Class of 2017 - Hameir Wright (NY) to Washington | Page 8 |

Class of 2017 Hameir Wright (NY) to Washington

Francis, I'm curious what you think about this report. I won't pretend to know everything you've written, but the impression that I've gotten from you (to my recollection) is:

Ayala - seem to have a pretty good shot at him
Wright - kind of up in the air after Hop left, but still trying?
Quinerly - not really trying for him
Carmody, Jalen, Reeves - don't really recall
Reddish - probably missed the boat on him already
Naz Reid - don't remember, but I'm guessing the same as Reddish?
I think currently we're at a very good spot for Ayala. Main thing is whether or not he gets cleared for next season. Too early to tell on the 2018 guys. Things are always very fluid from now till the fall. I think Reddish is the biggest longshot out of the group.
I think currently we're at a very good spot for Ayala. Main thing is whether or not he gets cleared for next season. Too early to tell on the 2018 guys. Things are always very fluid from now till the fall. I think Reddish is the biggest longshot out of the group.

Right, my post is "solidly" in tin foil hat territory lol. Can you cite several cases where this penalty has been imposed? According to you it's common, so it should be easy. I believe that this rule is used to limit a coach-in-waiting's competitive advantage on the recruiting trail, according to my link below. However, can you cite a situation where this particular penalty was imposed on a sitting coaching staff with no outside coach in waiting?

New NCAA rule limiting head coaches in waiting on the recruiting trail affects Texas, Maryland
You cite an article from 2010 talking about football coaches in waiting. The article even talks about how only two schools are affected - Texas and Maryland - both in the context of their designated football head coaches in waiting.

Since I like primary sources, and since I noticed that article seemed awfully concerned with football and football only, I tried to find the actual rule. Here it is: Head Coach Restriction — Spring Evaluation Period. In bowl subdivision football, during the April 15 through May 31 evaluation period, the head coach [and any assistant coach who has been publicly designated by the institution to become the next head coach (see Bylaw] shall not engage in off-campus recruiting activities, participating in off-campus recruiting activities, participating in an off-campus coaching clinic, visit a prospective student-athlete's educational institution for any reason or meet with a prospective student athlete's coach at an off-campus location.

So you are now claiming that a rule that applies to bowl subdivision football coaches-in-waiting is evidence that the NCAA is targeting Syracuse?

Others have done the work in citing other instances where a restriction on off campus recruiting activity has been imposed. There are plenty more examples beyond what has already been cited. The NCAA website explaining potential penalties in major infraction cases specifically mentions as a potential punishment restrictions on off campus recruiting activities. But hey, keep on believing conspiracies. Just be careful of those chem trails - they'll getcha.
You cite an article from 2010 talking about football coaches in waiting. The article even talks about how only two schools are affected - Texas and Maryland - both in the context of their designated football head coaches in waiting.

Since I like primary sources, and since I noticed that article seemed awfully concerned with football and football only, I tried to find the actual rule. Here it is: Head Coach Restriction — Spring Evaluation Period. In bowl subdivision football, during the April 15 through May 31 evaluation period, the head coach [and any assistant coach who has been publicly designated by the institution to become the next head coach (see Bylaw] shall not engage in off-campus recruiting activities, participating in off-campus recruiting activities, participating in an off-campus coaching clinic, visit a prospective student-athlete's educational institution for any reason or meet with a prospective student athlete's coach at an off-campus location.

So you are now claiming that a rule that applies to bowl subdivision football coaches-in-waiting is evidence that the NCAA is targeting Syracuse?

Others have done the work in citing other instances where a restriction on off campus recruiting activity has been imposed. There are plenty more examples beyond what has already been cited. The NCAA website explaining potential penalties in major infraction cases specifically mentions as a potential punishment restrictions on off campus recruiting activities. But hey, keep on believing conspiracies. Just be careful of those chem trails - they'll getcha.
I'm not going to get into this with you. Jordoo does an excellent job of explaining the sanctions and how the punishment did not fit the crime. Eight years of investigations and they came up with what? Some people wrote some papers for Fab Melo, and some players worked at the Y, among a couple other common infractions. What happened to UNC? Right. Everything hush hush there huh. This program was absolutely blasted with sanctions, for what? If you think the punishment here fit the "crimes" then I wouldn't be surprised if you actually run a blog about chem trails.
Also with no disrespect intended, I think there is some truth to this. Nobody can knock Francis' contributions to the board; he's plugged into recruiting better than probably any other fan here. He's a legend. But, that doesn't mean his word is gospel.

