like Cincy and they have done well with nothing. This is good for them. I'm ambivalent about USF and really don't care about.
FOX is totally overpaying for that Catholic 7 group. If you look at the 9 schools if they were rated like recruits. Georgetown would be a 5 star college basketball brands
Villanova,Marquette, would be 4 star college basketball brands
Xavier, Butler, St. John's would be 3 star college basketball brands
Providence, DePaul would be 2 star college basketball brands
Seton Hall would be a 1 star college basketball brand.
So this type of conference is worth 12 years 500 million dollars? Holy overpaying for mediocrity Batman.
UConn, Temple, Memphis, Cincinnati, Central Florida, South Florida, Houston, SMU, Tulane are worth 6 years 120 million for all their sports? The funniest thing is that the only Catholic 7 team that can move the needle NATIONALLY is Georgetown while Nova, Marquette, Xaiver, Butler all have good basketball programs they all have small fanbases that are rapid and loyal, but aren't going to move the needle nationally. I thank my stars that Dr. Gross/Chancellor Cantor got us into the ACC. While its a nice conference it is WAY overpaid and makes me laugh at the leadership at UConn for not joining the MAC in football and joining that conference for everything else. They could schedule 4 tough non-conference games in Football and try to improve its brand a la Boise State and make 4.8 million dollars a year for basketball.
FOX is totally overpaying for that Catholic 7 group. If you look at the 9 schools if they were rated like recruits. Georgetown would be a 5 star college basketball brands
Villanova,Marquette, would be 4 star college basketball brands
Xavier, Butler, St. John's would be 3 star college basketball brands
Providence, DePaul would be 2 star college basketball brands
Seton Hall would be a 1 star college basketball brand. ...

The funniest thing is that the only Catholic 7 team that can move the needle NATIONALLY is Georgetown while Nova, Marquette, Xaiver, Butler all have good basketball programs they all have small fanbases that are rapid and loyal, but aren't going to move the needle nationally. I thank my stars that Dr. Gross/Chancellor Cantor got us into the ACC. While its a nice conference it is WAY overpaid and makes me laugh at the leadership at UConn for not joining the MAC in football and joining that conference for everything else. They could schedule 4 tough non-conference games in Football and try to improve its brand a la Boise State and make 4.8 million dollars a year for basketball.

I agree with some parts of this and disagree seriously with others. Your UConn theory is a pretty interesting one and I really don't disagree with the thought. You can remain relevant in football in the MAC (obviously not relevant in Alabama/SEC terms, but at least regionally) and you'd be joining a pretty good (and really cool) hoops conference.

As for SU, I'm not sure I would be that sad if SU had followed that route. Yeah, it sucks to be relegated to a second tier conference in football but I still wonder about the future of the ACC in that sport (still ripe for the picking, IMO) and about SU's ability to continue to spend the way it needs to compete with the big boys (great to hear about the IPF, but that's not the end of facilities spending. In fact it's probably the beginning. Coaching salaries aren't going to get any cheaper, travel is not insignificant, and of course there's that whole notion that the networks will have to continue funding these leagues with premium cash.)

But my biggest quibble with this is the notion that the Catholic 7 with Butler/Xavier doesn't have a chance to be the second- or third-best conference in the country. While they may not "move the needle nationally," they should be a really, really strong draw regionally and have a footprint in a lot of legitimately big cities (chicago, nyc, dc and philly). And it should make for a conference that will have no problem recruiting -- they have a huge regional advantage over every other conference in the country as far as recruiting DC/MD/NYC/Philly.

I think it's a legit conference and I think it's worth the money they're paying. I'll be watching those games.

Edit: Plus, even though there is no such thing as a "stable" conference, it should be a league that has pretty good continuity. They have a lot in common and can help each other remain stable and viable in a world dominated by football schools.
FOX wants a bigger piece of the sports pie. It makes perfect sense for them to overpay and contribute to building market share.
I think it's a legit conference and I think it's worth the money they're paying. I'll be watching those games.
So far that's you, Marsh and JAB.

