Weirmann won 82% against Loyola and Maryland still lost by 5. Faceoff wins not as important as what you do with possessions. Duke also dominated faceoffs and lost to Jax. Too much hand wringing about this aspect of the game.5 of 13 at the X is concerning especially with the best fogo in the country on deck.
Karl Winter, the guy on the left, runs track and became just the 8th Syracuse athlete to run a sub-4 minute mile yesterday.I love the ball movement and cuts. Also, in comparison to the ACCN+ halftime shows for basketball, this halftime duo is doing a great job. The game callers are an improvement in comparison to the Vermont game.
The shorty on the FO wing is too timid/patient.5 of 13 at the X is concerning especially with the best fogo in the country on deck.
WRONG !Faceoff wins not as important as
possession is 9/10ths of thelawgame