FSU QB De’Andre Johnson | Page 4 | Syracusefan.com

FSU QB De’Andre Johnson

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He pushed people out of the way to get to the bar, then grabbed her very aggressively after she pushed him back. She then hit him with what would probably be considered a love tap for a D1 football player and he blasted her in the face with a right hook that left her bloodied. There doesn't appear to be anything "equal" about that.

that is considered a love tap at absolute worst.
so maybe - just maybe - you are the one who isn't seeing clearly.

This isn't an issue of my not being able to comprehend shades of gray. I'm decidedly not the kind of guy who only sees in black and white. I'm a lawyer who has handled mostly child abuse and neglect cases for the last 10 years. I've seen a lot of f'ed up stuff and have a crystal clear understanding that situations can be incredibly emotional and volatile and complex. I've worked to both prosecute people and to overturn findings, depending on the evidence and where the case goes. There is very little in the world that is black and white.

But you know what is black and white? Don't beat women and children. It's not ok to prey on those weaker than you. I'm sorry that seems difficult for you to grasp, but that is a you thing and not a me thing.
I'm done responding to you because your generalizations and petty attacks on my character are becoming obnoxious. We clearly come from two different worlds. I've been around an under 40 crowd with money for the majority of my life and have seen women do things that skew my perception of them. You come from a legal background where you see the worst of the worst and I imagine some of that could balance out my views on this subject but for now, I can only go off my life experiences. I wouldn't hit a woman and I have never hit a woman, let alone even pushed one but I've seen some f'ed up ish on the opposite side of where you stand that gives me certain life experiences you've never had and vice versa. No need to be over-emotional about this and try to paint people as Floyd Mayweather just because they don't agree with you.
Also, interesting to point out is the difference between this board and another board I visit when bored at the office. This other board has a much more urban/African American make up and 75% of them side with the QB. Apparently, and I haven't heard it mentioned here, she also called the QB the N-word and there are multiple witnesses to attest to that. Again, doesn't make it right but there's much more to this than forever labeling this guy a monster.
Also, interesting to point out is the difference between this board and another board I visit when bored at the office. This other board has a much more urban/African American make up and 75% of them side with the QB. Apparently, and I haven't heard it mentioned here, she also called the QB the N-word and there are multiple witnesses to attest to that. Again, doesn't make it right but there's much more to this than forever labeling this guy a monster.

And he could have responded by calling her a racist b***h but he hit her instead. I'm not even going to address the other things you said, it's race baiting.
Also, interesting to point out is the difference between this board and another board I visit when bored at the office. This other board has a much more urban/African American make up and 75% of them side with the QB. Apparently, and I haven't heard it mentioned here, she also called the QB the N-word and there are multiple witnesses to attest to that. Again, doesn't make it right but there's much more to this than forever labeling this guy a monster.

LOL, I really hope you're smarter than this. His high profile defense attorney, yes, the one that got Casey Anthony "off" claims there are multiple witnesses confirming his story. Duh, no they found some people that confirm he had a reason to hit someone half his size.
And he could have responded by calling her a racist b***h but he hit her instead. I'm not even going to address the other things you said, it's race baiting.
It's not race baiting, it's demographics. Bunch of middle age white guys on here wagging their finger and I'm just informing you of other viewpoints from people who are more closely related to this type of life than 95% of this messageboard. By "this type of life", I mean going out in these environments to bars/clubs.
LOL, I really hope you're smarter than this. His high profile defense attorney, yes, the one that got Casey Anthony "off" claims there are multiple witnesses confirming his story. Duh, no they found some people that confirm he had a reason to hit someone half his size.
Ok, my mistake "allegedly".
longislandcuse said:
It's not race baiting, it's demographics. Bunch of middle age white guys on here wagging their finger and I'm just informing you of other viewpoints from people who are more closely related to this type of life than 95% of this messageboard. By "this type of life", I mean going out in these environments to bars/clubs.
You sure talk about clubbing a lot

Dude punched a girl.
You sure talk about clubbing a lot

Dude punched a girl.
It happened in a bar/club... Ok, i'll let all the middle aged men who know better take this topic from here. Y'all are some salty dudes.
It's not race baiting, it's demographics. Bunch of middle age white guys on here wagging their finger and I'm just informing you of other viewpoints from people who are more closely related to this type of life than 95% of this messageboard. By "this type of life", I mean going out in these environments to bars/clubs.

