Fox Throwing $$$ at Catholic 7: Break Now Official...3FTBALL Schools | Page 3 |

Fox Throwing $$$ at Catholic 7: Break Now Official...3FTBALL Schools

Split to: (a) UConn, USF, Cincy, navy, army, temple
(B) Memphis, SMU, Tulane, UcF, army, ECU

Look familiar? CUSA II. That's some crappy basketball right there.

Army and Navy will never move their Olympic sports out of the Patriot League. Stick with the first 10 teams and call it the Metro Conference as per Dan Wolken. Cincy, UCONN, Temple and Memphis are solid hoops schools. Houston has some history of quality hoops also. They need to move the league office to Orlando, call themselves the Metro and start trash talking the MAC, Sunbelt and CUSA. Sucks to be UCONN but...
You left out the part about Waco being about an hour outside of Dallas which is one of the biggest cities in America.
It's more than an hour, it's 98 minutes.

Do Baylor alums living in the DFW area travel back for games? Sure they do.
Does anyone else? No.

Their college football needs are met by the big boys (UT, OU and aTm) and the locals (TCU, SMU, and possibly the Mean Green of UNT). SMU, while being in Dallas, still has a long way to go from the Death Penalty.

As for Rice & Houston. They're in the same city, with Rice facing similar private school issues as Syracuse. Their average home attendance in 2009 was only 13,552. Houston's recent success and new (2014) stadium should help, but with MLB, NBA & NFL franchises in town, it's unclear just how big a player they are.
It's more than an hour, it's 98 minutes.

Do Baylor alums living in the DFW area travel back for games? Sure they do.
Does anyone else? No.

Their college football needs are met by the big boys (UT, OU and aTm) and the locals (TCU, SMU, and possibly the Mean Green of UNT). SMU, while being in Dallas, still has a long way to go from the Death Penalty.

As for Rice & Houston. They're in the same city, with Rice facing similar private school issues as Syracuse. Their average home attendance in 2009 was only 13,552. Houston's recent success and new (2014) stadium should help, but with MLB, NBA & NFL franchises in town, it's unclear just how big a player they are.

Add to your Houston info: most CFB fans are aligned with UT, TAMU and LSU with a solid following from OU, and token followings from Arkansas, Baylor, TTech, OSU (the Oklahoma one), and the BEST OF 'EM ALL: SYRACUSE! UH has to build a solid following in their own territory, a tough task.
I don't think that you're quite right about UMD and RU. UMD actually gets great ratings and has a very profitable athletic dept. due to (too) heavy spending and I don't think that RU would have been added but for '06 where they actually did do well and got solid ratings. Either way, IMO the primary motivations behind Rutgers were PSU's desire to not be an island, the fact that the state of NJ exports a ton of bright high school students to out of state schools, and the fact that NJ is talent rich in basketball and football high school athletes. It also gives B1G alumni a chanceto go to games. I heard that more B1G live in the NYC area and the DC area than anywhere outside the midwest. Yes, that last factor is related to population, but it isn't quite the same as population. They are looking for alumni, not people in general.

As for 'Cuse and Pitt, it's worth noting that western PA is rich in football talent (especially QB's), and Syracuse has a very profitable athletic dept. I don't think that our athletic dept. is fianced through student fees (but I could be wrong) and we are still in the top 3rd in the new ACC, despite the facts that many ACC schools do supplement their athletic budgets with student fees, and that all ACC schools have the advantage of getting ACC payouts, as oppsed to BIG EASTpayouts, unlike Syracuse. We actually have a strong fan base, it is just spread out (as is common with private schools) and it is somewhat dormant, but re-emmerging. However, before you judge it too harshly, keep in mind that A) with Syacuse comes the Pinstripe Bowl and B) we had the most watched game of the week one o fthe weeks last season. I think that you see us as the Syracuse of the mid 2000's, when we are actually suprisingly close to being the Syracuse of the 90's. If HCSS can coach as well as Marrone, or close to it, then we wil lbe very good very soon. We have invested heavily in football and football facilities over the last 3 years or so.

