I Need Help | Page 9 | Syracusefan.com

I Need Help

More a basketball observation, but it'd be great to see this addressed. The atmosphere is so minor-league, all canned music and advertisements. It seems to get worse every year.
I have only read through page 2. As far as the student go, you said incentives and that is the right answer. You have to give them a reason to go. They need to get something for going. I am going to guess that you will not be able to mix academics with attendance. And some little bobble doll or something is not going to cut it either.

Ohhhhh, I've got one idea. Any student who attends ALL of the football games gets a higher priority for the room lottery for the next year. They go into the lottery first. Something like that.

Another idea is to pit the fraternities and sororities against each other. The one with the highest % of members attending all of the football games, gets a dinner thrown in their honor with someone like Floyd Little, or they all get really good tickets to the Duke basketball game.

You could also pit dormitories against each other in a similar fashion to the frats and sororities. Once again with a special night with appearances by high profile athletes or staff.
Besides getting students into the seats this all builds Syracuse camaraderie.

I would also talk to student government and solicit ideas from them.

Good luck.
Ass backwards isn't an answer. Do you understand how they do it?

There is a cost for the seat as well as a donation required that can be spread out and paid over the course of 5 years. A few years ago I looked into buying better seats than what I have now and it made no sense. Not only that, I couldn't get the wife on board for the 5K donation per seat plus the seat cost itself was I think around $400. I could rationalize the $400/seat but not the donation.

What happens after the 5 years of paying it off or if I paid all at once...no idea, I never asked. Don't care because it was not a justifiable expense to me. Can I afford that, Absolutely. Will I pay that, absolutely not.

SU's administration with regards to decisions and sticking withe the Status quo is like watching a big name company like Kodak go down the tubes because the people making the decisions are too old and curmudgeony to change or listen to new ideas. Before it's to late of course.

Seats I was looking at from a viewing stand point were no better than the end zone seats IMO. I also would not be sitting with the 20 people from my tailgate crew.

EDIT: It's akin to paying a seat license like the Giants or Jets charge. If you want only the rich or corporations to buy seats, then I will gladly stay home and SU can have a quiet stadium.
Hey Dan! How about a tour of the IPF before it officially opens?--nice gesture if season ticket holders are shown a little love and priority.

And if they renew their tics for next season while on the tour, they get an additional perk as well--kinda like the ticket lanyards they gave out at FanFest. (Although that was implemented poorly, IMHO.)
There is a cost for the seat as well as a donation required that can be spread out and paid over the course of 5 years. A few years ago I looked into buying better seats than what I have now and it made no sense. Not only that, I couldn't get the wife on board for the 5K donation per seat plus the seat cost itself was I think around $400. I could rationalize the $400/seat but not the donation.

What happens after the 5 years of paying it off or if I paid all at once...no idea, I never asked. Don't care because it was not a justifiable expense to me. Can I afford that, Absolutely. Will I pay that, absolutely not.

SU's administration with regards to decisions and sticking withe the Status quo is like watching a big name company like Kodak go down the tubes because the people making the decisions are too old and curmudgeony to change or listen to new ideas. Before it's to late of course.

Seats I was looking at from a viewing stand point were no better than the end zone seats IMO. I also would not be sitting with the 20 people from my tailgate crew.

EDIT: It's akin to paying a seat license like the Giants or Jets charge. If you want only the rich or corporations to buy seats, then I will gladly stay home and SU can have a quiet stadium.

The seats you are referring to that require a $5000-$10000 donation are only for most A and B level seats not C and D preferred seats. From SU's website:
Seating locations available to new Preferred Seating contributors are in the A, B, C and D level locations, as available. All upgrades are based on availability. Note that most A and B seats require an additional donation of between $5,000 and $10,000, payable over 5 year."

See the football seating pricing chart below from 2011 (why not updated?) Seat locations still relevant I think:
I don't know if this has been mentioned, but either offer a free pass to Club 44 for a game for each season ticket purchased, or include season Club 44 passes with the season tix. I remember when my parents had season tix, access to the Ernie Davis room was included.
I don't know if this has been mentioned, but either offer a free pass to Club 44 for a game for each season ticket purchased, or include season Club 44 passes with the season tix. I remember when my parents had season tix, access to the Ernie Davis room was included.
I don't think the Dome lights are able to be turned off and back on quickly. And if that's true SU really should upgrade the lights, someone already made a point that it seems to be too dimly lit in there.

