Honest question is their a more full of itself fanbase than Pitt? | Page 3 | Syracusefan.com

Honest question is their a more full of itself fanbase than Pitt?

And Pitts game yesterday was a special game because it was SU. Bet their Miami game didn't have the same atmosphere. As to standing, I have never been to an arena where everyone stood the whole game. You found a one off.

I'm aware that was a big game for Pitt, I get that. But you can't deny that sitting comments at syracuse games have prevented more people from standing and thus making more noise. A lot of people sit on their hands, he'll we can't even get most people who go to a syracuse sporting event to wear the teams color.
Clev04 said:
I'm aware that was a big game for Pitt, I get that. But you can't deny that sitting comments at syracuse games have prevented more people from standing and thus making more noise. A lot of people sit on their hands, he'll we can't even get most people who go to a syracuse sporting event to wear the teams color.

I'm sure sit down comments occur other places too. I've seen it twice in the Dome ever. It's not something that happens day in and day out. And it's usually the person that thinks they should stand the whole game. As to the colors people wear? I see most people on orange at the basketball games. Especially the big games. If you're talking football, well that program did it to themselves. You can't find another fan base that can draw 30k and can take over multiple arenas on the road. If that was SU's quant little arena yesterday with 3 student sections court side, you'd have seen the exact same thing.
Let's not act like Syracuse fans are somehow magically worse than other fans.

I was watching Michigan St. vs Illinois yesterday and it was a one point game with under a minute left. The student section started a "Stand Up" chant to get the rest of the crown on their feet.
Yikes - this doesn't help the hangover. :bat:

I dunno, they made a big deal of playing us, I guess I take it as a compliment.
I think they made a big deal of attacking our players personally and mocking our program -- which is petty and amateurish. They somehow missed that:

1- They're on a straight line for the NIT themselves;
2- half our front line is injured and didn't make the trip;
3- They got bailed out of an embarrassing home loss to a depleted SU team b/c one of their bench thugs (with a 3 ppg average) had a freak game and went off for 18.
Watching them pan the crowd, when was the last time you saw the dome like that? Maybe the 80s? We do have an old fan base and the students are almost non existent and you see more in the library walking from the dome than you saw in the dome.

The reason you are correct in thinking 80s is that that was when the student seats were also 1/2 of the portable bleachers.

Students are rowdier than most older fans.
If by "full of itself" you mean "living in constant denial of the fact that their program has never actually achieved anything in college basketball" then no, no there isn't.
I think they made a big deal of attacking our players personally and mocking our program -- which is petty and amateurish. They somehow missed that:

1- They're on a straight line for the NIT themselves;
2- half our front line is injured and didn't make the trip;
3- They got bailed out of an embarrassing home loss to a depleted SU team b/c one of their bench thugs (with a 3 ppg average) had a freak game and went off for 18.

You would have thought we were a top ten team yesterday, they were needed to play their A game to beat one of our worst teams ever.
You would have thought we were a top ten team yesterday, they were needed to play their A game to beat one of our worst teams ever.
Did they storm the court? If not, I'm surprised.
Did they storm the court? If not, I'm surprised.

I turned the game off before the final buzzer, but the whole blackout thing, the fans cheat sheet, they put a lot into trying to knock off a 15-8 team.
Briancuse said:
I turned the game off before the final buzzer, but the whole blackout thing, the fans cheat sheet, they put a lot into trying to knock off a 15-8 team.

They're still passionate. Have to give them credit for that.

Not really on the board but other people I talk to around town are selling their tickets and not even watching the games anymore. There are a lot of fair weathers out there.
It's been, what, more than 30 years since SU had a regular season crowd as small as Pitt's sellout tonight?

There are posts in this thread that are downright embarassing.
I've always said that there's a classic insecurity about Syracuse, mostly emanating from SU fans themselves. That's easily reflected in some folks' persistent hard-on for Rutgers football, or constant diminishing of our Top 10 basketball program.
We take a back seat to no one...least of all Pitt and their basketball fans or program. What we saw at the Pete yesterday couldn't touch the Manley Zoo back in the day, not even close.
"Embarrassing" is an understatement for some of the comments found in this thread...pathetic is more like it.
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They're still passionate. Have to give them credit for that.

Not really on the board but other people I talk to around town are selling their tickets and not even watching the games anymore. There are a lot of fair weathers out there.

To be fair, even though I don't think they are going to sniff the ncaa tournament, they are at least playing for something. I can't fault someone for selling their tickets this year, when we have no hopes of postseason play.
Don't know for sure, but I believe he meant the dome can be a little stale sometimes for basketball. We are more of an NBA crowd then a typical college crowd. The fans are not always on there feet making noise, it can come off very quiet on television for some games, especially when the students are on break. Sometimes it takes a lot for the crowd to get onto its feet, especially against teams we perceive below us and unranked. We almost assume a victory and are a little flat from a fan standpoint which I think sometimes flows to the players.