I'll concede this b/c I couldn't care any less about getting into this much detail about this stuff. My point is that I live in UMD and people like them, but there are a ton of transplants here. They're fine but no where remotely close (in terms of fan base or general interest) to schools like PSU or michigan, etc. No one -- and I have a ton of buddies from NY/NJ/CT could possibly care any less about RU. Even when they were good, it was a novelty and they were just laughing about it. Cuse and Pitt? I don't know. I guess the cuse is profitable, I still don't see what that has to do with a tv contract. Pitt, talent in western pa, fine, but that has nothing to do with ratings and they have a pretty poor fan base as well.
I can't find the quote that you're quoting,but to bills: take it up with google directions.

As someone who has to drive to charlottesville often, I may do just that. Believe me, google is much smarter than me, but in this one instance I am absolutely correct.
Isn't this the football board? On a weekend, 2.5 hrs max. Friday nights are for high school.

Yeah, b/c there's never traffic on the beltway on saturdays or sundays. And, of course, we're not even getting into the fact that you drive 2.5/3 hours to end up in charlottesville, which is fine but nowhere near the experience of philly, balt, dc or nyc. I mean, comparing a game against a hated rival (g'town), with a ton of buddies in dc and then some drinks at fado and a metro ride home to a 3-hour drive to charlottesville and 3 hours back unless you're doing a hotel. Honestly, people acting like this isn't a major difference are insane.
At least as reported by SU their revenues have grown a great deal the last two years, and that is before a dime of ACC money, which will be a huge increase from they are getting now from media rights.

That's awesome (I mean that sincerely). I stand by my feeling that A) much of this money is already spent on not only the IPF but the continual facilities arms race, coaching salaries, travel, etc and B) we won't end up being a "have" at least relative to the SEC teams, B1G teams and the other big boys. Not trying to be debbie downer or doubt your assertion, merely point out that it ain't easy being a have.
...but there are a ton of transplants here. They're fine but no where remotely close (in terms of fan base or general interest) to schools like PSU or michigan, etc.

I think there is a lot to this. The BTN revenue projections are more predicated on midwestern alumni living on the mid-atlantic coast than they are on fickle MD or Rutgers fans living anywhere.
Yeah, b/c there's never traffic on the beltway on saturdays or sundays. And, of course, we're not even getting into the fact that you drive 2.5/3 hours to end up in charlottesville, which is fine but nowhere near the experience of philly, balt, dc or nyc. I mean, comparing a game against a hated rival (g'town), with a ton of buddies in dc and then some drinks at fado and a metro ride home to a 3-hour drive to charlottesville and 3 hours back unless you're doing a hotel. Honestly, people acting like this isn't a major difference are insane.

There ya go talking about basketball again. You're not going to get tickets for BB in Charlottesville, so don't worry about it.
There ya go talking about basketball again. You're not going to get tickets for BB in Charlottesville, so don't worry about it.

That's cool with me. Only furthers my point.
I can't find the quote that you're quoting,but to bills: take it up with google directions.

I had to think for a minute but it's from the old SNL celebrity jeopardy skit

Sean Connery "Suck it Trebek... suck it long and suck it hard"
Just because you don't want to watch it doesn't mean others don't.

They are going to have true 9 team non football power conference playing in the NE and Midwest. Nine teams gets back to a perfect 18 game home and home. The reasons the smaller schools couldn't fill their arena's is that the BE was bloated and there was no continuity of scheduling to build a season story around and create races that fans could follow.

Fox will do with the this new conference what ESPN did in the '80's. And Fox won't be starting from scratch.

