Hope not: reasons JB/whole staff may get fired | Page 4 | Syracusefan.com

Hope not: reasons JB/whole staff may get fired

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I will defend the use of proper statistical analysis. When done properly, it can be a very effective, efficient tool.

The main problem is very few know how to do it properly.

Too many variables in sports and human nature that you simply cannot quantify. Especially in college sports. In pro sports it is a lot easier to compare because there are less variables. But even in pro sports some players are winners, while others are losers who put up good stats. I rather have a winner on my team even if they aren't as good statistically. See Philip Rivers.
Too many variables in sports and human nature that you simply cannot quantify. Especially in college sports. In pro sports it is a lot easier to compare because there are less variables. But even in pro sports some players are winners, while others are losers who put up good stats. I rather have a winner on my team even if they aren't as good statistically.
So basically you're saying Tebow forever?
There is small line between Buisness and Family.

Bernie was a brother to JB, but how much obligation did he have to do his own investigation? And do you question your own brother to save your own butt possibly injuring family ties??

Also why should Hop go? My understanding of the chain of command is...
Its a assistant coaches job to mind his own buisness, and the buisness of the players, not to dig into other assistants without JB's approval.

Is JB a captain, Hop a first sergeant and other coaches sergeant? Or is Hop a sergeant like the other coaches?

I'm not saying that Hop should go. I'm saying Hop might get fired because he lived with Davis and because Hop doesn't have any credentials apart from JB/Fine.

The posters complaining about "circumstantional reasoning" ought to read closer: I wasn't saying that anything should happen. I actually didn't engage in any circumstantial reasoning, becuase I did not draw any inferences or conclusions. I merely listed circumstances that, from afar, look very bad. I noted how the national audience will draw certain negative inferences, and I made the guess that because of these lousy appearances, I think the BOT will clean house unless the facts improve.

That was the topic of my post. A few posters with grudges against me tried to "expose me" and "prove I wasn't a Syracuse fan" by seizing on my point that, for a handful of years, JB was conspicuously single. After the usual suspects tried to attack me from a few different directions, a few other posters who didn't read carefully accused me of sensationalism. I wasn't hinting at anything, I wasn't suggesting anything, I was simply pointing out certain circumstances that look bad from a distance.

Your question was constructive, so I don't want to dump on you for your honest question, but, just to let you know, my original post already answered it. Hop might have to go because he roomed with Davis and because all of his credentials are caught up in this mess. I'd hate to see it happen.
No, its a thread about Bernie Fine, where a small group of Luddites attacked me because I embarrassed them in older posts.

I'm only bragging about my job in response to the handful of posters calling me a fake fan, a clueless person, etc. When a bunch of interweb superfans, who have nothing to do with real sports, start challenging me about my fanhood and my sports knowledge, I am going to point out to them that pro sports executives actually listen to my ideas about Syracuse and other sports.

I am in the business, and I can tell from the cartoonish substance of their critiques that none of the posters who attack me are professionals in pro sports.

I have no idea why you are pilling on with a nonconstructive, half-insult comment. I can only assume it was an attempt at humor on your part. And I'm not going to stay anonymous: I will post my job, my team, and all contact info in about two months, as I said.

You haven't embarrassed anyone other than yourself ... and if you are indeed posting on your "billionare client's" time then I suggest you get back to work and finish scrubbing his toilet he is probably annoyed you aren't done yet.
In addition he makes these claims that the models say X. Yet he NEVER backs up with actual statistics and never shows the methods he used.

That's not true at all. Haha, go check the James Southerland thread. Or the Scoop threads. I frequently link to Ken Pom, Football Outsiders, and other sports science boutiques. Do you want me to post the excel files I keep for my clients? Of course that's not what you expect. As per usual, you just throw out nonsense hoping that people don't call you out for your bull.

I frequently back up my arguments with statistics: that's usually what people are complaining about.
So basically you're saying Tebow forever?

He is a winner. That being said IMO he is not a long term solution. Most NFL RBs have a short shelf life because of the wear and tear. So I can't see a running QB physically lasting that long. For him to have a long career he would need to become a pocket passer, and he isn't good enough to do that.
You haven't embarrassed anyone other than yourself ... and if you are indeed posting on your "billionare client's" time then I suggest you get back to work and finish scrubbing his toilet he is probably annoyed you aren't done yet.

I've explained several times that I am an attorney. I will prove who I am and what I do for a pro sports team within two months. Until then, please, double down on your bet.
I've explained several times that I am an attorney. I will prove who I am and what I do for a pro sports team within two months. Until then, please, double down on your bet.

