Hope not: reasons JB/whole staff may get fired | Page 3 | Syracusefan.com

Hope not: reasons JB/whole staff may get fired

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Is this the thread where I brag about my job and clients from behind an anonymous username, while using linear regression?

No, its a thread about Bernie Fine, where a small group of Luddites attacked me because I embarrassed them in older posts.

I'm only bragging about my job in response to the handful of posters calling me a fake fan, a clueless person, etc. When a bunch of interweb superfans, who have nothing to do with real sports, start challenging me about my fanhood and my sports knowledge, I am going to point out to them that pro sports executives actually listen to my ideas about Syracuse and other sports.

I am in the business, and I can tell from the cartoonish substance of their critiques that none of the posters who attack me are professionals in pro sports.

I have no idea why you are pilling on with a nonconstructive, half-insult comment. I can only assume it was an attempt at humor on your part. And I'm not going to stay anonymous: I will post my job, my team, and all contact info in about two months, as I said.
There is small line between Buisness and Family.

Bernie was a brother to JB, but how much obligation did he have to do his own investigation? And do you question your own brother to save your own butt possibly injuring family ties??

Also why should Hop go? My understanding of the chain of command is...
Its a assistant coaches job to mind his own buisness, and the buisness of the players, not to dig into other assistants without JB's approval.

Is JB a captain, Hop a first sergeant and other coaches sergeant? Or is Hop a sergeant like the other coaches?
I didn't respond to your post because it was very stupid. Many people on here have been pretending they have statistical competence, simply because they took some courses in college.

Most all modern statistical analysis in pro sports is done with linear regression, because the theorized relationships between the Y variable (usual wins) and the various X variables are thought to be linear. Not curvilinear.

The distributions for most advanced metrics are normal, for those who are feigning expertise and suggesting alternative distributions. The only time curvilinear regressions are useful, generally, is when analyzing physical movement as a variable, like with UZR in baseball.

You guys are not asking good faith questions. No one who knows what they are talking about would suggest a curvilinear fit for an advanced metric like DVOA.

Instead, you guys are simply tossing around whatever phrases you can sort of remember from statistics class. You yourself posted basically your entire undergraduate statistics curriculum. Your commentary wasn't a question, it wasn't a statement, it wasn't an argument, it wasn't an idea: you simply posted the statistical material you covered, as an amateur, in college. And you are surprised I didn't respond to your nonsense questions? None of you are making serious inquiry into the process of analyzing sports empirically. If you guys remembered what heteroskedasticity was, you'd be asking me all sorts of questions about that.

All and any of you who are pretending that linear regression is outdated (I heard someone pretend that LR was a 1970's statistic) are simply clueless. Nearly all modern hypothesis in the hard sciences are analyzed using LR, check with the National Academy of Sciences. It's not like you guys are PhD's asking honest and insightful questions.
Yes, because college is an extremely bad place to learn proper mathematical and statistical techniques. It's a shame I was held to such a high standard.

Also, I never ragged on regression. I simply stated that there is a high probability you are not doing it properly, especially if you were self taught. You've given me no background on your mathematical and statistical knowledge, so I can only assume you were self taught.

If you want, you can email me your data, regression models and reports and I will happily review them for you. You might be doing a great job, and I will defend your work if that is the case.
Nearly all modern hypothesis in the hard sciences are analyzed using LR

And that is why you are a bozo. Humans are not robots. You cannot use statistics alone to analyze ball players in any sport. Even more so in college sports where the variables differ greatly. At least in the NFL players, systems, and opponents are of similar calibre. So you are what your record says you are. And you are what your stats say you are. But in CFB a team that is 6-6 in the SEC can be a better team than a team that is 9-3 in the Big East. A team that is 11-1 in the MWC can be just as good as a team that is 11-1 in the B1G. That is what makes sports so great. Things are settled on the field. It is the world's greatest reality show. Sports are not a computer program.

Also your Scoop argument is silly and shows a total lack of BBall knowledge. You cannot compare his stats as a PG to Triche's stats as a 2 G last year. They are totally separate positions. A switch from 2 G to PG won't translate in the same stats. The only way you can compare the two is by using 2009's stats. Which really isn't fair to Triche who was a FR while Scoop was a RS Soph. But if you do compare the one year that they played the same position, you will see that Scoop beat Triche in every category from the time BE play started to the end of the year (23 games). There was a reason why Scoop got more PT those games and was in there the last 4 mins of just about every game. I trust JB's judgement over yours.

I feel bad for whoever hires you.
I love the allegation that no one else commenting has anything to do with "real sports" as though the original poster has any semblance of a clue about that.

It's so lame that each of you, Dash, Cuseman78, Wfschrec, and BlackKnight76, take every chance you get to make fun of my linear regression analysis.

