Good story about Chancellor Kent Syverud at the UVA game today... |

Good story about Chancellor Kent Syverud at the UVA game today...


Aug 26, 2011
The more I see of our new chancellor, the more I love the way he is embracing SU and SU sports.

At halftime of the game today, TrickySU, one of the Otto's Army stalwarts who made the bus trip to Charlottesville, found me to say hello. During our chat, I asked him whether he would like to meet the chancellor (who was standing nearby). After TrickySU said "of course," I introduced him to Kent... who was genuinely delighted to meet one of the 44 students who made the trip... and he asked TrickySU whether he could meet the rest of the students. TrickySU then took Kent up into the rafters where the students were seated.

When Kent returned from his visit, he thanked me for introducing him to TrickySU, and he asked me for his contact info so he could get in touch with him to thank him. Not wanting to give Kent an internet forum screen name, I said "His name is Mike with a long last name I can't spell. Let me get the correct spelling and I will send it to you." I hope TrickySU responds to the PM i sent him with the info.

I thought this was amazingly cool. I can't think of another chancellor: 1) who would want to climb to the rafters to meet a bunch of sleep-deprived students who had just made a lengthy bus trip; and 2) who would want to reach out to thank his student host.

BTW, Kent was at the game with (in addition to his amazing wife Ruth) his twin brother Scott who is a professor at the UVA Medical School. The Charlottesville paper ran a cute article about them this morning.
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It is tough to spell -Mike Krzyzewski- even JB can't spell it ;). Nice story Joyce and what a great thing for both those kids and the chancellor to meet through you. I also think having tickets and a bus for those kids to attend was great and hoping something like that could be available for SU students to every away game.
That is really cool. He's a great guy. He randomly started talking to one of my fraternity brothers a few weeks ago and asked her (it's a co-ed fraternity) if she was going to the upcoming game (I want to say it was the Pitt game) and she said that she had never been able to make it to a game before because she always got stuck working the shift during basketball games, but that she'd probably be going to a bar or something to watch there.

Kent ended up getting an extra ticket so that she could sit courtside with him. She had an amazing time.
It's how people treat the least of us as to how they will be judged. Not saying students are the least of us but in the real world folks like the chancellor have a lot of VIP's that they have to take time with. That Kent went up in the far reaches to do this is a good sign that he knows how to connect with the heart and soul of the institution he is in charge of.

Thanks for giving us this insiders look at the man.
Could you rank the Chancellors you've known in terms of their genuine interest in SU sports and their willingness to mingle with the students and fans?
Joyce, good story but I don't think you thought it through. What are you going to say when TrickySU's last name ends up being Jones or Smith??
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Remember when he first arrived on campus he lived in a dorm for a while because the Chancellors house was having some repairs done ? I thought that was pretty cool. There was an article I read about it at the time, saying his dorm mates were calling him SyverDude.
Joyce, good story but I don't think you thought it through. What are you going to say when TrickySU's last name ends up being Jones or Smith??
That's funny. TrickySU responded to my PM after he arrived back on campus. Trust me, his name is not quite Krzyzewski, but it's close. (At least to someone who heard it for the first time in a very loud basketball arena).
Just had to go off track a bit after seeing CTO's post.
A Polish immigrant went to the DMV to apply for a driver's license.
First, of course, he had to take an eye sight test.
The optician showed him a card with the letters
'C Z W I X N O S T A C Z.'
'Can you read this?' the optician asked.
'Read it?' the Polish guy replied, 'I know the guy.'​
MikeSU02 said:
Are we sure this guy went to Georgetown??
He gave a good interview yesterday on the pre-game radio, and when asked about whether he'd like to see the SU-G'Town series continue he said that he went to Georgetown before there was much of a rivalry between the two and that they now need us more than we need them.
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He gave a good interview yesterday on the pre-game radio, and when asked about whether he'd like to see the SU-G'Town series continue he said that he went to Georgetown before there was much of a rivalry between the two and that they now need us more than we need them.
How true, I don't miss them at all.

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