Class of 2014 - Goodluck okonoboh | Page 11 |

Class of 2014 Goodluck okonoboh

I think I would stay away from him...something's off about a kid who would transfer mid semester only six games into the season.

Is he eligible any earlier because he gets out with a full semester to go this year?

In any case I don't think we can waste a scholarship next year on a guy that has to sit and has no chance to help the team. Worked out this year with Chukwu because he was a late addition, not sure it works when you have high school seniors and others that can come in right away and play still in play.

He'd have to sit out Spring 2016 and Fall 2016, and he'd be eligible in January 2017.
I think I would stay away from him...something's off about a kid who would transfer mid semester only six games into the season.

Is he eligible any earlier because he gets out with a full semester to go this year?

In any case I don't think we can waste a scholarship next year on a guy that has to sit and has no chance to help the team. Worked out this year with Chukwu because he was a late addition, not sure it works when you have high school seniors and others that can come in right away and play still in play.
I don't see his transfer as being odd at all. UNLV has that kid Zimmerman who reportedly took alot of his PT and he wanted a fresh start, probably closer to home. We should reach out, get all the facts- which we know the staff will do, and if there's mutual interest then bring him in.
I don't see his transfer as being odd at all. UNLV has that kid Zimmerman who reportedly took alot of his PT and he wanted a fresh start, probably closer to home. We should reach out, get all the facts- which we know the staff will do, and if there's mutual interest then bring him in.
Agree completely. The notion of a kid being a head case because he xfers is silly. For those keeping track, Wes, G, and Pashal all came here via that route, so I would say it has been good to us.
I don't see his transfer as being odd at all. UNLV has that kid Zimmerman who reportedly took alot of his PT and he wanted a fresh start, probably closer to home. We should reach out, get all the facts- which we know the staff will do, and if there's mutual interest then bring him in.
Agree completely. The notion of a kid being a head case because he xfers is silly. For those keeping track, Wes, G, and Pashal all came here via that route, so I would say it has been good to us.

Not a head case because he transfers, a head case because he transfers six games into the fall semester. I don't have a problem with a kid who is challenged gives hit his best and then makes the determination that he would be better off elsewhere. But, someone who is challenged and then tucks his tail and runs from the challenge is probably not the guy I want on my team.

"Okonoboh saw his minutes decline with the addition of 7-foot freshman Stephen Zimmerman Jr.

The 6-foot-10 Rebel only played 11 minutes in the Maui Invitational opener against UCLA on Monday. A frustrated Okonoboh attempted to buy a plane ticket home after the loss to UCLA, but was talked into staying for the next two games only if he didn't have to suit up, according to a local reporter who spoke to the team."

Sounds like a fragile baby to me. How do you think he'd come in here an do under JB's big man microscope. Good luck ... no pun intended.
Not a head case because he transfers, a head case because he transfers six games into the fall semester. I don't have a problem with a kid who is challenged gives hit his best and then makes the determination that he would be better off elsewhere. But, someone who is challenged and then tucks his tail and runs from the challenge is probably not the guy I want on my team.

"Okonoboh saw his minutes decline with the addition of 7-foot freshman Stephen Zimmerman Jr.

The 6-foot-10 Rebel only played 11 minutes in the Maui Invitational opener against UCLA on Monday. A frustrated Okonoboh attempted to buy a plane ticket home after the loss to UCLA, but was talked into staying for the next two games only if he didn't have to suit up, according to a local reporter who spoke to the team."

Sounds like a fragile baby to me. How do you think he'd come in here an do under JB's big man microscope. Good luck ... no pun intended.

Fair enough, and I'm sure JB will get all the facts about this kid's character from the UNLV coaches.
If he's just a spoiled brat, we'll lay off- but if there's a chance he just wanted a change, then why not poach him?
We'll have our answer soon enough, I'm sure!:noidea:
I don't see his transfer as being odd at all. UNLV has that kid Zimmerman who reportedly took alot of his PT and he wanted a fresh start, probably closer to home. We should reach out, get all the facts- which we know the staff will do, and if there's mutual interest then bring him in.
Zimmerman is an absolute animal. Hopefully he isn't upset at the coaches and realizes that Zimmerman is just flat out better than him. PASS... He seems a tad selfish.
Not a head case because he transfers, a head case because he transfers six games into the fall semester. I don't have a problem with a kid who is challenged gives hit his best and then makes the determination that he would be better off elsewhere. But, someone who is challenged and then tucks his tail and runs from the challenge is probably not the guy I want on my team.