His comments about Boeheim's recruiting, or lack thereof, are at least partially opinion. Yes, he likely knows who is on the road and when most of the time, but he doesn't know the inner workings of the coaching staff as much as people think he does or perhaps as much as he thinks he does (unless he's on the coaching staff). There are primary sources and secondary sources. When Francis evaluates a recruit and gives us info about him, he's a primary source. When he tells us what the coaching staff thinks of the recruit or their plans for recruiting, he's a secondary source. Like a game of Telephone, secondary sources are going to miss out on some information.

Jim Boeheim does not fly all over the place hunting down recruits. Safe to say that's true. But that's not out of the ordinary. To then say that this, maybe with the addition of some other factors, means JB is disinterested in recruiting or flat out doesn't care about it is a subjective opinion. It's an inference based on limited information on JB's actions.

Making that inference is fine, but now we have half the board parroting it as established fact, then each poster is adding more inferences of their own as we go further down the rabbit hole. I think some posters need to take a step back and re-evaluate the likelihood that JB just recently decided to phone it in. A lot of this, in my opinion, is a result of the struggles on the court. People think because the team has had a few bad seasons that the coaches must not be doing their job. Bad seasons happen, especially on the heels of some of the harshest sanctions the NCAA has passed down on any bball program in a decade or more.

I'm not going out on a limb when I say it's more likely than not that JB and his coaching staff will do exactly what needs to be done to right the ship, and I know that's what everybody here is hoping for. We have history on our side in a big way.
So was it a good look when JB sends GMac to battle Calipari down the stretch for Quade Green, who they foolishly put all their eggs into one basket for? You weren't concerned when five stars like Lonnie Walker is questioning whether or not if the school that he put in his final five really wanted him? I guess Phat and yourself would just say that he wasn't on our list of prioritizes then. When other schools are sending their HC's and we're sending GMac all the time then something doesn't add up. Nobody is saying that JB doesn't care or wants to tank. It's obvious and was recently quoted by him that he finds it easy to delegate a lot of stuff to his assistants these days. He has become comfortable and feels that he can take the approach of letting his assistants handle 90-95% of the recruitment and hope that he can close the deal at the end. It's a gamble that may or may not work and lately it hasn't worked in landing the top 25/5 star players as of late. JB is an old man so obviously I don't expect him to be everywhere, but it doesn't hurt for him to show love to a recruit that he really wants once in awhile during the b-ball season. Like I said, it's a preference for what people want to believe or not. Nobody has to take what I say for gospel, just like the non JB fanboys like myself doesn't need to worship the ground that he walks on and can be critical at times if need be.
So was it a good look when JB sends GMac to battle Calipari down the stretch for Quade Green, who they foolishly put all their eggs into one basket for? You weren't concerned when five stars like Lonnie Walker is questioning whether or not if the school that he put in his final five really wanted him? I guess Phat and yourself would just say that he wasn't on our list of prioritizes then. When other schools are sending their HC's and we're sending GMac all the time then something doesn't add up. Nobody is saying that JB doesn't care or wants to tank. It's obvious and was recently quoted by him that he finds it easy to delegate a lot of stuff to his assistants these days. He has become comfortable and feels that he can take the approach of letting his assistants handle 90-95% of the recruitment and hope that he can close the deal at the end. It's a gamble that may or may not work and lately it hasn't worked in landing the top 25/5 star players as of late. JB is an old man so obviously I don't expect him to be everywhere, but it doesn't hurt for him to show love to a recruit that he really wants once in awhile during the b-ball season. Like I said, it's a preference for what people want to believe or not. Nobody has to take what I say for gospel, just like the non JB fanboys like myself doesn't need to worship the ground that he walks on and can be critical at times if need be.
This is an excellent post. And to recognize this isn't being disloyal to JB. This is what I tried to say the other day in my poker comparison. JB is 72 soon to be 73. He doesn't have the same get up and go that he did when he was 43. How could he? either he gets off his @ss and hits the road or he needs to realize that it is a young mans' game and move on
So was it a good look when JB sends GMac to battle Calipari down the stretch for Quade Green, who they foolishly put all their eggs into one basket for? You weren't concerned when five stars like Lonnie Walker is questioning whether or not if the school that he put in his final five really wanted him? I guess Phat and yourself would just say that he wasn't on our list of prioritizes then. When other schools are sending their HC's and we're sending GMac all the time then something doesn't add up. Nobody is saying that JB doesn't care or wants to tank. It's obvious and was recently quoted by him that he finds it easy to delegate a lot of stuff to his assistants these days. He has become comfortable and feels that he can take the approach of letting his assistants handle 90-95% of the recruitment and hope that he can close the deal at the end. It's a gamble that may or may not work and lately it hasn't worked in landing the top 25/5 star players as of late. JB is an old man so obviously I don't expect him to be everywhere, but it doesn't hurt for him to show love to a recruit that he really wants once in awhile during the b-ball season. Like I said, it's a preference for what people want to believe or not. Nobody has to take what I say for gospel, just like the non JB fanboys like myself doesn't need to worship the ground that he walks on and can be critical at times if need be.