They'll have some nice games, but the'll be hidden... people will likely only watch them if there are no good games on from the Big 5 conferences. Most people don't watch A-10 games during the regular season... the C-7 games will be seen by a few more. How many more will depend on if Fox can promote it to enough people who may be watching their other offerings.
As for SU, I'm not sure I would be that sad if SU had followed that route.

What?!!! I've read it all. Do you really not know that even basketball would be diminished over time if we had to go that route. Just go ahead and say you're really not a fan of the SU athletic department so we all can see where you really stand. Not that sad...HA!:confused:
I agree with some parts of this and disagree seriously with others. Your UConn theory is a pretty interesting one and I really don't disagree with the thought. You can remain relevant in football in the MAC (obviously not relevant in Alabama/SEC terms, but at least regionally) and you'd be joining a pretty good (and really cool) hoops conference.

As for SU, I'm not sure I would be that sad if SU had followed that route. Yeah, it sucks to be relegated to a second tier conference in football but I still wonder about the future of the ACC in that sport (still ripe for the picking, IMO) and about SU's ability to continue to spend the way it needs to compete with the big boys (great to hear about the IPF, but that's not the end of facilities spending. In fact it's probably the beginning. Coaching salaries aren't going to get any cheaper, travel is not insignificant, and of course there's that whole notion that the networks will have to continue funding these leagues with premium cash.)

But my biggest quibble with this is the notion that the Catholic 7 with Butler/Xavier doesn't have a chance to be the second- or third-best conference in the country. While they may not "move the needle nationally," they should be a really, really strong draw regionally and have a footprint in a lot of legitimately big cities (chicago, nyc, dc and philly). And it should make for a conference that will have no problem recruiting -- they have a huge regional advantage over every other conference in the country as far as recruiting DC/MD/NYC/Philly.

I think it's a legit conference and I think it's worth the money they're paying. I'll be watching those games.

Edit: Plus, even though there is no such thing as a "stable" conference, it should be a league that has pretty good continuity. They have a lot in common and can help each other remain stable and viable in a world dominated by football schools.
I don't watch any Butler and Xavier games now outside of an occasional CBS game or ESPN game they play, but the only teams I will watch are Georgetown and Villanova. I don't like Buzz "look at me" Williams and Marquette and won't watch them. I could care less about St. John's, Providence, DePaul, Seton Hall so that is 7 of the 9 teams that I won't go out of my way to watch. The MWC has good teams and I don't watch them and they will be like the Catholic 7 IMO. I will watch the top 25 teams and the ACC and I am huge sports fan, The only Catholic 7 teams that can fill up their own arena are Marquette, Xavier, Butler the biggest brands Villanova and Georgetown can't fillup their NBA arenas without having a bigboy Syracuse, UConn, Louisville to draw the casual fan to go to the game.
FOX is totally overpaying for that Catholic 7 group. If you look at the 9 schools if they were rated like recruits. Georgetown would be a 5 star college basketball brands
Villanova,Marquette, would be 4 star college basketball brands
Xavier, Butler, St. John's would be 3 star college basketball brands
Providence, DePaul would be 2 star college basketball brands
Seton Hall would be a 1 star college basketball brand.
So this type of conference is worth 12 years 500 million dollars? Holy overpaying for mediocrity Batman.
UConn, Temple, Memphis, Cincinnati, Central Florida, South Florida, Houston, SMU, Tulane are worth 6 years 120 million for all their sports? The funniest thing is that the only Catholic 7 team that can move the needle NATIONALLY is Georgetown while Nova, Marquette, Xaiver, Butler all have good basketball programs they all have small fanbases that are rapid and loyal, but aren't going to move the needle nationally. I thank my stars that Dr. Gross/Chancellor Cantor got us into the ACC. While its a nice conference it is WAY overpaid and makes me laugh at the leadership at UConn for not joining the MAC in football and joining that conference for everything else. They could schedule 4 tough non-conference games in Football and try to improve its brand a la Boise State and make 4.8 million dollars a year for basketball.