"Okonoboh saw his minutes decline with the addition of 7-foot freshman Stephen Zimmerman Jr.

The 6-foot-10 Rebel only played 11 minutes in the Maui Invitational opener against UCLA on Monday. A frustrated Okonoboh attempted to buy a plane ticket home after the loss to UCLA, but was talked into staying for the next two games only if he didn't have to suit up, according to a local reporter who spoke to the team."

Sounds like a fragile baby to me. How do you think he'd come in here an do under JB's big man microscope. Good luck ... no pun intended.

great points. These are JB's best years why bother with that. There is plenty of unknown talent out there. And Roberson/Moyer/Lydon/Chuckwu can rebound just fine for Bigs.
Lydon, Richardson and Howard are class acts.
Not a head case because he transfers, a head case because he transfers six games into the fall semester.

Sounds like a fragile baby to me. How do you think he'd come in here an do under JB's big man microscope. Good luck ... no pun intended.

G had been to like 5 schools in 6 years prior to SU - done fine under JB.
Not a head case because he transfers, a head case because he transfers six games into the fall semester. I don't have a problem with a kid who is challenged gives hit his best and then makes the determination that he would be better off elsewhere. But, someone who is challenged and then tucks his tail and runs from the challenge is probably not the guy I want on my team.

"Okonoboh saw his minutes decline with the addition of 7-foot freshman Stephen Zimmerman Jr.

The 6-foot-10 Rebel only played 11 minutes in the Maui Invitational opener against UCLA on Monday. A frustrated Okonoboh attempted to buy a plane ticket home after the loss to UCLA, but was talked into staying for the next two games only if he didn't have to suit up, according to a local reporter who spoke to the team."

Sounds like a fragile baby to me. How do you think he'd come in here an do under JB's big man microscope. Good luck ... no pun intended.

A. I agree that it doesn't look like he'd appreciate riding pine and likely wouldn't be a good fit here.

B. I don't think this shows that he's a fragile baby though. He could have been promised a certain amount of playing time or he might feel that he's not being allowed to showcase his talent for NBA scouts. There is probably more to the story than what we see on the surface. If your future career doesn't hinge on playing time as a freshman, then yes, ride out the freak 7-footer getting playing time over you. If your career does depend on it though, maybe it's not a bad idea to get the hell out of Dodge as quickly as possible so you can start somewhere with a potentially better opportunity.
I don't think this shows that he's a fragile baby though. He could have been promised a certain amount of playing time or he might feel that he's not being allowed to showcase his talent for NBA scouts. There is probably more to the story than what we see on the surface. If your future career doesn't hinge on playing time as a freshman, then yes, ride out the freak 7-footer getting playing time over you. If your career does depend on it though, maybe it's not a bad idea to get the hell out of Dodge as quickly as possible so you can start somewhere with a potentially better opportunity.

In my book that is called being a quitter. Again, I have no problem if he guts it out for a full year and he isn't getting the playing time that he thinks he deserves or needs, then by all means move on and find a better situation. But to leave six games into the season and really one game into a holiday tournament seems to me to be someone who is a quitter and isn't capable of rising up to competition.

If he came to SU maybe there is playing time for him, maybe there isn't. I don't think we want to take a chance on a player that you know will be disgruntled if he isn't good enough to beat out others that are here. If a guy is willing to come in and compete for playing time and accept the role that the coaches deem he has earned, I am good with it. The manner that he is abandoning ship is a red flag to me and suggests that he is not willing to compete for PT.
In my book that is called being a quitter. Again, I have no problem if he guts it out for a full year and he isn't getting the playing time that he thinks he deserves or needs, then by all means move on and find a better situation. But to leave six games into the season and really one game into a holiday tournament seems to me to be someone who is a quitter and isn't capable of rising up to competition.

If he came to SU maybe there is playing time for him, maybe there isn't. I don't think we want to take a chance on a player that you know will be disgruntled if he isn't good enough to beat out others that are here. If a guy is willing to come in and compete for playing time and accept the role that the coaches deem he has earned, I am good with it. The manner that he is abandoning ship is a red flag to me and suggests that he is not willing to compete for PT.

We have different definitions of quitters then. Goodluck owes it to himself to get into the best situation to showcase his talent. He doesn't really owe anything to the school, especially if he's not playing.