...And we all wait with bated breath
For the record: people who believe sports can be entirely quantified by statistics have probably never played.
I'm not saying that Hop should go. I'm saying Hop might get fired because he lived with Davis and because Hop doesn't have any credentials apart from JB/Fine.

The posters complaining about "circumstantional reasoning" ought to read closer: I wasn't saying that anything should happen. I actually didn't engage in any circumstantial reasoning, becuase I did not draw any inferences or conclusions. I merely listed circumstances that, from afar, look very bad. I noted how the national audience will draw certain negative inferences, and I made the guess that because of these lousy appearances, I think the BOT will clean house unless the facts improve.

That was the topic of my post. A few posters with grudges against me tried to "expose me" and "prove I wasn't a Syracuse fan" by seizing on my point that, for a handful of years, JB was conspicuously single. After the usual suspects tried to attack me from a few different directions, a few other posters who didn't read carefully accused me of sensationalism. I wasn't hinting at anything, I wasn't suggesting anything, I was simply pointing out certain circumstances that look bad from a distance.

Your question was constructive, so I don't want to dump on you for your honest question, but, just to let you know, my original post already answered it. Hop might have to go because he roomed with Davis and because all of his credentials are caught up in this mess. I'd hate to see it happen.
Does not make sense on its face. Hop should go because he was the roommate of an alleged victim? Because his credentials are only from being with a Hall of Fame coach who was single for a long time after a divorce? That looks bad from a distance. Honestly in this analogy the only thing that looks bad is your analogy, except not just from a distance from mid range and close up as well
Look, fan fan, people jumped on you because a lot of what you wrote was plain wrong. one example. pitino was a great hire. In just two years he went to coach Boston U. From there, he became coach of the knicks, celts, Kentucky and Louisville. He is a great coach. A future hall of famer. to knock that hire is crazy. I wish he stayed another couple of years. He was a great recruiter. fine was a sucessful coach at Henniger high. was highly thought of at the time. You have to understand, I was at syracuse those years, it was not the job it is today. Our coaches were not that highly paid. we joked that Digger Phelps ( ND coach at the time) spent more on his clothes then our coaches earned. We didn't recruit all over the country. The guys got in their cars and drove upstate. It's important to understand the background. No one here cares one bit about where you think you are going or where you are going. Just don't. We have a lot of sucessful people here. Understand this, if you hit the lottery or got fired tomorrow, no one here would care other then what you had to say about Syracuse sports.
This is too much. You said JB was single for 53 years. And you also say that everything in your original post was correct. It wasn't. Jb was married for a long time. Now, as far as your future, I honestly hope you do well. I hope you become near as sucessful as I have been. Since we're talking, I ran a large investment division for a national corporation. Working for a major league team doesn't inpress me. My cousin has worked for the Red Sox for over 20 years in a financial position.

No, I said he married at 53. I should have said "started a biological family" in his 50s. That was what I was getting at. I never said JB was single for 53 years, I simply said he was single for a long time. If you include his separation, what I said was true (although admittedly, I was just wrong and confused about how long he had been married to Elaine).

You are upset at me for making fun of some of your posts, like with Nassib. I get it. My apologies for offending you. You are really upset at me, and that is why you jump at the chance to "expose" me as a fake Syracuse fan. You know that I am not actually faking my fanhood, but you are simply mad at me for embarrassing you about Nassib. Now you are trying to twist my words to argue that since I didn't know how long JB and Elaine were married, I am obviously a fake fan who knows nothing about SU bball or football.

As far as "being as successful as you," thanks for the good wishes. I'm sure you have been put in a position before, where a bunch of people are attacking your credibility, where you feel the need to explain your professional credentials to them, in order to fend off the attack.

That is all I have done on this board. I've never even stated anything that controversial or incorrect: just a few posters didn't like how often I used stats, and then they hated my explanation regarding my job and why I use stats in the manner that I do. Ever since then, a handful of posters (Bnoro, KingOtto, WFSchrec, Cuseman78) attack me on every single post, even if I don't mention anything about stats, my job, or anything else.

Anywho, I very much enjoy the adversarial banter, and I hope you guys keep piling it on, because when I make my announcement in two months, it will be fun to see you guys eat crow.