I prefer to think it's because we expect and demand excellence. Less than that doesn't move the excitement meter.
I think they made a big deal of attacking our players personally and mocking our program -- which is petty and amateurish. They somehow missed that:

1- They're on a straight line for the NIT themselves;
2- half our front line is injured and didn't make the trip;
3- They got bailed out of an embarrassing home loss to a depleted SU team b/c one of their bench thugs (with a 3 ppg average) had a freak game and went off for 18.

We have threads here where we do the resemblance thing, and it's always pretty goofy. IDK, seemed rather harmless to me.
We have threads here where we do the resemblance thing, and it's always pretty goofy. IDK, seemed rather harmless to me.
There is a difference between passionate and douche. The behavior of Pitt fans personifies the latter.
There is a difference between passionate and douche. The behavior of Pitt fans personifies the latter.

To quote our coach a fan never made a shot in a game.

Ours have been less than perfect through the years, so I take the glass house approach on this one. :noidea:
To quote our coach a fan never made a shot in a game.

Ours have been less than perfect through the years, so I take the glass house approach on this one. :noidea:
Big difference at the Dome the security actually listens to what our students say. We had a kid in the student section who would talk trash and was funny but was never allowed to go anywhere close over the line. At JB's 700th win against Providence the Dome security made it clear any taunting of PC guard Donnie McGrath's domestic violence charges would be an auto ejection, when we played UConn the students couldn't cross the line with Charlie Vilaneuva, when Cincinnati came in Jihad Mohammed was off limits.

Being passionate is good but Pitt fans are the annoying relative who thinks because they think they are badass means they are legitimately tough. Actually accomplish something of significance then run your mouth.
Pitt's fans suck. There are plenty of ways to get under a player's skin without resorting to their level. I do like the noise they can create in their building. Other than that, I can't stand anything about their program or their hyperactive weasel of a coach.

Our fan base is more passionate and provides more energy at road games than in the dome. I hate having to see JB asking the crowd to stand and cheer at home. He had to do it 3 times in one game(Wake) this year along with other games. With our attendance, we should have one of the rowdiest buildings in all of college ball. I don't like to sit at sporting events but do if it bothers those behind me. I like to cheer for the team and make noise the whole game and not just the exciting parts of it, but I don't. Due to thinking I'll be escorted out of the dome for ruining some other fan's experience.
Watching them pan the crowd, when was the last time you saw the dome like that? Maybe the 80s? We do have an old fan base and the students are almost non existent and you see more in the library walking from the dome than you saw in the dome.
I was at the Miami game and I would estimate we had 5000 to 6000 students in their section. Over the years I have been to many road games ( nc state, wake forrest, USF, seton hall) where the Syracuse fans drown out the home fans in their own buildings You are not giving your own fan base nearly enough credit.I would put SU fans up against anybody's, especially on the road! Kentucky might be the only school I can think of that gets the road support SU does.
Carolinasu said:
I was at the Miami game and I would estimate we had 5000 to 6000 students in their section. Over the years I have been to many road games ( nc state, wake forrest, USF, seton hall) where the Syracuse fans drown out the home fans in their own buildings You are not giving your own fan base nearly enough credit.I would put SU fans up against anybody's, especially on the road! Kentucky might be the only school I can think of that gets the road support SU does.

I don't debate that at all, we do travel up there with the best and I think the road crowd is probably more rowdy than the home crowd.
Completely wrong. Their students are right in the court so thus a bit more noticeable. Also, we get far more students than they do for big games. Go to the Duke game and you'll see the same craziness

And this is somehow the student's fault? Are the student's wrong for being passionate against a team (us) that may not even make the NIT? Sometimes the truth needs to be spoken. The large crowds in the Dome and elsewhere are more due to a hardy CNY fanbase and alumni wishing to relive their youth and being fortunate enough to have a sporting program that helps them do it, than due to the passion of the students(the former dreadlocked drummer aside). I can't be the only one who this is apparent to.
I'd be happy if they just thanked god that some ass clown from their bench, with a 3ppg average, bailed them out of a home loss to a depleted SU team by having a miraculous career game. They need to stop with the personal attacks on ppl's parents and girlfriends and focus on cheering for their own team. Because right now their energies are far too negative and way out of proportion to their team's mediocre record.

Pitt sucks, but its fans are acting almost as delusional and impolite as Yukon fans.

How many guys are having career games against us? That deserves a thread on it's own. And I'm a positive guy, I just think this hatred is misdirected and not beneficial, sour grapes.
CaptainJ said:
And this is somehow the student's fault? Are the student's wrong for being passionate against a team (us) that may not even make the NIT? Sometimes the truth needs to be spoken. The large crowds in the Dome and elsewhere are more due to a hardy CNY fanbase and alumni wishing to relive their youth and being fortunate enough to have a sporting program that helps them do it, than due to the passion of the students(the former dreadlocked drummer aside). I can't be the only one who this is apparent to.

I think you are the only one because I have no clue what you just said as it relates to my post.

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