This new league will be third behind the ACC and Big 1o. FOX is looking for winter content, this will fit nicely. Those schools did great.
Newsflash, these schools HAVE SMALL FANBASES and won't move the needle nationally. In the 80's kids stayed multiple years and the average sports fan knew Ewing at Gtown, Mullin at St. John's, Pinckney at Villanova, Pearl Washington at Syracuse. Today, college basketball isn't watched nationally by the average fan unless its a big time matchup instead its watched by the fans of the teams involved mainly. Only Creighton, Marquette average more than 10k in their arenas and the only national brands in the new conference will be Georgetown, and maybe Butler due to their back to back Final Fours. If you think this conference is going to be the 3rd best your entitled to your opinion, but I am letting you know I am sick of you arrogant I am smarter than everybody else attitude in your posts and your not always right. 1980s cable TV is not 2010s cable TV. Is the Catholic 7 conference good winter inventory for FOX? There is absolutely no doubt in my mind it is good inventory, but these teams outside a couple of them Gtown, Nova, Butler, Marquette will not move the needle nationally and when games like Butler-Seton Hall or Georgetown-Providence we will see how successful this conference can be. With that said the conference is not worth 12 years 500 million dollars that FOX paid? The answer is no and I realize they had to overpay to get them to jump, but you just seem to be more interested in getting in pissing matches and seeming like the smarter guy congrats on being a gunner. I respect a poster like Billsin01 who isn't interested in seeming like the smarter guy just giving his opinions and getting his points across in a non-gunner way.
Newsflash, these schools HAVE SMALL FANBASES and won't move the needle nationally. In the 80's kids stayed multiple years and the average sports fan knew Ewing at Gtown, Mullin at St. John's, Pinckney at Villanova, Pearl Washington at Syracuse. Today, college basketball isn't watched nationally by the average fan unless its a big time matchup instead its watched by the fans of the teams involved mainly. Only Creighton, Marquette average more than 10k in their arenas and the only national brands in the new conference will be Georgetown, and maybe Butler due to their back to back Final Fours. If you think this conference is going to be the 3rd best your entitled to your opinion, but I am letting you know I am sick of you arrogant I am smarter than everybody else attitude in your posts and your not always right. 1980s cable TV is not 2010s cable TV. Is the Catholic 7 conference good winter inventory for FOX? There is absolutely no doubt in my mind it is good inventory, but these teams outside a couple of them Gtown, Nova, Butler, Marquette will not move the needle nationally and when games like Butler-Seton Hall or Georgetown-Providence we will see how successful this conference can be. With that said the conference is not worth 12 years 500 million dollars that FOX paid? The answer is no and I realize they had to overpay to get them to jump, but you just seem to be more interested in getting in pissing matches and seeming like the smarter guy congrats on being a gunner. I respect a poster like Billsin01 who isn't interested in seeming like the smarter guy just giving his opinions and getting his points across in a non-gunner way.

I'm not the one projecting what is going to happen based on personal preference. Arrogance is dismissing the future prospects the conference because it doesn't excite you.
I'm not the one projecting what is going to happen based on personal preference. Arrogance is dismissing the future prospects the conference because it doesn't excite you.
I am objectively with facts giving my opinion. Does it mean I am right? No, but I don't go out of my way to try and sound like the smartest guy in the room or bully people in my posts. My opinion is that FOX overpaid for this new conference no where did I say it will fail. I believe the conference will get 3-5 bids a year and will be asuccessful Atlantic 10 conference without as much dead weight as that conference, but you seem to ignore my point that all these schools are small Catholic schools that aren't the primary team in their homebase (except Villanova, Providence) and won't move the needle nationally because college basketball doesn't rate well nationally anymore because the sport has been decimated by early-entries to the NBA. I am not saying you aren't entitled to your opinions I am stating I am sick of your bully I am smarter than everybody arrogance in your posts. The new Big East basketball conference will be successful obviously because they hoodwinkled FOX into paying each school 4.8 million for the next 12 years and as a result will be able to pay for good coaches and facilities, but your post your post didn't address counter to my points that the ratings likely won't be there and the fact that FOX overpaid to get this portfolio on their networks. Instead, you just want to intimidate people into backing down.
I am objectively with facts giving my opinion. Does it mean I am right? No, but I don't go out of my way to try and sound like the smartest guy in the room or bully people in my posts. My opinion is that FOX overpaid for this new conference no where did I say it will fail. I believe the conference will get 3-5 bids a year and will be asuccessful Atlantic 10 conference without as much dead weight as that conference, but you seem to ignore my point that all these schools are small Catholic schools that aren't the primary team in their homebase (except Villanova, Providence) and won't move the needle nationally because college basketball doesn't rate well nationally anymore because the sport has been decimated by early-entries to the NBA. I am not saying you aren't entitled to your opinions I am stating I am sick of your bully I am smarter than everybody arrogance in your posts. The new Big East basketball conference will be successful obviously because they hoodwinkled FOX into paying each school 4.8 million for the next 12 years and as a result will be able to pay for good coaches and facilities, but your post your post didn't address counter to my points that the ratings likely won't be there and the fact that FOX overpaid to get this portfolio on their networks. Instead, you just want to intimidate people into backing down.

I think you're both giving your opinions so I'm not sure why you're getting so worked up over it. He's defending his position and you're equally aggressive in defending yours. Didn't you start the whole discussion by saying this conference was overpaid and would be the new A-10? I mean, that's taking a pretty strong stance.