Does not make sense on its face. Hop should go because he was the roommate of an alleged victim? Because his credentials are only from being with a Hall of Fame coach who was single for a long time after a divorce? That looks bad from a distance. Honestly in this analogy the only thing that looks bad is your analogy, except not just from a distance from mid range and close up as well

You are being wilfully crazy if you think that Hop living with Davis doesn't have the potential to force Hop out.
You are being wilfully crazy if you think that Hop living with Davis doesn't have the potential to force Hop out.
Funny you should say that my wife just told me tonight at dinner I was wilfully crazy so you must be right
You are being wilfully crazy if you think that Hop living with Davis doesn't have the potential to force Hop out.

Why would him living w/ Davis mean anything? Are you assuming Davis went up to Hopkins and say, "Hey I was molested by Bernie!?. I believe ridicule by friends is probably the #1 reason kids would not come forward.
Boy I can't wait to have this big announcement have zero impact on my life and quickly move on to more important things like what brand of bologna Marrone prefers.
I've explained several times that I am an attorney. I will prove who I am and what I do for a pro sports team within two months. Until then, please, double down on your bet.

Wonderful good for you ... the fact that most of your post is wrong and has been addressed as such by most of the posters on this thread just continues along the same argument most of us have with regards to you ... you are absolutely full of it and you have done nothing to endear yourself to the other members of this board or convince anyone that you aren't full of it. By the way you haven't proven me wrong you have proven you can have an idiotic knee jerk reaction after one game ... for instance

Rating 131.3
In conf rating 116.1
2378 yards 12 TDs 6 INTs

Rating 130.0
In conf rating 116.7
2460 yards 21 TDs 7 INTs

USF SOS is 56
SU SOS is 48

Nassib put up the same numbers or better against a slightly tougher schedule ... maybe you should fact check first and FWIW Nassib has a better completion % for the season and in conference games but that has no bearing on things does it. Last I looked Nassib didn't play defense nor did Daniels and Nassib is 1-1 as a starter against Daniels. You are simply a fool that can't even prove your initial point. Maybe your "billionare client" should seek new representation because if you argue this poorly on a message board I can only imagine you getting shredded in court.
Boy I can't wait to have this big announcement have zero impact on my life and quickly move on to more important things like what brand of bologna Marrone prefers.

:rolling: Oscar Meyer man ... Oscar Meyer ... hands down baby!
Look, fan fan, people jumped on you because a lot of what you wrote was plain wrong. one example. pitino was a great hire. In just two years he went to coach Boston U. From there, he became coach of the knicks, celts, Kentucky and Louisville. He is a great coach. A future hall of famer. to knock that hire is crazy. I wish he stayed another couple of years. He was a great recruiter. fine was a sucessful coach at Henniger high. was highly thought of at the time. You have to understand, I was at syracuse those years, it was not the job it is today. Our coaches were not that highly paid. we joked that Digger Phelps ( ND coach at the time) spent more on his clothes then our coaches earned. We didn't recruit all over the country. The guys got in their cars and drove upstate. It's important to understand the background. No one here cares one bit about where you think you are going or where you are going. Just don't. We have a lot of sucessful people here. Understand this, if you hit the lottery or got fired tomorrow, no one here would care other then what you had to say about Syracuse sports.

No Dash, you are trying to back away from your blind insults and inch towards reasonableness, but it's not working.

The only reason you attacked my post is because you are in a little club that attacks all of my posts, because I called you out over Nassib. That's it. That is why you got giddy about the chance to "expose" me as a "fake fan" who knows nothing about SU bball and fball. Your words man: your agenda is obvious.

Since you are embarrassed about attacking me for no good reason, you are now pretending that I was incorrect about Pitino.

Wrong again. Pitino was implicated in the Hawaii violations. At the time, Pitino's only credential was that he had innovated these violations at Hawaii. Pitino had no other credential other than Hawaii, and he didn't do particularly well at Hawaii. JB hired Pitino away from a mess of a program that Slick Rick helped bring down.

For you to pretend that you are attacking me because of inaccuracies regarding Pitino is dishonest. That is not why you are attacking my posts, calling me a fake fan, and asking for an ignore button. You respond to my posts more than anyone! And always, its the same old ad hominum nonsense.

And then for your to lecture here about how "no one cares" about my job is assinine.

First, there are only a small number of rabid Cuse fans in pro front offices,
Second, tons of posters question me about my job all the time,
Third, you yourself post about your professional success!

Keep pilling it higher and higher. This is going to be fun for me very soon.
Anywho, I very much enjoy the adversarial banter, and I hope you guys keep piling it on, because when I make my announcement in two months, it will be fun to see you guys eat crow.

There will be no crow eaten by me. I don't care who you are or what you do for a living or what your big announcement will be in two months. You are a strange man who spends inordinate amounts of time trying to play "gotcha". You're just weird.
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