I was wondering where linear regression analysis played into this thread. I'm a bit let down, to be honest.
No, its a thread about Bernie Fine, where a small group of Luddites attacked me because I embarrassed them in older posts.

I'm only bragging about my job in response to the handful of posters calling me a fake fan, a clueless person, etc. When a bunch of interweb superfans, who have nothing to do with real sports, start challenging me about my fanhood and my sports knowledge, I am going to point out to them that pro sports executives actually listen to my ideas about Syracuse and other sports.

I am in the business, and I can tell from the cartoonish substance of their critiques that none of the posters who attack me are professionals in pro sports.

I have no idea why you are pilling on with a nonconstructive, half-insult comment. I can only assume it was an attempt at humor on your part. And I'm not going to stay anonymous: I will post my job, my team, and all contact info in about two months, as I said.

Billy Bean is that you? Is the new job your talking about taking the Red Sox VP/GM job?

P.S. Sorry Moneyball sucked on the big screen.
Yes, because college is an extremely bad place to learn proper mathematical and statistical techniques. It's a shame I was held to such a high standard.

Also, I never ragged on regression. I simply stated that there is a high probability you are not doing it properly, especially if you were self taught. You've given me no background on your mathematical and statistical knowledge, so I can only assume you were self taught.

If you want, you can email me your data, regression models and reports and I will happily review them for you. You might be doing a great job, and I will defend your work if that is the case.

In addition he makes these claims that the models say X. Yet he NEVER backs up with actual statistics and never shows the methods he used.
Billy Bean is that you? Is the new job your talking about taking the Red Sox VP/GM job?

P.S. Sorry Moneyball sucked on the big screen.

I disagree with the A's in the first place. They won because they played in a pitchers ball park and had good pitching. The O was a mess. They actually under achieved. Tampa has the right model for a small market. Pitching, Speed, and small ball.
This is too much. You said JB was single for 53 years. And you also say that everything in your original post was correct. It wasn't. Jb was married for a long time. Now, as far as your future, I honestly hope you do well. I hope you become near as sucessful as I have been. Since we're talking, I ran a large investment division for a national corporation. Working for a major league team doesn't inpress me. My cousin has worked for the Red Sox for over 20 years in a financial position.
I didn't respond to your post because it was very stupid. Many people on here have been pretending they have statistical competence, simply because they took some courses in college. No I didn't invent the term "advanced metrics," I don't know why you are chuckling, pretty much all sports science boutiques use that phrase.

Most all modern statistical analysis in pro sports is done with linear regression, because the theorized relationships between the Y variable (usually wins) and the various X variables are typically modeled as linear relationships. Not curvilinear.

The distributions for most advanced metrics are normal, in response to those who are feigning expertise and suggesting alternative distributions. The only time curvilinear regressions are useful in sports analysis, generally, is when we are dealing with physical, continuous (like physical movement) as opposed to discrete, theoretic variables (like First Downs). Curvilinear regression works well analyzing physical movement as a variable, like with UZR in baseball. But most all sports variables are discrete and theoretic. For instance, even a "yard" in football is not continuous (we don't award

You guys are not asking good faith questions. No one who knows what they are talking about would suggest a curvilinear fit for an advanced metric like DVOA.


Also, what causes me further concern with your "advanced metrics" is that you are basing your assumptions on "theorized relationships" instead of going through the proper statistical methods to determine the actual relationship. This entails looking at the residual plots of your data, and possibly transforming the data so that it becomes normal. If you are using regression with variables that aren't normal (or transformed to be normal) than your model's accuracy is greatly reduced. Believe me when I say it, the key to proper regression is proper residual analysis.
I just punched some numbers into my computer and it spat out that fanfanclubclub/ThomServo, whoever you are is a loser of epic proportions.

Oh, and feel free to save this one for your "files"
I just punched some numbers into my computer and it spat out that fanfanclubclub/ThomServo, whoever you are is a loser of epic proportions.

Oh, and feel free to save this one for your "files"
I wholeheartedly agree, for fabricating some kind of "history" of feuding between you and me. I'm sorry to report I just took a dump and I deem it more significant to my life than you are.
And that is why you are a bozo. Humans are not robots. You cannot use statistics alone to analyze ball players in any sport. Even more so in college sports where the variables differ greatly. At least in the NFL players, systems, and opponents are of similar calibre. So you are what your record says you are. And you are what your stats say you are. But in CFB a team that is 6-6 in the SEC can be a better team than a team that is 9-3 in the Big East. A team that is 11-1 in the MWC can be just as good as a team that is 11-1 in the B1G. That is what makes sports so great. Things are settled on the field. It is the world's greatest reality show. Sports are not a computer program.

