here's one play that i didn't understand |

here's one play that i didn't understand


All Conference
Aug 16, 2011
3rd and 1 from midfield and we ran a pretty tough wheel route to ant into double coverage (incomplete) and then punted.

why not run on third (70%+ chance of getting first down). if you get stuffed, line up like you'll run again on 4th and throw that wheel. MUCH better chance you'll get one on one on 4th in the flat than 3rd.
I was a little confused by the call. I thought for sure when they passed on third down they were prepared to run on 4th and short if they did not complete the pass
When I saw the title of your thread, I said to myself "just one?" But my aging memory was reminded of how I felt after reading the details and you are right. That was a brutal call given the situation and subsequenbt action. You do that on 2nd and 1 if you see the outside defenders cheat towards the play action or other movement or if you were going to go for it on 4th down anyway. Given what we know about Marrone's philosophy, I have to think Hackett has some explaining to do this week about that call.

I thought the decision to go for it on 4th down late in the game was pretty bad too.
That play had me cursing at my tv. Absolutely terrible call. At a time when we desparately needed a drive to chew up some time and give the defense a rest- just get the f$@?ing first down! If you don't have confidence to run 1 yard in that situation, you can't expect to win. Ask the Eagles.
Rutgers brought pressure from the outside. In theory, if Bailey catches the ball, he's off to the races.

Can't fault Marrone for being aggressive and exploiting a potential mismatch.
The decision to kick in OT was probably the smart, rational play, but I wish we had gone for it. I just felt like- on that day- we were trying so hard to lose, and a chance to win was staring us in the face.
I was yelling "run the QB sneak!" They didn't have a NT lined up on that play and the MLB was hanging back a little. The sneak was WIDE open on that play. A quick snap and Nassib gets 2 yards easy on that play.
3rd and 1 from midfield and we ran a pretty tough wheel route to ant into double coverage (incomplete) and then punted.

why not run on third (70%+ chance of getting first down). if you get stuffed, line up like you'll run again on 4th and throw that wheel. MUCH better chance you'll get one on one on 4th in the flat than 3rd.

The 3rd and inches wheel route was another Hackett crap call. I made a post last week complaining about Hackett and was by and large shouted down. Appears a few more people are cacthing on. Hackett's been roasted on the board this week. For those paying any attention this isn't a new thing with Hacket's play calling.
If Ant had caught that pass he would have got lit up by the safety coming over...awful call.

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