Anyway, obviously we disagree. That's fine. My only point would be your whole "move the needle nationally" angle -- there are almost no programs that do that. Even a classic power like UCLA doesn't "move the needle" in the east coast anymore. The point is to come up with a conference that makes sense, has some sort of continuity, some sort of logical geographical layout and, if possible, a collection of programs that are relevant. The Catholic 7 nails all those criteria better than any league outside of the ACC and B1g.
I think you're both giving your opinions so I'm not sure why you're getting so worked up over it. He's defending his position and you're equally aggressive in defending yours. Didn't you start the whole discussion by saying this conference was overpaid and would be the new A-10? I mean, that's taking a pretty strong stance.

Anyway, obviously we disagree. That's fine. My only point would be your whole "move the needle nationally" angle -- there are almost no programs that do that. Even a classic power like UCLA doesn't "move the needle" in the east coast anymore. The point is to come up with a conference that makes sense, has some sort of continuity, some sort of logical geographical layout and, if possible, a collection of programs that are relevant. The Catholic 7 nails all those criteria better than any league outside of the ACC and B1g.
This goes beyond this post, Billsin anytime GoSU can bully posters/posts he does and I am not going to take it from anymore. I can take constructive criticism or disagreement, but don't deal with bullying or arrogance. I respectfully disagree with your position, and think your points are legitimate and don't think its necessarily wrong its just I am sick of the attacks from GoSU and if I don't speak up then the status quo continues.
It's more than an hour, it's 98 minutes.

Do Baylor alums living in the DFW area travel back for games? Sure they do.
Does anyone else? No.

Their college football needs are met by the big boys (UT, OU and aTm) and the locals (TCU, SMU, and possibly the Mean Green of UNT). SMU, while being in Dallas, still has a long way to go from the Death Penalty.

As for Rice & Houston. They're in the same city, with Rice facing similar private school issues as Syracuse. Their average home attendance in 2009 was only 13,552. Houston's recent success and new (2014) stadium should help, but with MLB, NBA & NFL franchises in town, it's unclear just how big a player they are.
1. I said "about an hour." By definition, about an hour does not mean exactly an hour.
2. It depends on where you are in dallas. Dallas is a big place, so obviously it varies a lot depending on what side of town you are leaving/going.
3. Did you actually read my post or are you just responding wildly? My point was that location isn't what is driving any of this. If location was, then those schools wouldn't have the problems that you just described. You just proved my point. At best location is a minor factor. Actual fan following is significantly more important, and at best, location only play a minor role in that. As you pointed out, other entertainment outlets in the surrounding area are far more important.
That's awesome (I mean that sincerely). I stand by my feeling that A) much of this money is already spent on not only the IPF but the continual facilities arms race, coaching salaries, travel, etc and B) we won't end up being a "have" at least relative to the SEC teams, B1G teams and the other big boys. Not trying to be debbie downer or doubt your assertion, merely point out that it ain't easy being a have.
What other "big boys?" The Big XII is knocking on heaven's door, and the ACC will make more than the Pac-12 in TV money the very near future. Most ACC teams might already. The Pac might have a higher conference payout, but Pac schools have fewer rights to sell on their own. So, Wake Forest would be better off in the Pac, but UNC would be better off in the ACC. SU is in the top 3rd of the ACC and that's coming out of an off decade in football. If HCSS can coach, we are better off in the ACC than we would be in the Pac.
I'll concede this b/c I couldn't care any less about getting into this much detail about this stuff. My point is that I live in UMD and people like them, but there are a ton of transplants here. They're fine but no where remotely close (in terms of fan base or general interest) to schools like PSU or michigan, etc. No one -- and I have a ton of buddies from NY/NJ/CT could possibly care any less about RU. Even when they were good, it was a novelty and they were just laughing about it. Cuse and Pitt? I don't know. I guess the cuse is profitable, I still don't see what that has to do with a tv contract. Pitt, talent in western pa, fine, but that has nothing to do with ratings and they have a pretty poor fan base as well.
You don't see the correlation between profitability and popularity and the correlation between popularity and a big TV contract? According to the DoE, UMD has good revenue numbers. Look it up.

PSU and Michigan have two of the top athletic departments in the country. Very few current B1G schools can favorably compare to either of those schools, and the same would even go with SEC schools. I think Michigan might be #1 in the B1G. If not, then they are #2 behind OSU, and PSU is #3.