Francis, I just read an article where Roselle Catholic's coach said Hop was basically the closer these days, moreso than JB:

“I guess the difference is that Mike’s now the lead and also on some level the closer,” he said, “where it used to be Coach Boeheim would come in towards the end and try to kind of finish the deal off.”

I don't know how true that is, but is it possible JB was even less involved than originally thought? I wonder how his plan will change without Hop now. It sure sounded like Hop did the bulk of recruiting up until a few months ago. Red's got his work cut out for him, eh?
So was it a good look when JB sends GMac to battle Calipari down the stretch for Quade Green, who they foolishly put all their eggs into one basket for? You weren't concerned when five stars like Lonnie Walker is questioning whether or not if the school that he put in his final five really wanted him? I guess Phat and yourself would just say that he wasn't on our list of prioritizes then. When other schools are sending their HC's and we're sending GMac all the time then something doesn't add up. Nobody is saying that JB doesn't care or wants to tank. It's obvious and was recently quoted by him that he finds it easy to delegate a lot of stuff to his assistants these days. He has become comfortable and feels that he can take the approach of letting his assistants handle 90-95% of the recruitment and hope that he can close the deal at the end. It's a gamble that may or may not work and lately it hasn't worked in landing the top 25/5 star players as of late. JB is an old man so obviously I don't expect him to be everywhere, but it doesn't hurt for him to show love to a recruit that he really wants once in awhile during the b-ball season. Like I said, it's a preference for what people want to believe or not. Nobody has to take what I say for gospel, just like the non JB fanboys like myself doesn't need to worship the ground that he walks on and can be critical at times if need be.
100% agree with this. He's not getting any younger so you can't expect him out there all the time like some younger coaches are but he's still getting paid and has a job where he has to do it to some extent. There's a reason our recruiting has fallen off and this is part of it. It's 100% acceptable to say the staff has gotten lazy. Now maybe with everything going on that could change, who knows but you don't have to worship JB or hate him to realize the problems and what's working and what's not working.
This is an excellent post. And to recognize this isn't being disloyal to JB. This is what I tried to say the other day in my poker comparison. JB is 72 soon to be 73. He doesn't have the same get up and go that he did when he was 43. How could he? either he gets off his @ss and hits the road or he needs to realize that it is a young mans' game and move on