Being able to turn down the lights should not be that big of a request.

Cree LED lights for both the Dome and the IPF.
shantydaze said:
It was over 20 years ago, but Miami used to offer free tickets to all sporting events to students. The only time I recall the student section being full was the game against SU. Granted, the trip to the Orange Bowl was a pain in the butt. We received free passes for the Metrorail, which brought us to a bus, which brought us to the stadium. I believe it was between 45 minutes to an hour each way. I believe the issue had less to do with the devaluing of the tickets as much as the effort and time it took to go to an off campus venue. There have been numerous reports in the last couple of years of student attendance issues for football, even at SEC schools. A little bit different because of the number of available seats, but Michigan State has done a nice job with the Izzone. At the Clemson game, there were numbered parking stalls on the street around Memorial Stadium at which people tailgated. I was informed that access to the spots was based on IPTAY donations. The fire department issues aside, perhaps Syracuse could do something similar on the internal streets to give the campus more of a “college football” feel. At the end of the day, different things could increase the attendance and game experience for ever day fans/alumni as opposed to students. Students are the more fickle of the bunch their traditions need to be more organic as opposed to being arranged. I am going to the Nebraska-Wisconsin game on Saturday. There are three things that I am confident will happen: (1) the students will show up late as a result of tailgating and the asinine way the school handles student tickets; (2) even if it is a close game, students will begin to leave after “Jump Around” at the 3rd Quarter break and the singing of Build Me Up Buttercup in the 4th Quarter, and (3) most of the alums will wait until the signing of the Varsity after the game. Depending on the weather, a third to a quarter of those in attendance will watch the 5th Quarter performance by the band. The reason I am pointing this out is Wisconsin is considered to have a great game experience, but it struggles with getting students to the game on-time and with the students leaving early. What gets the students interested is the social aspect of the game, being with friends, and the traditions. It has an easier time filling its student section every game (even though it usually takes until the 2nd Quarter) because it has a much higher enrollment. But, in the end, it has similar issues as a smaller school like Syracuse keeping the students engaged and in their seats.

Man you weren't kidding about those Wiscy students. I find that surprising for this game.
Just Win Games. Nothing else matters. No perk you can give to the tight CNYers matters. Just Win Games. Pay the coaches and win games. No amount of sugar, alcohol, bling, or heavy petting matters. Just Win Games.
Just Win Games. Nothing else matters. No perk you can give to the tight CNYers matters. Just Win Games. Pay the coaches and win games. No amount of sugar, alcohol, bling, or heavy petting matters. Just Win Games.
While that is obviously the first and foremost point, Dan has zero control over the teams on field performance.

He is looking for other ways to improve attendance and get people to stay the whole game. Packed houses and rabid screaming fans will help recruiting which will lead to better teams which will lead to more wins which will lead to more fan support. It's a cyclical series, and Dans just trying to do his part.

The seats you are referring to that require a $5000-$10000 donation are only for most A and B level seats not C and D preferred seats. From SU's website:
Seating locations available to new Preferred Seating contributors are in the A, B, C and D level locations, as available. All upgrades are based on availability. Note that most A and B seats require an additional donation of between $5,000 and $10,000, payable over 5 year."

See the football seating pricing chart below from 2011 (why not updated?) Seat locations still relevant I think:

I don't recall Bees asking me what preferred level seating I needed to explain or prove that I know how the pricing works. I used my personal experience for seats I was interested in. I do know how the pricing in the dome works for pretty much all levels.

His argument was that people who pay $100 for seats end up moving and sitting in seats that are 5x more expensive. I responded that they should sell the seats or get ushers to stop that behavior.

I look at tickets very similar to hotel occupancy which is probably the closest thing. There are a finite number or rooms available for a finite number of days. In sports there are a finite number of games and a finite number of seats to sell. The object for both is to make money of course but it is also to have maximum occupancy while maximizing revenue. Once a game is over you no longer have the option to sell that seat or hotel room after a day is over. It is simply lost revenue you can never get back.