Also, I never said Pitt was added for ratings. They are a good school that exists in a talent-rich area. They were added for academics (the alternative was WVU) and recruiting. They were not added to "capture" the "Pitt market."

Finally, you are cherry picking and distorting what I said. I never said that RU was added because of '06. I said that they would not have been added but for '06. They were added primarily because of a variety of other reasons which are almost entirely unrelated to whether or not there is a major city next to them.

If anything, the fact that nobody in NYC cares about RU only adds proof that RU wasn't added to "capture the NYC market" like you originally said. You are starting to argue both sides.
This goes beyond this post, Billsin anytime GoSU can bully posters/posts he does and I am not going to take it from anymore. I can take constructive criticism or disagreement, but don't deal with bullying or arrogance. I respectfully disagree with your position, and think your points are legitimate and don't think its necessarily wrong its just I am sick of the attacks from GoSU and if I don't speak up then the status quo continues.

Bullying, attacks? Jesus, all I said was you shouldn't use your personal preferrence as a predictor for general behavior. That's arrogant.

This goes beyond this post, Billsin anytime GoSU can bully posters/posts he does and I am not going to take it from anymore. I can take constructive criticism or disagreement, but don't deal with bullying or arrogance. I respectfully disagree with your position, and think your points are legitimate and don't think its necessarily wrong its just I am sick of the attacks from GoSU and if I don't speak up then the status quo continues.
If he bothers you so much, why don't you use the Ignore button? Life's too short, man.
You don't see the correlation between profitability and popularity and the correlation between popularity and a big TV contract? According to the DoE, UMD has good revenue numbers. Look it up.

UMD might have excellent revenue numbers, but the athletic department is running in the red and had to cut seven sports in July -- read about it here. And they are very popular for hoops -- much less so for football.

PSU and Michigan have two of the top athletic departments in the country. Very few current B1G schools can favorably compare to either of those schools, and the same would even go with SEC schools. I think Michigan might be #1 in the B1G. If not, then they are #2 behind OSU, and PSU is #3.

I honestly lose track of everything we're trying to discuss here, but my point was that football power conferences are going to be very tough to keep up with in spending wars. Perhaps even some of own brethren in the ACC. The B1G averages north of $22M in football profits while the SEC is stands at $29M. Certainly a notable difference, but I don't think it's crazy to categorize most of the B1g as "haves" or "big boys." (indiana, nw and purdue being exceptions.) -- particularly when compared to ACC profits (FSU really brought in $81M in revenue as an athletic department and showed no profit? Huh?)

Also, I never said Pitt was added for ratings. They are a good school that exists in a talent-rich area. They were added for academics (the alternative was WVU) and recruiting. They were not added to "capture" the "Pitt market."

Academics are a convenient excuse for adding a program. Why did they then go get Louisville if academics were that important?

Finally, you are cherry picking and distorting what I said. I never said that RU was added because of '06. I said that they would not have been added but for '06. They were added primarily because of a variety of other reasons which are almost entirely unrelated to whether or not there is a major city next to them.

If anything, the fact that nobody in NYC cares about RU only adds proof that RU wasn't added to "capture the NYC market" like you originally said. You are starting to argue both sides.

I think we just disagree on this -- I think most programs are being added for perceived TV viewers/markets/contracts. I agree no one in NYC cares about RU, but that won't stop the B1G from telling everyone that RU "gives us a foothold in NYC." Does anyone there care about RU? No, not at all, but you can count the cable boxes and at least pretend folks care.
What other "big boys?" The Big XII is knocking on heaven's door, and the ACC will make more than the Pac-12 in TV money the very near future. Most ACC teams might already. The Pac might have a higher conference payout, but Pac schools have fewer rights to sell on their own. So, Wake Forest would be better off in the Pac, but UNC would be better off in the ACC. SU is in the top 3rd of the ACC and that's coming out of an off decade in football. If HCSS can coach, we are better off in the ACC than we would be in the Pac.

Other big boys like notre dame, usc, oregon, UT, oklahoma state, FSU ... schools that appear to have no limit on spending.
UMD might have excellent revenue numbers, but the athletic department is running in the red and had to cut seven sports in July -- read about it here. And they are very popular for hoops -- much less so for football.