One word - eyeballs.
One word - eyeballs.
Understand, but look at the area each team is located in and tell me if they are the primary team in that region.
Georgetown- is behind Maryland in D.C./Maryland area
Villanova- is probably the most popular college team of Philadelphia, but the market is over-saturated with Temple, St. Joe's, LaSalle, Penn
Marquette- is behind the Wisconsin Badgers in Wisconsin
St. John's- Syracuse, UConn are more popular in the NYC than the Johnnies
Xavier- is behind the Cincinnati Bearcats in the Queen City
Butler- is behind Indiana, Purdue in the Indianapolis
Providence- congrats you own the RI market FOX.
DePaul- is behind Illinois, Northwestern etc. in the Chicago market.
Seton Hall is behind Rutgers, and freaking Syracuse in the NJ market.

The conference has eye balls, but only really Villanova and Providence are the primary teams in their media market.
Imagine the bonanza if uconn gets acc invite in next yr or so. 30 million not pocket change
Imagine the bonanza if uconn gets acc invite in next yr or so. 30 million not pocket change
If that were to happen... SU AND PITT would be within their right to demand a buy in...IMO
So far that's you, Marsh and JAB.

They'll have some nice games, but the'll be hidden... people will likely only watch them if there are no good games on from the Big 5 conferences. Most people don't watch A-10 games during the regular season... the C-7 games will be seen by a few more. How many more will depend on if Fox can promote it to enough people who may be watching their other offerings.

First of all, in this new world of conferences these tv contracts seem to depend more on where the schools are located than how many people actually care about the games. The idea we're getting huge money for playing uva and ga tech in football, for example, is laughable. Listen, it's cool that all three of those teams are legit programs but no one outside of those schools fans will care.

But, having said that, xavier and butler are two of the best A-10 teams and Marquette, g'town and nova are all pretty well established as really, really good hoops programs with excellent, nationally known coaches. If they find some way to add cincy and uconn, it only adds to the mix. It's OK to knock this group but I bet you G'town/xavier will draw a really nice regional audience and be very competitive with baylor/texas tech some such game.
Understand, but look at the area each team is located in and tell me if they are the primary team in that region.
Georgetown- is behind Maryland in D.C./Maryland area
Villanova- is probably the most popular college team of Philadelphia, but the market is over-saturated with Temple, St. Joe's, LaSalle, Penn
Marquette- is behind the Wisconsin Badgers in Wisconsin
St. John's- Syracuse, UConn are more popular in the NYC than the Johnnies
Xavier- is behind the Cincinnati Bearcats in the Queen City
Butler- is behind Indiana, Purdue in the Indianapolis
Providence- congrats you own the RI market FOX.
DePaul- is behind Illinois, Northwestern etc. in the Chicago market.
Seton Hall is behind Rutgers, and freaking Syracuse in the NJ market.

The conference has eye balls, but only really Villanova and Providence are the primary teams in their media market.

Again, since when have actual ratings (or logic, for that matter) mattered in handing out tv contracts? Seriously, if you want to argue that they won't draw huge ratings, you're probably right, but i'm not really sure that means it won't be a really, really competitive, intriguing league.
I don't watch any Butler and Xavier games now outside of an occasional CBS game or ESPN game they play, but the only teams I will watch are Georgetown and Villanova. I don't like Buzz "look at me" Williams and Marquette and won't watch them. I could care less about St. John's, Providence, DePaul, Seton Hall so that is 7 of the 9 teams that I won't go out of my way to watch. The MWC has good teams and I don't watch them and they will be like the Catholic 7 IMO. I will watch the top 25 teams and the ACC and I am huge sports fan, The only Catholic 7 teams that can fill up their own arena are Marquette, Xavier, Butler the biggest brands Villanova and Georgetown can't fillup their NBA arenas without having a bigboy Syracuse, UConn, Louisville to draw the casual fan to go to the game.

I feel differently, but that's cool. But I do think it will be an attractive league for recruiting in NYC/DC/philly/balt -- Will that kill su recruiting in those areas? Perhaps not, but g'town has been getting crushed by us lately. Will be interesting to see if those balt/philly/dc kids are still picking SU over g'town when they won't play within 3 hours of their home cities.
As for SU, I'm not sure I would be that sad if SU had followed that route.