Wagging their finger? We just respect women, apparently that other demographic you are refering to does not. FWIW I wasn't born middle aged, I spent alot of time in clubs when I was younger too and punching women in the head wasn't acceptable then either. I've seen drinks thrown in people's faces, lots of fights, i've seen a chick jump on a dudes back and start pounding him in the head, he threw her off and told her friends to keep that crazy b***h away from me but he didn't punch her in the face. This guy and anyone taking up his side needs their head examined.
Wagging their finger? We just respect women, apparently that other demographic you are refering to does not. FWIW I wasn't born middle aged, I spent alot of time in clubs when I was younger too and punching women in the head wasn't acceptable then either. I've seen drinks thrown in people's faces, lots of fights, i've seen a chick jump on a dudes back and start pounding him in the head, he threw her off and told her friends to keep that crazy b***h away from me but he didn't punch her in the face. This guy and anyone taking up his side needs their head examined.
I haven't taken his side or said any of this is ok. You guys make me out to have that position because I don't believe he should be charged with assault or thrown in jail. That does not mean I think what he did was ok.

I've given my view of this culture (money, notoriety, alcohol, clubs, bars) because that's how most of these stories originate and used is as a backstory as to why I don't see this as a black and white story about a guy who beats women. I get it that it's not a popular view by many of y'all here and that's perfectly fine but don't try to take my lenient view of Johnson as meaning that I condone him punching a woman, because I do not.
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I haven't taken his side or said any of this is ok. You guys make me out to have that position because I don't believe he should be charged with assault or thrown in jail. That does not mean I think what he did was ok.

We clearly come from two different worlds. I've been around an under 40 crowd with money for the majority of my life and have seen women do things that skew my perception of them.

If it's a misunderstanding then so be it, however you made it seem like the 'B***h had it coming' nonsense can somehow actually be validated. My apologies if I took it wrong but it wasn't hard to do.
If it's a misunderstanding then so be it, however you made it seem like the 'B***h had it coming' nonsense can somehow actually be validated. My apologies if I took it wrong but it wasn't hard to do.
If I came across that way then my bad, I absolutely don't mean that. He should've been chill and realized it's a woman and moved on. I just don't think he should be vilified to the extent some of the posters here have taken it.
I will say this, That chick looked pretty fuucking annoying, pointing fingers, fat, drunk, spouting off, etc. Doesn't make it right but .
I will say this, That chick looked pretty fuucking annoying, pointing fingers, fat, drunk, spouting off, etc. Doesn't make it right but .

So the message could be...

Hitting girls ruins your future so maybe more people in his position will stop doing dumb cowardly unnecessary things like hitting girls.

But being a really annoying obnoxious girl might get you punched, so maybe you should stop being an annoying obnoxious girl.

Perhaps we all win. FSU should start running The More You Know promos.
Arrest them both, charge them both, call it a day. It's pretty simple.
He threw that punch with a mean and nasty attitude and FSU fans say the high school he comes from produces a lot of top talent that has a knack for getting into big trouble once in college
I will say this, That chick looked pretty fuucking annoying, pointing fingers, fat, drunk, spouting off, etc. Doesn't make it right but .
Yup. A less deranged person would have simply laughed at her and walked away.
I will say this, That chick looked pretty fuucking annoying, pointing fingers, fat, drunk, spouting off, etc. Doesn't make it right but .
high marks for filter evasion.

she was boxing out like charles barkley
You sure talk about clubbing a lot

Dude punched a girl.

Chick took a shot at a dude first. Miss or not.

If a chick bloodies your nose, you walk away and call the cops? Just asking.
I'm not wrong but how on earth can you measure the force of the hit - let's say without a video?

Pretty easily actually, by injury. Which in cases like this if it did not have video as you suggest, would determine the primary aggressor.
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I haven't taken his side or said any of this is ok. You guys make me out to have that position because I don't believe he should be charged with assault or thrown in jail. That does not mean I think what he did was ok.

I've given my view of this culture (money, notoriety, alcohol, clubs, bars) because that's how most of these stories originate and used is as a backstory as to why I don't see this as a black and white story about a guy who beats women. I get it that it's not a popular view by many of y'all here and that's perfectly fine but don't try to take my lenient view of Johnson as meaning that I condone him punching a woman, because I do not.

If it was your wife or girlfriend would you feel the same way? Doubt it. You'd either call the cops or beat him on your own. But I highly doubt you'd be telling her she got what she had coming.
Chick took a shot at a dude first. Miss or not.

If a chick bloodies your nose, you walk away and call the cops? Just asking.
I start giving out stone cold stunners What

i'm not getting into a fight with a girl unless it's nicole bass and I'm legitimately scared for my life
If it was your wife or girlfriend would you feel the same way? Doubt it. You'd either call the cops or beat him on your own. But I highly doubt you'd be telling her she got what she had coming.
If my girl acted like that in public, she wouldn't be my girl.

Also, props for the sensationalizing of my stance. Never did I ever say "she got what she had coming".
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