In my experience in looking at those seats that required the 5k donation, I looked at seats two rows to the left away from midfield and low and behold the seats were similar in cost and didn't require a 5k donation. There should never be that large a swing to move over 1 section for a difference of literally 2 -3 seats away from mid field. Donation shouldn't be that large and should be more gradual as you move from the 50.
There is a cost for the seat as well as a donation required that can be spread out and paid over the course of 5 years. A few years ago I looked into buying better seats than what I have now and it made no sense. Not only that, I couldn't get the wife on board for the 5K donation per seat plus the seat cost itself was I think around $400. I could rationalize the $400/seat but not the donation.

What happens after the 5 years of paying it off or if I paid all at once...no idea, I never asked. Don't care because it was not a justifiable expense to me. Can I afford that, Absolutely. Will I pay that, absolutely not.

SU's administration with regards to decisions and sticking withe the Status quo is like watching a big name company like Kodak go down the tubes because the people making the decisions are too old and curmudgeony to change or listen to new ideas. Before it's to late of course.

Seats I was looking at from a viewing stand point were no better than the end zone seats IMO. I also would not be sitting with the 20 people from my tailgate crew.

EDIT: It's akin to paying a seat license like the Giants or Jets charge. If you want only the rich or corporations to buy seats, then I will gladly stay home and SU can have a quiet stadium.

For what it's worth it is a 5k donation that allows you to get up to 4 seats. Not 5k per seat. Just some info
For what it's worth it is a 5k donation that allows you to get up to 4 seats. Not 5k per seat. Just some info

It would help if the folks there explained it better when asked as I understood it was per seat and nobody said anything different. In any case it still would be impossible to get the wife to agree to that. To do the math...I need 3 seats so $5K + $400 per seat, that's only $6200 for year 1 and $4800 for years 2-5. Total over 5 years $11,ooo.

Is that 5K for up to 4 seats and I am done forever if I keep the same seats or do I have to pony up the $5K again after 5 years or is the $5K per year? If so, my math is off above and the total is way more.

Just a reference point - I have a co-worker that has had seats in Death Valley for Clemson games for 20+ years. He pays $1280 a year for 4 seats with 2 parking passes. Two seats are fantastic and 2 are so-so, even so it's $6400 for 5 years with 2 parking passes...AND it's Death Valley to watch a top 25 team.

Tells me again that our ticket pricing structure needs to be completely scrapped and flattened.

I do appreciate the clarification on the donation
It would help if the folks there explained it better when asked as I understood it was per seat and nobody said anything different. In any case it still would be impossible to get the wife to agree to that. To do the math...I need 3 seats so $5K + $400 per seat, that's only $6200 for year 1 and $4800 for years 2-5. Total over 5 years $11,ooo.

Is that 5K for up to 4 seats and I am done forever if I keep the same seats or do I have to pony up the $5K again after 5 years or is the $5K per year? If so, my math is off above and the total is way more.

Just a reference point - I have a co-worker that has had seats in Death Valley for Clemson games for 20+ years. He pays $1280 a year for 4 seats with 2 parking passes. Two seats are fantastic and 2 are so-so, even so it's $6400 for 5 years with 2 parking passes...AND it's Death Valley to watch a top 25 team.

Tells me again that our ticket pricing structure needs to be completely scrapped and flattened.

I do appreciate the clarification on the donation

part of the pricing structure is fine the 99 plan and 125 upper endzones are fine the rest could use adjustment downward slightly whether its amount per game or less donation same per seat
part of the pricing structure is fine the 99 plan and 125 upper endzones are fine the rest could use adjustment downward slightly whether its amount per game or less donation same per seat

Those weren't even close to premium seats...and we are talking about what most people in CNY can't afford to put down on a home purchase.

I know I couldn't afford to put that kind of scratch down on my first house when I bought it. Those seats were third tier 4th row and about the 25-30 yard line if I remember correctly.

