FSU QB De’Andre Johnson | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

FSU QB De’Andre Johnson

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Women want to be equal, until they don't. If you punch someone, you should expect to be punched back.
Equality for all.
this is disgusting. I really hope that is just a poor attempt at trolling.

I love all the armchair legal analysis in this thread, as if the technical legalities in this case matter one bit.

The video shows a jacked football player throwing a vicious punch to the face of a woman. He used disproportionate and unnecessary force against someone much smaller and weaker than him. Whether or not he is eventually convicted of misdemeanor assault doesn't particularly matter. He shouldn't have hit her like that.
I love all the armchair legal analysis in this thread, as if the technical legalities in this case matter one bit.

They matter when it comes to him being prosecuted and ultimately convicted.

When it comes to student conduct and being an FSU football player he should probably be booted.

How does this compare to deleone carter?
What a weak punch kid is a total for hitting a girl and for a punch that should get him a free skirt
Believe it when I see it.

He's been dismissed from the team. Probably has as much to do with having the #3 QB in last years class and the #1 QB in the current recruiting class as it does anything else. If he had a shot at starting this year, I'm unconvinced it plays out the same.
What a weak punch kid is a total for hitting a girl and for a punch that should get him a free skirt

Was lining up a Ray Rice comparison but decided against it...
What a weak punch kid is a total for hitting a girl and for a punch that should get him a free skirt

to make things worst, if he would have handled himself better and played his cards right, he probably would have gotten the skirt for the cost of a drink.
to make things worst, if he would have handled himself better and played his cards right, he probably would have gotten the skirt for the cost of a drink.
Humphrey Bogart's not walking through that door. :)
northacuse said:
Believe it when I see it.

Well, that took less than six hours. Easy call.
I was raised never to hit a woman and I raise my boys the same way. But the fact is she punches him in the face first so legally (right or wrong) he probably has every right to punch her back.

I'm actually more amazed the State Attorney General's office released the video. Why are they involved in a 1 punch incident between students. Is that the responsibility of the AG's office?

Legally, you're wrong. Sorry. And the amount of force used does in fact matter, even if she hit him first, at least in my state. That being said, that video can be taken several ways and none of them play totally in his favor. No one has any idea what was said between the two and that also matters.
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I see the video a little differently and I'm not defending him punching her. It's pretty bad and he should've just laughed it off, but if this were a domestic dispute she would've also been arrested for assaulting him.

It appears you did see it differently than myself and the 7 other people I saw it with, if you watch you see the guy with the glasses waiting to place his order patiently I might add, the girl comes in behind him then is getting pushed by Johnson, he grabs the bar to pull himself up to the bar while he is pushing her, she turns and the fist you claim she raises, look at her thumb she is pointing back at the guy with the glasses I would guess telling Johnson he is next, that is not a fist, Johnson then grabs her initiating the assault, she is trying to free herself and uses her left hand if you want to call that a punch in self defense, (think if a guy grabbed your hand as he was trying to push his was to the bar, would you stand there after he grabbed you and start manhandling you or would you try to get free), Johnson then continues his assault by delivering his right hand to her face. If that constitutes an assault by her, then you better hope no one ever grabs you and starts pushing and pulling you like Johnson did. He was 100% in the wrong and the video shows it.

Now what is interesting is that the guy with the glasses leaves right after Johnson bolts, early on a hand reaches in and taps him on the head, it may have been Johnson, hard to tell but looks like it was someone with a cap on, so Johnson may have been with him and possibly Johnson got sick of waiting for his drink and decided he would push his way to bar and order the drinks himself. Either way poor judgement by Johnson who was the initiator of the altercation and the aggressor.
Women want to be equal, until they don't. If you punch someone, you should expect to be punched back.
Equality for all.

He wouldn't play for me, you have every right to defend yourself, but there is never a need to hit a woman back.
Legally, you're wrong. Sorry. And the amount of force used does in fact matter, even if she hit him first, at least in my state. That being said, that video can be taken several ways and none of them play totally in his favor. No one has any idea what was said between the two and that also matters.

I'm not wrong but how on earth can you measure the force of the hit - let's say without a video?

Cop shows up, he hit me, she hit me, ok you're both under arrest.
fl st had to do something this time- thats why he is off the team

he was a sacrificial lamb - look at us, we do punish those who break the law-
it doesn't matter how 'hard' her punch is. the fact is her fist made contact with his face.

at 1:45 he's trying to squeeze in between the two woman. She turns around and says something to him. He again tries to squeeze in and yes he's pushing against her - that's what happens in crowded bars. She again turns around and says something to him. This time he says something back and they start jawing at each other. She's got her right fist clenched and up in the air and is probably threatening to punch him; she's also pushing him backwards with her left hand/arm.

He grabs her fist and pushes it down, he's now holding both her arms (because she looks like she was threatening to hit him) and they're jawing at each other. She breaks his grip and punches him in the face. (it also appears he might be hit by someone else), after getting punched he punches her back.

In sum, he bumps into her trying to get to the bar, she starts jawing at him, threatens to hit him, then does hit him and he hits her back.

I'm not condoning him hitting her, I'm stating what I see happen.
It doesn't look like a crowded bar - he simply didn't want to wait his turn and was acting like an entitled ass pushing everyone in his way.

And it doesn't look to me like she's got her hand clenched to punch him - rather she's pointing back at the bartender. He grabs her right wrist first - I doubt he has the legal right to do that. After that it looks like she's simply defending herself against a much bigger, stronger person. Then like a typical scumbag he pops her.

You do a fine job of painting him to be a perfect angel but I don't think that defense would hold up in front of a jury. But who knows - there have been many dumb juries.
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