What?!!! I've read it all. Do you really not know that even basketball would be diminished over time if we had to go that route. Just go ahead and say you're really not a fan of the SU athletic department so we all can see where you really stand. Not that sad...HA!:confused:

If SU had been hung out to dry, it would suck, but I would have liked this hoops league ... a ton. Love seeing hoops in dc/philly/nyc. Even provy. But, that said, obviously it's a knock for football. My only point is I'm still skeptical that our move to the ACC will be a boon financially. The world of big time college football spending is going to be very, very, very tough for SU to keep up with. Just my thought.
They'll just waste it on booze, drugs, and hookers and be bankrupt in 3 years anyway.
But at least they will have the money to buy their student athletes laptops.
First of all, in this new world of conferences these tv contracts seem to depend more on where the schools are located than how many people actually care about the games. The idea we're getting huge money for playing uva and ga tech in football, for example, is laughable. Listen, it's cool that all three of those teams are legit programs but no one outside of those schools fans will care.

But, having said that, xavier and butler are two of the best A-10 teams and Marquette, g'town and nova are all pretty well established as really, really good hoops programs with excellent, nationally known coaches. If they find some way to add cincy and uconn, it only adds to the mix. It's OK to knock this group but I bet you G'town/xavier will draw a really nice regional audience and be very competitive with baylor/texas tech some such game.


The SEC and the B1G have the two lowest populations and the highest payouts. The BIG EAST had one of teh highest populations (if not the highest) and the lowest payout. TV contracts depend on viewers for advertising dollars and enthusiasm for carriage charges. Ultimately those are dependant on 3 sub factors: current levels, potential, and liklihood of reaching the potential.

Arguably a school's potential has something to do with the population around it, but honestly it's more a factor of being a state school, so that fans are born, not made, and it is a factor of being the only game in town (i.e. Nebraska, PSU, ND, Alabama, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Michigan, Michigan State, Oklahoma, Arkansas, TA&M, FSU, VTech, WVU, Florida, Kentucky, Georgia, Clemson, and South Carolina). Take Vanderbilt, Northwestern, and Baylor out of their conference, and they would be worth about what Rice, SMU, ad Houston are worth, and that's jack nothing, but all of those schools are in big cities.
First of all, in this new world of conferences these tv contracts seem to depend more on where the schools are located than how many people actually care about the games. The idea we're getting huge money for playing uva and ga tech in football, for example, is laughable. Listen, it's cool that all three of those teams are legit programs but no one outside of those schools fans will care.

But, having said that, xavier and butler are two of the best A-10 teams and Marquette, g'town and nova are all pretty well established as really, really good hoops programs with excellent, nationally known coaches. If they find some way to add cincy and uconn, it only adds to the mix. It's OK to knock this group but I bet you G'town/xavier will draw a really nice regional audience and be very competitive with baylor/texas tech some such game.
You were doing fairly well until the last sentence. There is no way they can add UConn and Cincy--those schools both have FBS football programs. Football is why the C7 is breaking away.

And where would the 2 FB schools go to fill their schedules? And what bowls would they have to go to?
If SU had been hung out to dry, it would suck, but I would have liked this hoops league ... a ton. Love seeing hoops in dc/philly/nyc. Even provy. But, that said, obviously it's a knock for football. My only point is I'm still skeptical that our move to the ACC will be a boon financially. The world of big time college football spending is going to be very, very, very tough for SU to keep up with. Just my thought.
You do realize that we have one of the most profitable programs in the ACC, right? We're about 5th out of 15, and that's with BIG EAST payouts and BIG EAST teams filling up the dome. Bring FSU and Clemson fband Duke and UNC bball every other year and a TV contract that is 3-4x what we were making and we are't going to get worse.
but I still wonder. . . about SU's ability to continue to spend the way it needs to compete with the big boys

SU can't compete with a good chunk of the B1G and almost all of the SEC, not to mention USC, ND and a few others. But, the Orange will be able to compete with most of the ACC.

Had we stayed in the BE, we wouldn't have been able to compete with anyone.

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