Something has to change. Either JB changes and starts being more active again, we hire a real stud recruiter to make up for Hop's loss or JB walks away in the near future and someone new/younger takes over. I doubt the last one happens now, at least for a few years, so 1 of the first 2 has to occur. And saying that doesn't mean we are against JB; we just want this program to excel and don't think it can if the process continues as it has.
This is an excellent post. And to recognize this isn't being disloyal to JB. This is what I tried to say the other day in my poker comparison. JB is 72 soon to be 73. He doesn't have the same get up and go that he did when he was 43. How could he? either he gets off his @ss and hits the road or he needs to realize that it is a young mans' game and move on
Exactly, Dash. JB is a HOF coach and his resume speaks for itself. It doesn't mean that he walks on water and we can't express any concern about how he has approached things in recruiting recently when it comes to getting the elite talent that would put us over the top. I think people always take it as a diss and an insult if you send any criticism his way and that's the last thing that I'm trying to do. Just wanna see us put our best foot forward in these recruiting battles. I personally think Cam Reddish is a longshot, but if we're going to try and get him then JB needs to make the best effort that he has made in recruiting for years to get him. Sending GMac and Red all the time simply won't cut it and why even bother if that's the case.
Exactly, Dash. JB is a HOF coach and his resume speaks for itself. It doesn't mean that he walks on water and we can't express any concern about how he has approached things in recruiting recently when it comes to getting the elite talent that would put us over the top. I think people always take it as a diss and an insult if you send any criticism his way and that's the last thing that I'm trying to do. Just wanna see us put our best foot forward in these recruiting battles. I personally think Cam Reddish is a longshot, but if we're going to try and get him then JB needs to make the best effort that he has made in recruiting for years to get him. Sending GMac and Red all the time simply won't cut it and why even bother if that's the case.
JB has the cache that few others have. He needs to use that to our advantage.
So was it a good look when JB sends GMac to battle Calipari down the stretch for Quade Green, who they foolishly put all their eggs into one basket for? You weren't concerned when five stars like Lonnie Walker is questioning whether or not if the school that he put in his final five really wanted him? I guess Phat and yourself would just say that he wasn't on our list of prioritizes then. When other schools are sending their HC's and we're sending GMac all the time then something doesn't add up. Nobody is saying that JB doesn't care or wants to tank. It's obvious and was recently quoted by him that he finds it easy to delegate a lot of stuff to his assistants these days. He has become comfortable and feels that he can take the approach of letting his assistants handle 90-95% of the recruitment and hope that he can close the deal at the end. It's a gamble that may or may not work and lately it hasn't worked in landing the top 25/5 star players as of late. JB is an old man so obviously I don't expect him to be everywhere, but it doesn't hurt for him to show love to a recruit that he really wants once in awhile during the b-ball season. Like I said, it's a preference for what people want to believe or not. Nobody has to take what I say for gospel, just like the non JB fanboys like myself doesn't need to worship the ground that he walks on and can be critical at times if need be.
100% agree with this. He's not getting any younger so you can't expect him out there all the time like some younger coaches are but he's still getting paid and has a job where he has to do it to some extent. There's a reason our recruiting has fallen off and this is part of it. It's 100% acceptable to say the staff has gotten lazy. Now maybe with everything going on that could change, who knows but you don't have to worship JB or hate him to realize the problems and what's working and what's not working.

still don't agree our recruiting has fallen off. Last three classes were ranked #18 (not including 5th year transfers and Chukwu) , #8 and #33. This year we are at #56 with the chance to go higher if we land Ayala (higher still if we add 5th year transfers again).

Also sent 1 of 2 to the NBA from 2014; soon to be 2 out of 3 to the NBA from 2015 (Diagne didn't qualify so he doesn't count); and in 2016 you'll hit at least 1 out 3 with Battle, Thompson and Moyer. a 50% NBA hit rate signals we are getting the right guys. You could argue not enough of them to stack a roster but sanctions has a lot to do with that.

Most programs have the assistant coaches do 90% of the leg work and then the HC closes. Coach K is not flying around the country every other weekend watching kids play basketball; he has guys under him that get paid to do that. Sanctions or not, there's little value in JB being the one watching the games. Players care about which teams are watching them play and which teams are making the right pitches; they don't care about which coach is the one watching them.
JB, Hop, and G-Mac are not Coach K and Syracuse is not Duke. We can't send an assistant in an Orange polo and get the same emotional reaction from a HS player as seeing a UK or Duke polo in the stands. If the next 2-3-4 years of the program depend on a handful of recruits, which it very well may, JB needs to show maximum face and maximum love for these ~5 players. He can't be staying home in Jamesville watching Netflix.

I think you're very wrong about your last point. I think recruits care about who shows up to their games/events. Players would much rather see Calipari than a UK assistant. They'd rather see Sean Miller than whatever assistant is in that state that given weekend. Sending JB messages to recruits "you're our priority" while sending G-Mac says "you're one of several recruits we're evaluating so we're covering all bases". JB needs to get out there.
Francis, I just read an article where Roselle Catholic's coach said Hop was basically the closer these days, moreso than JB:

“I guess the difference is that Mike’s now the lead and also on some level the closer,” he said, “where it used to be Coach Boeheim would come in towards the end and try to kind of finish the deal off.”

I don't know how true that is, but is it possible JB was even less involved than originally thought? I wonder how his plan will change without Hop now. It sure sounded like Hop did the bulk of recruiting up until a few months ago. Red's got his work cut out for him, eh?

I wasn't going to get sucked in, because this is supposed to be a thread about Hameir Wright, but I have to ask why the question. I understand that until Hop left, JB was (in name) the head coach, but he was going to be retiring before these kids would ever play for SU, or at best only have 1 year with JB. Whereas, Hop was going to be their head coach for most, if not all of their SU career.