I honestly lose track of everything we're trying to discuss here, but my point was that football power conferences are going to be very tough to keep up with in spending wars. Perhaps even some of own brethren in the ACC. The B1G averages north of $22M in football profits while the SEC is stands at $29M. Certainly a notable difference, but I don't think it's crazy to categorize most of the B1g as "haves" or "big boys." (indiana, nw and purdue being exceptions.) -- particularly when compared to ACC profits (FSU really brought in $81M in revenue as an athletic department and showed no profit? Huh?)

Academics are a convenient excuse for adding a program. Why did they then go get Louisville if academics were that important?

I think we just disagree on this -- I think most programs are being added for perceived TV viewers/markets/contracts. I agree no one in NYC cares about RU, but that won't stop the B1G from telling everyone that RU "gives us a foothold in NYC." Does anyone there care about RU? No, not at all, but you can count the cable boxes and at least pretend folks care.
1. Yes, that's why UMD joined the B1G. The B1G cares about how much money UMD will make the conference, which is a product of revenue. You are talking about costs. UMD's past financial decisions do not affect the B1G in any way unless they start affecting UMD's ability to generate revenue. Given that UMD is joining the B1G to keep that from happening, I don't think that's a problem. Also, money is fungible. I never made any claims about UMD football. I said that the athletic dept. makes money. As long as something makes money and will be distributed to the rest of the underfunded state schools in the B1G, then the underfunded state schools that dominate the B1G don't care whether it is football, hockey, basketball, or women's underwater basket-weaving.
2. FSU's $81 million included $7 million of student fees to cover the $7 million deficit. Syracuse made $69 million (and I don't think that we have student fees). Given that being in the ACC has a built-in $5-10 million advantage* that will even out when we are in the ACC, we are very much on par with FSU. We are certainly not better than them, but to pretend like we are in a different ball park isn't factually accurate. No we won't be able to compete with Texas, Michigan, OSU, PSU, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, or ND (if we ever could, then it hasn't been for a vary long time) in terms of revenue, but we can compete with pretty much every other non-super big school, even the name ones. That won't change.
*In the form of better bowls, better per team NCAA credits, better brand competition which leads to better attendance, and better per team tourney/CCG money.
3. Once again, you are cherry picking and distorting. I said academics amongst other factors. Specifically I mentioned that western PA has produced a number of great QB's. UL was added over UCONN. Pitt was added over WVU. Morgantown is 70 miles from the center of Pittsburgh and even less if you go from the edge of Pitt to the edge of Morgantown, and those are driving miles. Make it a straight line and it's even less. They are in the same "market." The are in the same recruiting grounds. WVU is a better program and makes $80 million/yr to Pitt's $56 million/yr. You tell me why Pitt was added over WVU if it had nothing to do with academics. I submit that UL was added over UCONN for a variety of reasons. The fact that UCONN was blacked-listed by BC by trashing BC in '04 is likely one of them. The fact that elevating UCONN would hurt SU (see GROB years) and/or it would hurt BC (see current BC football program) was also likely another big factor. Also, UL makes a TON more money than UCONN ($87 million to $63 million). I'm sure that had something to do with it, along with the fact that UL also has a MUCH more stable program. So yes, I agree with you that academics alone won't get a school added, but they are a factor.
4. Well, I can show you graphs that essentially prove that there is no correlation between "markets" and good TV contracts, but for you to be right, either the cable companies would have to be stupid and the B1G is tricking them, or the B1G would have to be dumb and the added schools (UMD and RU) would have to be tricking them. Which is it?
Other big boys like notre dame, usc, oregon, UT, oklahoma state, FSU ... schools that appear to have no limit on spending.
Oregon - $73 million
Syracuse - $69 million (with a BIG EAST payout)

When it's all said and done, the ACC payout (Media. bowls, retained rights, NCAA credits, CCG's, and so on) will be MUCH closer to the Pac-12's payout than the BIG EAST's payout was to the Pac-10. Syracuse is very close to Oregon now, and we have had a down decade in football and we have played the likes of USF and UCONN, whereas Oregon has had the best decade ever and plays USC, UCLA, Cal, UW, and Stanford. Give us an ACC schedule, an ACC payout, and an daverage decade and we would be on top of Oregon. If they are a "big boy," then so are we.
*Btw, we spent more on football than Oregon in 2011.

As for Texas and ND, when did we ever have as much money for athletics as them?

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