SU Needs to keep in mind that GE, Chrysler, GM Fisher Guide, Lockheed Martin, Marcellus Casket, Miller and Carrier no longer exist for the most part in CNY. About 60K good paying jobs are gone for good in CNY.
Last edited:
have the express train video played on the ribbon board chugging around the dome.
It would help if the folks there explained it better when asked as I understood it was per seat and nobody said anything different. In any case it still would be impossible to get the wife to agree to that. To do the math...I need 3 seats so $5K + $400 per seat, that's only $6200 for year 1 and $4800 for years 2-5. Total over 5 years $11,ooo.

Is that 5K for up to 4 seats and I am done forever if I keep the same seats or do I have to pony up the $5K again after 5 years or is the $5K per year? If so, my math is off above and the total is way more.

Just a reference point - I have a co-worker that has had seats in Death Valley for Clemson games for 20+ years. He pays $1280 a year for 4 seats with 2 parking passes. Two seats are fantastic and 2 are so-so, even so it's $6400 for 5 years with 2 parking passes...AND it's Death Valley to watch a top 25 team.

Tells me again that our ticket pricing structure needs to be completely scrapped and flattened.

I do appreciate the clarification on the donation
The whole Clemson IPTAY concept and its integration into seating pricing, parking and other benefits needs to be looked at by SU. They push it hard, and have made the benefits of donating money to the Clemson athletic department obvious and almost a must if you want to support the football team. It is a great way to get graduating students on board and contributing, even in a modest way from day one.

This only indirectly affects attendance at football games but I think it is one of those areas that the SU athletic program could improve. Clemson gets the concept of alumni and locals supporting the program and how to provide incentives to encourage this behavior. We could learn a lot by studying how they do business.

One Link
It would help if the folks there explained it better when asked as I understood it was per seat and nobody said anything different. In any case it still would be impossible to get the wife to agree to that. To do the math...I need 3 seats so $5K + $400 per seat, that's only $6200 for year 1 and $4800 for years 2-5. Total over 5 years $11,ooo.

Is that 5K for up to 4 seats and I am done forever if I keep the same seats or do I have to pony up the $5K again after 5 years or is the $5K per year? If so, my math is off above and the total is way more.

Just a reference point - I have a co-worker that has had seats in Death Valley for Clemson games for 20+ years. He pays $1280 a year for 4 seats with 2 parking passes. Two seats are fantastic and 2 are so-so, even so it's $6400 for 5 years with 2 parking passes...AND it's Death Valley to watch a top 25 team.

Tells me again that our ticket pricing structure needs to be completely scrapped and flattened.

I do appreciate the clarification on the donation

So 5k is payable over 5 years --- 1 k a year for 5 years and as long as you renew you never have to pay that again. Also if you were INT in basketball you could get the same donation level seats for just the cost -- not an additional donation.

Also when someone has football and wants to add basketball or vise versa we give you a discount on the donation if you have both sports. All things I can explain further with a PM. If you have some scenario you'd like explained -- I can do that extensively.
So 5k is payable over 5 years --- 1 k a year for 5 years and as long as you renew you never have to pay that again. Also if you were INT in basketball you could get the same donation level seats for just the cost -- not an additional donation.

Also when someone has football and wants to add basketball or vise versa we give you a discount on the donation if you have both sports. All things I can explain further with a PM. If you have some scenario you'd like explained -- I can do that extensively.

What is the strategy and logic behind seat pricing. If you do not have a clearly defined strategy that can be communicated to all, then I would agree with most that seat pricing need fixing.

As an example, replace all lower bowl bench seats with padded built in orange bench seats and charge a premium for them for both football & bball. Upper bowl seats replace with non-padded but orange bench seating - non premium seating (again, example only).
So 5k is payable over 5 years --- 1 k a year for 5 years and as long as you renew you never have to pay that again. Also if you were INT in basketball you could get the same donation level seats for just the cost -- not an additional donation.

Also when someone has football and wants to add basketball or vise versa we give you a discount on the donation if you have both sports. All things I can explain further with a PM. If you have some scenario you'd like explained -- I can do that extensively.

Thank you for clarifying, I really appreciate your willingness to help as I am sure most on this board do. Believe me, it goes a long way.

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