Honest question is their a more full of itself fanbase than Pitt? | Page 4 | Syracusefan.com

Honest question is their a more full of itself fanbase than Pitt?

Big difference at the Dome the security actually listens to what our students say. We had a kid in the student section who would talk trash and was funny but was never allowed to go anywhere close over the line. At JB's 700th win against Providence the Dome security made it clear any taunting of PC guard Donnie McGrath's domestic violence charges would be an auto ejection, when we played UConn the students couldn't cross the line with Charlie Vilaneuva, when Cincinnati came in Jihad Mohammed was off limits.

Being passionate is good but Pitt fans are the annoying relative who thinks because they think they are badass means they are legitimately tough. Actually accomplish something of significance then run your mouth.

Yes, our security guards are a great example. Let's look back less than a year ago to the way the "Duke Hottie" was treated(abused). I'm one of Mantonio's biggest fans, but some folks need to take off your orange tinted lenses from time to time to get a more objective view rather than needing it to slap you in the face.
CaptainJ said:
That may not be entirely on me.

What was the point of my post?
Exactly - I'm sure our student section would be just as crazy if they seats were that close on 3 sides of the court instead of just stuck on one end behind the basket.
It's the old fogey season ticket holders that are the problem - I had tickets one time a couple years ago right next to the student section and the students were standing and cheering most of the game, but just about everyone in the section I was in were sitting down. I was standing trying to watch the game and was asked to sit down. If you just want to sit and watch a game, STAY the F Home!

I never understood the stand up at a game thing. I guess that extra 2 feet in height really helps you get a better view of the court when you are already a hundred feet away (only if somebody is standing in front of you). Why even put seats in the stadium if everyone needs to stand? You can't stand at a movie or a concert or any other public event with arranged seating, so why at a game?

Really, there should be a section in the 300s for all the people that want to stand and the people that just want to sit and be able to see the game can sit near the front.
What was the point of my post?

I'd think you wouldn't need me to explain the point of your own post to you. If you wish to restate it, I will gladly tell you how my response relates to it, being you admit you don't see how it does. Deal? I'm trying to be reasonable here Mr Bees, i dont want you to *** me again for 4 weeks when the season still had hope and basketball-relevant things to talk about.
CaptainJ said:
I'd think you wouldn't need me to explain the point of your own post to you. If you wish to restate it, I will gladly tell you how my response relates to it, being you admit you don't see how it does. Deal? I'm trying to be reasonable here Mr Bees, i dont want you to *** me again for 4 weeks when the season still had hope and things to talk about.

You talk in circles and make no sense. Don't reply to posts if you don't understand what they are saying.
You talk in circles and make no sense. Don't reply to posts if you don't understand what they are saying.
You might benefit to take your own advice. I cearly understood what your post meant, and put my own spin on it. If it helps any, I'll say I was also replying to a lot of the nonsense in other posts around it and not specifically "targeting" you. People like Jesus were accused of talking in circles. While I am not trying to compare my life and wisdom directly to his, I'm picking an example that folks are familiar with, and taking time to add that qualifier in hopes we don't have another misunderstanding.

If you name to wish a specific issue, go right ahead. I am here, readily waiting for you to do so, so that I can address it. :eat popcorn:
CaptainJ said:
You might benefit to take your own advice. I cearly understood what your post meant, and put my own spin on it. If it helps any, I'll say I was also replying to a lot of the nonsense in other posts around it and not specifically "targeting" you. People like Jesus were accused of talking in circles. While I am not trying to compare my life and wisdom directly to his, I'm picking an example that folks are familiar with, and taking time to add that qualifier in hopes we don't have another misunderstanding. If you name to wish a specific issue, go right ahead. I am here, readily waiting for you to do so, so that I can address it. :eat popcorn:

You're very FIRST sentence in reply to me was "And this is somehow the students fault". Well since I wasn't blaming the students, or anyone, for something in my post, you obviously don't know what I even said.
You're very FIRST sentence in reply to me was "And this is somehow the students fault". Well since I wasn't blaming the students, or anyone, for something in my post, you obviously don't know what I even said.
Please stop the nitpicking and "you said, I said" stuff. It bogs down the discussion.
Macky44 said:
Then go be a Pitt fan..if you are so proud of them.

I don't like Pitt and love our program hence the reason I post here, haven't missed a game in almost a decade and follow then religiously.
You would have thought we were a top ten team yesterday, they were needed to play their A game to beat one of our worst teams ever.
Yep, this is what they mean when they say, "delusional". I hope it's temporary with Pitt fans -- it's permanent with Yukon.
We have threads here where we do the resemblance thing, and it's always pretty goofy. IDK, seemed rather harmless to me.
We play the resemblance game ... on OUR board. And usually it's pretty innocent (sometimes quite funny). And certainly, kids hold up signs at games. Some are a little more derisive than others (like SU fans wearing laptops when Yukon came to the Dome, or Duke fans wearing Pizza hats when Lorenzo Charles played at Cameron) .. that's life in college hoops. But to take the time to circulate a list of names of all the players' parents and girlfriends, among the entire student section, for every home game? That's a little more malicious than the random impolite fan or usher, no?
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How many guys are having career games against us? That deserves a thread on it's own. And I'm a positive guy, I just think this hatred is misdirected and not beneficial, sour grapes.
Well career highs, and exploding no-name players, are annoying, for sure. This is, what, the third career game we've seen: Wake (Mitiglou); V-Tech I think had one (Bibbs matches career high 22). And then there's Batten from BC (7 ppg and went for 17). And now a Pitt kid with a 3 ppg average hits six-times that total (18) on 7 for 9 shooting (77%). So yes, it's getting very tedious. But it's not like I 'hate' these kids for having an out of body experience against SU.

I save the hate for over-zealous Pitt fans who carried on as though they had just beaten Kentucky .. after demeaning themselves and their program by mocking the parents and girlfriends of SU players during the game. So ... sorry to be critical. But if you don't like the 'hate' then stop acting like Yukon fans.
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Quazzum69 said:
I never understood the stand up at a game thing. I guess that extra 2 feet in height really helps you get a better view of the court when you are already a hundred feet away (only if somebody is standing in front of you). Why even put seats in the stadium if everyone needs to stand? You can't stand at a movie or a concert or any other public event with arranged seating, so why at a game?

Really, there should be a section in the 300s for all the people that want to stand and the people that just want to sit and be able to see the game can sit near the front.

When your standing your excited and in to the game. When you're sitting you are not. Simple as that.

Road cuse crowds are better. By far. I don't get many opportunities to go to home games. But the few opportunities that I did, it wasn't nearly enjoyable as I expected it to be. I went to the 2010 nova game. Win and were ranked number 1. They're a rival. We blow them out. Yet all game I was yelled at from behind for standing. Sorry, but I didnt take a 7 hour train ride from NJ to sit down during one of our biggest regular season games in a long time. So I could only imagine how stale it gets in December when playing depaul.

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