In today's environment, you generally have to find playing time as quickly as possible. Waiting a year could cost you millions of dollars. I have no idea how good this kid is, or if he's NBA caliber, but all accounts say Zimmerman is a monster who basically cannot be competed with. Goodluck likely recognized this and likely wants to get to the NBA. That doesn't make him a quitter; it makes him smart. Why waste a year behind Zimmerman, meaning probably no more than 10mpg, when you could get out a semester sooner and try your luck somewhere that doesn't have a top 5-10 pick in your spot?
I agree with Brook re: Goodluck jumping ship when the writing is clearly on the wall with Zimmerman. If he has the potential to be NBA material he wouldn't want to sit behind someone for his tenure (or however Zimmerman is there - likely 1 year) at the school. I would find a school that provides opportunity to play and showcase what he has or doesn't have. What the red flag is up on is how he is doing it. And I agree that he is presenting as a child in his attitude. He chose UNLV and should live with that decision for the remainder of the year ... unless there are other extenuating circumstances that we are unaware of.
Do I want Goodluck? Probably not. If (with the Divine's help) Lydon and Mal stay there will be no room at the inn. We are in more need of a stronger backcourt. If TB keeps growing he will be 7'1" by next year ... too tall for a pg ... either that or a very tall pg.
I was listening to a show today and the unlv coach said Goodluck asked to be taken out of the starting lineup and to come off the bench.

By all accounts it sounded like he still has a good standing relationship with Goodluck no strange tone or disappointment in his voice at all. all rumors aside.
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So you guys would all be alright with Tyler Lydon leaving school and announcing his intent to transfer if he wasn't satisfied that he wasn't starting in front of DCII and TRob?

I guess I'll reiterate my position...if he doesn't have more of a team concept than that, I don't want him on my team because the object is to win not put the best showcase team on the floor.

And you are wrong if you don't think he owes the team something. He owes the school, the coach and his teammates his best effort and his best attempt at fitting in and being a part of the team. When the season is over he can go and try to improve his lot.
In my book that is called being a quitter. Again, I have no problem if he guts it out for a full year and he isn't getting the playing time that he thinks he deserves or needs, then by all means move on and find a better situation. But to leave six games into the season and really one game into a holiday tournament seems to me to be someone who is a quitter and isn't capable of rising up to competition.

If he came to SU maybe there is playing time for him, maybe there isn't. I don't think we want to take a chance on a player that you know will be disgruntled if he isn't good enough to beat out others that are here. If a guy is willing to come in and compete for playing time and accept the role that the coaches deem he has earned, I am good with it. The manner that he is abandoning ship is a red flag to me and suggests that he is not willing to compete for PT.

I agree with this. He has the right to pursue other opportunities, but leaving his current team while on a road trip is not the way to do it. Couple that with his low production and the fact that he'd be a mid-season 'pickup' (seemingly not great for team chemistry) 1.5 years out, and I too question why we'd consider him.
So you guys would all be alright with Tyler Lydon leaving school and announcing his intent to transfer if he wasn't satisfied that he wasn't starting in front of DCII and TRob?

I guess I'll reiterate my position...if he doesn't have more of a team concept than that, I don't want him on my team because the object is to win not put the best showcase team on the floor.

And you are wrong if you don't think he owes the team something. He owes the school, the coach and his teammates his best effort and his best attempt at fitting in and being a part of the team. Wh season is over he can go and try to improve his lot.
When given a quarter million dollar by the school you ow a helleva lot.
I get what everyone is saying but keep in mind this is still a young kid and their decision making process is not exactly refined. I hope he can learn from the experience first and for most, but ultimately I don't think this one decision automatically makes him cancer. Keep in mind if he wants immediate playing time he is not going to get it by transferring. He will have to sit out a year regardless. Im sure this is a fact that he is well aware of. Kid might just not like it there, homesick, etc who knows. Personally I think he is worth a look. If other red flags emerge then move on, but the kid is talented and would make a very nice addition after a year of redshirting, maturing and getting better.
Did he ever figure out how to do anything other than block a few shots? I don't even think his athleticism is that great where it could get him by. He always seemed incredibly awkward to me.

A penniless, drunk hobo's version of Nerls.
Did he ever figure out how to do anything other than block a few shots? I don't even think his athleticism is that great where it could get him by. He always seemed incredibly awkward to me.

A penniless, drunk hobo's version of Nerls.
That is way too harsh. He has never been as skilled as Noel, but it had to be hard to be compared to him all the time. It's a shame that he isn't going to at least complete his bachelor's degree and then move on with his life. I hope he has a good life and has no regrets.
That is way too harsh. He has never been as skilled as Noel, but it had to be hard to be compared to him all the time. It's a shame that he isn't going to at least complete his bachelor's degree and then move on with his life. I hope he has a good life and has no regrets.
He wrote on his twitter that he would still complete his degree.

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