Also your Scoop argument is silly and shows a total lack of BBall knowledge. You cannot compare his stats as a PG to Triche's stats as a 2 G last year. They are totally separate positions. A switch from 2 G to PG won't translate in the same stats. The only way you can compare the two is by using 2009's stats. Which really isn't fair to Triche who was a FR while Scoop was a RS Soph. But if you do compare the one year that they played the same position, you will see that Scoop beat Triche in every category from the time BE play started to the end of the year (23 games). There was a reason why Scoop got more PT those games and was in there the last 4 mins of just about every game. I trust JB's judgement over yours.

I feel bad for whoever hires you.
I will defend the use of proper statistical analysis. When done properly, it can be a very effective, efficient tool.

The main problem is very few know how to do it properly.
No, I sit in my law office, or I am watching sports with my billionaire client.

I don't project absurd things about you, why do you need to project absurd fantasies on me? Does it make you feel better? I am sorry for making you feel stupid in previous posts. Let's get back to what is important.

I buttphuck billionaire clients for breakfast.
He considers it a fued if you disagree with his opinion on a fan message board. What this sad person doesn't understand is that this is a board of people who have become friends because of the board and our love of Syracuse sports. That is what the chatroom during games is about. Sad.
I wholeheartedly agree, for fabricating some kind of "history" of feuding between you and me. I'm sorry to report I just took a dump and I deem it more significant to my life than you are.

Nah, you guys are internet archenemies. You obviously need to just have a bro-down and be done with it.

Blackknight, are you a proud Luddite or aren't you?

I was really confused by the reference to Luddites, then I went back a page and noticed that FFCC used it 5 times on one page in a thread...holy crap.

I'm not really a Luddite, I have no problem with advanced metrics, but using them and then bragging about swooning billionaire baseball owners and how successful you're about how successful you are as way to establish ethos is pretty laughable, especially on a message board.

Or maybe I'm just jealous that ffcc drives a Dodge Stratus.
I didn't respond to your post because it was very stupid. Many people on here have been pretending they have statistical competence, simply because they took some courses in college. No I didn't invent the term "advanced metrics," I don't know why you are chuckling, pretty much all sports science boutiques use that phrase.

Most all modern statistical analysis in pro sports is done with linear regression, because the theorized relationships between the Y variable (usually wins) and the various X variables are typically modeled as linear relationships. Not curvilinear.

The distributions for most advanced metrics are normal, in response to those who are feigning expertise and suggesting alternative distributions. The only time curvilinear regressions are useful in sports analysis, generally, is when we are analyzing physical movement as a variable, like with UZR in baseball.

You guys are not asking good faith questions. No one who knows what they are talking about would suggest a curvilinear fit for an advanced metric like DVOA. The reason is this: many of the variables in sports are actually discrete and theoretical (an assist for example) as opposed to continuous and physical.

Instead, you guys are simply tossing around whatever phrases you can sort of remember from statistics class. You yourself posted whatever random and half baked concepts you could remember from stat class, garbling most of it as you tried to be clever. Your commentary wasn't a question, it wasn't a statement, it wasn't an argument, it wasn't an idea: you simply posted the statistical material you covered, as an amateur, in college. You cannot even articulate a cogent question about empirical sports analysis. Your question about multivariable regression proves that you don't have a clue. You said:

"I'm not sure what type of analysis fanfanclubclub was doing. He claims he uses 'linear regression'. There are several different types of regression methods, the simplest being linear. I actually like Multivariate Regression," - SeattleCuse

what a joke: all regressions are multivariate.

This is simply beyond clueless, you obviously don't understand that linear regression is multi-variable. Do you think I'm running regressions with a single explanatory variable? Haha, how insanely funny. Obviously, you are confused, and you think that "multivariate" regression is just one of several kinds of regression. You are laughably incorrect.

You are a perfect example of the Luddite posters critiquing me on linear regression at every chance: just faking knowledge so you can hurl blind insults. Why would I answer your other ridiculous questions, when it is obvious that you don't know linear regression at all? Do I really have to tell you what the response variables are? Wins and points.

And you are surprised I didn't respond to your other "super clever" questions? None of you are making serious inquiry into the process of analyzing sports empirically. If you guys remembered what heteroskedasticity was, you'd be asking me all sorts of nonsense questions about heteroskedasticity, simply because you happened to remember the word.

All and any of you who are pretending that linear regression is outdated (I heard someone pretend that LR was a 1970's statistic) are simply clueless. Nearly all modern hypothesis in the hard sciences are analyzed using LR, check with the National Academy of Sciences. It's not like you guys are PhD's asking honest and insightful questions.
Ok guys this is my first time on the BB side is he for real? Outstanding!
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