With that being said, is it any wonder that Hop would be the lead on these players rather than JB? For some reason this idea surprises a majority of the people who post regularly in these threads, and I have to wonder why? JB WAS NOT GOING TO BE AROUND! Why should he be 1 of the 2 people with heavy face time?!?

It seems to me that your wrath is misplaced. Rather than ripping on JB or even Gmac, maybe you should be wondering why Hop was AWOL so much? Or why he decided to put Gmac in charge of so much, so quickly?

I think it is clear that JB stepped back, in order to give Hop the room he would need to build a team that he was happy with. And, IMO JB did the correct thing by stepping back and giving Hop the freedom. I also think it is clear, that at least in this case, Hop was found to be inferior. I think he expected to be able to do things the way JB can, but the problem with that, is that Hop doesn't have the resume that JB does, so he can't work that way.

Now that there is clarity on who is going to be in charge, rather than the way it has been this past year, I expect to see much more initiative being shown and more recruiting activity. I expect Red to be more involved, and I expect to hear JB's name more.

Maybe this will be proven to be untrue, but I feel fairly confident that time will prove me to be correct.
So was it a good look when JB sends GMac to battle Calipari down the stretch for Quade Green, who they foolishly put all their eggs into one basket for? You weren't concerned when five stars like Lonnie Walker is questioning whether or not if the school that he put in his final five really wanted him? I guess Phat and yourself would just say that he wasn't on our list of prioritizes then. When other schools are sending their HC's and we're sending GMac all the time then something doesn't add up. Nobody is saying that JB doesn't care or wants to tank. It's obvious and was recently quoted by him that he finds it easy to delegate a lot of stuff to his assistants these days. He has become comfortable and feels that he can take the approach of letting his assistants handle 90-95% of the recruitment and hope that he can close the deal at the end. It's a gamble that may or may not work and lately it hasn't worked in landing the top 25/5 star players as of late. JB is an old man so obviously I don't expect him to be everywhere, but it doesn't hurt for him to show love to a recruit that he really wants once in awhile during the b-ball season. Like I said, it's a preference for what people want to believe or not. Nobody has to take what I say for gospel, just like the non JB fanboys like myself doesn't need to worship the ground that he walks on and can be critical at times if need be.

Just read this and you couldn't have been more spot on in so many ways. Excellent post!
The Cuse had every opportunity to offer Cam Reddish when he came up here with his mother to the Elite camp at the Melo Center. He was one of the highest ranked kids in his class at that point and the Cuse never offered him. Syracuse was Cam's favorite school followed by North Carolina. I believe if the Cuse would have showed him more love and offered him earlier they might have had a chance. Instead they waited until after he already had offers from other big schools before they offered him. Now if I was a betting man I would put all my money on Cam going to Duke. Again, it's too bad because Syracuse was always Cam's favorite school when he was younger followed by North Carolina.
still don't agree our recruiting has fallen off. Last three classes were ranked #18 (not including 5th year transfers and Chukwu) , #8 and #33. This year we are at #56 with the chance to go higher if we land Ayala (higher still if we add 5th year transfers again).

Also sent 1 of 2 to the NBA from 2014; soon to be 2 out of 3 to the NBA from 2015 (Diagne didn't qualify so he doesn't count); and in 2016 you'll hit at least 1 out 3 with Battle, Thompson and Moyer. a 50% NBA hit rate signals we are getting the right guys. You could argue not enough of them to stack a roster but sanctions has a lot to do with that.

Yeah we have produced NBA players but you laos have to look into that in depth. All the players we've sent to the league recently(Ennis, grant, MC, Mali, Lydon soon, Mike) what have they done in the league? besides Ennis and mike they've all been drafted purely off of potential. Have they blossomed much? Not yet. You also have to look at the misses we've had over the years(chino(brought in to help bring Bryant who we didn't even get, rob, BJ, Kaleb, Frank, Roberson, Diange by difault). Now I 100% agree sanctions haven't helped any but that's only a small excuse, we still aren't performing up to the level we need to be on the recruiting trail. We could and should be doing better
So is Wright an option for 2017? Would he be an impact guy? I'd have to think he would be?
There was just this tweet, which is why I asked...

Lots of opportunity for him at Cuse! Come on down...

He just seemed dead set on prepping at Brewster next year.

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